Collection Video Darklust Collection [2024-09-29] [Darklust]

4.20 star(s) 5 Votes


Jun 28, 2020
Alright, this punk has managed to annoy me. I'm probably going to get kicked off of DL's server for this, because anyone who has been there in the past 2 years will recognize this little episode, but I've stopped giving a fuck and I'm done being a people pleaser.

Rant Time

Deep Breath... Exhale...

First of all, let me put my cards on the table here. Yes I am, or was, eager to get my hands DL's work in whatever way I can. The difference with me, however, is that I have no money to spare and must settle for whatever crumbs I can find left by those who are more generous than others. On top of that I am not married to this series in the fucking least. If DL came out and announced, in the next hour, that he was quitting SFM porn forever, the most you would get from me is a shrug and an 'oh well', and then I'd move on. To be completely honest I was starting to get bored of this shit by the Evil ending anyway. We clear? Good.

Now then, there are 3 fundamental reasons NSFW 3D artists have to scrape to get by and, while piracy contributes, it is not one of those problems. First; 3D animated porn is a very niche genre in the porn industry due to the fact that 3D animation, in general, is the single newest medium of entertainment to date, being only 30 years old if that. This means that the audience for it is far smaller than most others thus there are fewer wallets willing to be emptied in support of this content. Second; most of the current 3D porn artists, big and small, started their foray into this genre as a hobby. Something to pass the time that they enjoy doing. Very few ever jump into this kind of thing with the intent of making money and those that do rarely get very far. Third and worst of all; tech companies hate porn. Sex in and of itself is viewed by cultures across the globe as a taboo subject and porn even more so. Patreon could not be a more perfect example of this fact. How many 3D porn artists have been utterly fucked over just because Patreon doesn't like the content they are making? Last I checked, DL himself got screwed over by Patreon as well. Yes, piracy contributes to these issues but guess what, the internet exists and in order to get the good stuff you have to deal with the bad stuff. That's called life.

And 'highest quality textures'? Bullshit. Everything DL makes is done in source film maker. the keyword being 'source'. Those monsters are, in order of appearance, the Titans from 'Batman: Arkham Asylum', Capra Demons from 'Dark Souls', and the Taurus Demon, again, from 'Dark Souls'. The model for Lara has been bouncing around the internet for nigh on seven years now and there have been numerous new models in the time span that are far better. Almost every single one of the items in this series was pulled from Garry's Mod and the the more NSFW objects have been available on the internet for free download long before DL showed up. Every single asset DL used in his videos was literally sourced from the works of others. The only reason any of his videos look good is because he rides on the achievements of more capable people.

Also no, the genre is not dying. Any inbred with half a brain cell can see that. And there is never going to be a situation where all 3D porn must be payed for. Why? Because the internet exists and as long as it does, there will always be ways to get things for free. This will either exist in the form of sites such as this one, or people who simply want to create smut on their computers for the fun of it. So get off your fucking high horse and stop acting like a self righteous dick.

Deep Breath... Exhale...

Okay. I'm done. Sorry if this causes any unjust discourse on this forum, everyone, I just really needed to get that heaping pile of shit off my chest.
Lol most of what u said was purely subjective and based on nothing more than speculation infact almost everything u said was speculation lol a rant indeed u say this genre is fairly new and has only been around 30 years and therefore has a small audience i say bullshit their are millions of people who enjoy 3d anime the problem id most of them suck or have shity sound effects or are just 2 min snippets thats and the good videos that are longer and that have much better quality are practically non existant infact i can only think of 3 (code nemesis nightmare valintine) breaking the quiet, and borders of the tomb. In fact u proved my point for me there is practically no money to be made by creating high quality 3d anime the only profit comes from donations and even that doesn't pay for the amount of work put in which is why most creators will just stick with leisurely creating underwhelming 3min snippets and then quite and carry on with an actual job and people like u further disincentives creatures to stick with it and keep on creating bigger and better videos and your opinion is irrelevant ur just an unappreciative cheapskate that wants to enjoy the hard work of other people for free then complain on the internet when a creator finally tries to use his talent to make a profit in order to continue bringing more viewers into the genre u say that darklust's work isn't good quality well then name me a single 3d anime video thats better and dont u dare say the corruption of the lodge cause the dicks in that video look like water balloons as i said thisplatform has become a platform for ungrateful cheapskates desperate for even a glimpse at DL's hard work only to complain that its taking to long or that the free version wont be out for a while despite u coming hear for the soul purpose of getting it for free as someone who never really cared about cartoon porn i atleast respect and am grateful to creator's like DL for making such fucked up high quality 3d porn because its creators like him that will aspire others and its creators like him that get people interested in the 3d genre and build anticipation for what might come next and it's ungrateful cyber loudmouths like u that deter creators from actually making a 3d video longer then 3 min with high quality sound effects and incredible textures


Jun 28, 2020
You forgot that most of us already paid for it.
Breaking the quiet did break even. Most of the work is done by one guy and there was only one voice. Animopron, who I do support, has always been this way. There's even a game in development now, which wouldn't be happening if there wasn't enough money coming in to finance it. If you take the number of supporters of animopron and multiply it by the lowest support tier, over the months it took to make the animation, that must've been a very expensive and renowned voice actresses. I'm saying that you're speaking bullshit. If I could get my money back from dl, I wouldn't be so sour. After all his bitching and moaning, know that his monthly payout is more than most people make in a normal job. In fact, over the life of this project, he could have paid off most of a pretty nice house. Even with his supporters leaving he's still getting decent money. There are other artists more deserving. There is alot of good work out there. A little hard to find the names of the artists and while it might be less polished, a glass half full is better than no glass at all.
Give me the name of a single artist that makes quality 3d content that is longer then 7 min and what u said shows how ignorant u are breaking even isn't making money and if they are making a game they will definitely charge for it so it wont be free tell me something have u ever made any 3d animations of any kind because i have i made a 3d model of vampirella bending over and that alone took me almost 3 weeks it is incomprehensible to me how i guys made an hour long monster gangbang with sound effects and u are absolutely wrong about breaking the quiet did u even watch the credits their was an entire team of people working on it and it still took almost a year and a half the fact is 3d anime just isn't worth the time or effort for most creators especially with how demanding some of the audience is people like will make this genre obsolete


Aug 26, 2017
Give me the name of a single artist that makes quality 3d content that is longer then 7 min and what u said shows how ignorant u are breaking even isn't making money and if they are making a game they will definitely charge for it so it wont be free tell me something have u ever made any 3d animations of any kind because i have i made a 3d model of vampirella bending over and that alone took me almost 3 weeks it is incomprehensible to me how i guys made an hour long monster gangbang with sound effects and u are absolutely wrong about breaking the quiet did u even watch the credits their was an entire team of people working on it and it still took almost a year and a half the fact is 3d anime just isn't worth the time or effort for most creators especially with how demanding some of the audience is people like will make this genre obsolete
Periods aren't just a thing women get.


Jul 2, 2020
... about breaking the quiet did u even watch the credits their was an entire team of people working on it and it still took almost a year and a half the fact is 3d anime ...
There was one guy doing the animation (animopron), one guy doing sound and one female voice actor. The credits you saw are patreon supporters...

If you are good enough, there is a tonne of money to be made in 3D - just look at animopron, Wildeer and AgentRedGirl to name just a few - all earning far more doing 3D than in an ordinary job. You are looking at $100k+ annual income in some instances...

Hell, even shitty animators are doing pretty well when they stick to it. 3D is still not mainstream (which actually works in their favor, more people will pay because there is less supply), so still a shitload of money to be made.

DarkLust took the piss, he could have done this in half the time, if not less, but fair play to him, he's a good scam artist.

Come back to this comment in six months for me to be proven right: The new Marie Rose animation won't take him that long to make for one reason - he has to be quick because TBOTTR is over and he can't scam people with it anymore.


Jun 28, 2020
There was one guy doing the animation (animopron), one guy doing sound and one female voice actor. The credits you saw are patreon supporters...

If you are good enough, there is a tonne of money to be made in 3D - just look at animopron, Wildeer and AgentRedGirl to name just a few - all earning far more doing 3D than in an ordinary job. You are looking at $100k+ annual income in some instances...

Hell, even shitty animators are doing pretty well when they stick to it. 3D is still not mainstream (which actually works in their favor, more people will pay because there is less supply), so still a shitload of money to be made.

DarkLust took the piss, he could have done this in half the time, if not less, but fair play to him, he's a good scam artist.

Come back to this comment in six months for me to be proven right: The new Marie Rose animation won't take him that long to make for one reason - he has to be quick because TBOTTR is over and he can't scam people with it anymore.
LOL as a computer technician and an aspiring animator myself dont u dare try to convince me that the world of 3D porn is a gold mine the people who put in the time and effort to make quality videos are much better off working for a company the world of 3d porn creators is so financially impaired that no one can rely on it for a full time job as which is why most creators are just one and done its just not worth the insane amount of time and effort to create even a single video especially considering their are people online that make just as much money in donations by simply playing a video game in front of a camera infact it would be easier and just as profitable if these creators just filmed themselves fucking a consenting escort u can try to convince yourself all u want that these 3d creators are making alot of money in order to justify u constantly bashing their hard work but the truth is they really aren't darklust would be better off putting the 3d porn world behind him and use his undeniable talent to work for a major company perhaps a gaming company as someone who tried making my own 3d porn i can say for an absolute fact it is not worth it at all and not even donations will change that darklust must really be passionate about 3d porn considering he is still working on a bunch of projects cause if i were in his shoes i would have dipped out after making the first borders of the tomb


Dec 13, 2018
hello sir/madame Darklust fanboy. I hope you do not take offense to that but if you are attempting to defend darklust and his means of milking supports for money delivering very little in return with just as few updates, pics, trailers of his work then my good sir or madam YOUR A FUCKING IDIOT. I do mean that in the politest sense possible but incase you missed it YOUR A FUCKING IDIOT.

I get that making 3D videos espeically porn can be a difficult task to do and complete but follow the timeline of his work, it used to be at a good pace, nice updates, screenshots, short videos/trailers. Then after the 3rd one it started to get less and less between works with longer and longer waits and delays.

Now before you start to go on a rant or tantrum about things Read carefuly of what i type. I supported DL for the longest time and i wasted alot of money on him waitng and waiting and waiting. I was a $50 support per month so when i say alot of the things that i do its cuase i been through it.

Now his work in the start was good but watch all of the videos of his TBOTTR and you will see the quality start to dip after the third one and from the 1hr beta that was posted here after it got leaked you can tell that its not good, the voice actress did her best but to be honest, it dont fit.

He should have stuck to what he had done and use the lara voice he riped from the game, now if you belive is work is created from scratch then im sorry to inform you that you have your head so far up your ass you cant tell the differnce between sourced stuff and unique then i do not know why you are even here or watching this kind of thing.

You can search up everyone of the creatures he has used in his video and find them every were and used in a hell of alot of vidoes so his stuff is not from scratch. He is one of only a few that do this kind of monster 3D porn but that is about it.

Now i also saw you mention some others 3D artists like animoprone BTQ and code valintine and compared to DL those are good works AND the artits keep there supporters up to date with pics, short teasers so they could see the work as it came along.

Now most artits that do 3D sfm like you can find on this website there videos are short between 2-10 min long and even doing videos that short can be challanging depending on what is going on.

But to defend darklust and the way he is doing things leads me to belive as i said near the begining YOUR A FUCKING IDIOT or you truly do have you head up your ass.

If you actually did reserch before going off on people for stating that they are getting frustrated with DL and the way he is doing things do us all a favor, GTFO.

One last note, if you can find it (unless he deleted it) he even stated in his own words on his own discord that he is milking this


Jul 2, 2020
LOL as a computer technician and an aspiring animator myself dont u dare try to convince me that the world of 3D porn is a gold mine...
What part of 'if you are good enough' did you miss?

1 - You clearly aren't that well informed. The 3D market (non-porn) is completely over-saturated. You can be an amazing 3D Modeller/Animator and can still struggle to get a foot in the door in any major studio.

2 - Being a computer technician doesn't bestow upon you some grand insight into the 3D industry (high-schools have computer technicians - would you go to them for their wisdom of all things 3D?)

3 - I already named a few that are making more money than they would in the industry.

4 - I am bashing one persons 'hard work????' - DL - because he is scam artist.

5 - You tried already to make 3D porn and couldn't make any money? Well... and I only speculate... *whispers* perhaps... you just aren't that good at it...
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Jun 28, 2020
What part of 'if you are good enough' did you miss?

1 - You clearly aren't that well informed. The 3D market (non-porn) is completely over-saturated. You can be an amazing 3D Modeller/Animator and can still struggle to get a foot in the door in any major studio.

2 - Being a computer technician doesn't bestow upon you some grand insight into the 3D industry (high-schools have computer technicians - would you go to them for their wisdom of all things 3D?)

3 - I already named a few that are making more money than they would in the industry.

4 - I am bashing one persons 'hard work????' - DL - because he is scam artist.

5 - You tried already to make 3D porn and couldn't make any money? Well... and I only speculate... *whispers* perhaps... you just aren't that good at it...
Naturally u fail to give any examples to back up anything you said and i don't care is a computer technician is working at a school or at Henry shine a technician is a technician and if i were a novice with computers then yes i would absolutely 100% take advice from a technician working at a school lol and how could u possibly say Darklust is a scam artist lol he doesn't force people to donate to him people only donate to someone because they support what that person is doing and want that person to continue with their work not to mention most of his work is absolutely FREE and as i said before like it or not he has made some of the highest quality 3d porn out there which incidentally is FREE to watch god i can smell the sense of entitlement on u the audacity u must have to call someone who makes free shit and accepts donations a scam artist is honestly reprehensible if u dont like or appreciate his work then why are u hear oh thats right because your hoping someone who isn't cheap or selfish will have the decency to upload a link to DL upcoming project that he finally started charging for atleast for a short while before it becomes free lol god the lack of awareness and integrity with most cheapskate cyber bullies is honestly laughable if u dont like his work then leave this forum i however appreciate his hard work and would absolutely love for him to continue making videos next time u want to rant about someone whose work u are enjoying yet blatantly taking for granted because u lack the mental capacity to understand all the logistics involved when making an hour long 3D gangbang complete with high resolution textures and voice acting try to have a little more then righteous indignation lol


Jun 2, 2020
Naturally u fail to give any examples to back up anything you said and i don't care is a computer technician is working at a school or at Henry shine... god the lack of awareness and integrity ...u lack the mental capacity to understand

listen to technician :ROFLMAO: fanboy DL - you can have your opinion, you can tell nonsense, offend people, your case - but damn asshole, use spaces or paragraph - because can't read the shit you're pasting in here


Dec 13, 2018
Naturally u fail to give any examples to back up anything you said and i don't care is a computer technician is working at a school or at Henry shine a technician is a technician and if i were a novice with computers then yes i would absolutely 100% take advice from a technician working at a school lol and how could u possibly say Darklust is a scam artist lol he doesn't force people to donate to him people only donate to someone because they support what that person is doing and want that person to continue with their work not to mention most of his work is absolutely FREE and as i said before like it or not he has made some of the highest quality 3d porn out there which incidentally is FREE to watch god i can smell the sense of entitlement on u the audacity u must have to call someone who makes free shit and accepts donations a scam artist is honestly reprehensible if u dont like or appreciate his work then why are u hear oh thats right because your hoping someone who isn't cheap or selfish will have the decency to upload a link to DL upcoming project that he finally started charging for atleast for a short while before it becomes free lol god the lack of awareness and integrity with most cheapskate cyber bullies is honestly laughable if u dont like his work then leave this forum i however appreciate his hard work and would absolutely love for him to continue making videos next time u want to rant about someone whose work u are enjoying yet blatantly taking for granted because u lack the mental capacity to understand all the logistics involved when making an hour long 3D gangbang complete with high resolution textures and voice acting try to have a little more then righteous indignation lol

His stuff is free yes, he does as you say not force people into giving him money, those 2 points i will grant you BUT look at what his supporters get, very little updates, very little pics and a shit load of excuses.

His stuff is NOT top quality, its medium at best, there are better people out there, Animpron, general butch and i hate to even list him but even sumfindifernt does better fucking work.

None of us are self intilted like you think. Yes we ask for links from other to see his work, see if it is worth giving him money. And he is a scam artist and most people know it.

All you have to do is look at his buisness practice. He takes all this money, give very little back and alot of people are really pissed at him.

Taking 2 years to do all this work replacing alot of things he did good with shit he dont need and the BIGGEST thing was hireing a voice actress to do lauras voice, fucking stupid

in the past 2 years he has by most people estitamtions based on his sub prices nearly $120,000 dollars, could be more could be less cuase most people are guessing on that but even still for what he is bringing in he could have at least bought 1 more maybe 2 computers to help do more work in rendering and other things he needs, he could have even hired another person or 2 to help him but he dont.

Another could 3d porn artits that does better work them DL is Blacksheepovca, Icarus_videos, 2 more exmaples of better work

DL is like most people, he does good work at start, attracts people and the more money he makes the less he does and the worse his shit gets.

Why in the fucking hell would he go from the audio he had of lauras voice to higering a fucking voice actress, why try to fix what aint fucking broken.

Frankly weither or not he does more videos it a mute point. In the last 2 years of people waiting and getting very little in the way of updates and progress and him giving every dam exucuse in the book other artits have put more out in those 2 years then DL has AND THERE SHIT IS GOOD

So as i said at the start dear sir(or maddam) GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS.

thank you and have a wonderful day


Jun 28, 2020

His stuff is free yes, he does as you say not force people into giving him money, those 2 points i will grant you BUT look at what his supporters get, very little updates, very little pics and a shit load of excuses.

His stuff is NOT top quality, its medium at best, there are better people out there, Animpron, general butch and i hate to even list him but even sumfindifernt does better fucking work.

None of us are self intilted like you think. Yes we ask for links from other to see his work, see if it is worth giving him money. And he is a scam artist and most people know it.

All you have to do is look at his buisness practice. He takes all this money, give very little back and alot of people are really pissed at him.

Taking 2 years to do all this work replacing alot of things he did good with shit he dont need and the BIGGEST thing was hireing a voice actress to do lauras voice, fucking stupid

in the past 2 years he has by most people estitamtions based on his sub prices nearly $120,000 dollars, could be more could be less cuase most people are guessing on that but even still for what he is bringing in he could have at least bought 1 more maybe 2 computers to help do more work in rendering and other things he needs, he could have even hired another person or 2 to help him but he dont.

Another could 3d porn artits that does better work them DL is Blacksheepovca, Icarus_videos, 2 more exmaples of better work

DL is like most people, he does good work at start, attracts people and the more money he makes the less he does and the worse his shit gets.

Why in the fucking hell would he go from the audio he had of lauras voice to higering a fucking voice actress, why try to fix what aint fucking broken.

Frankly weither or not he does more videos it a mute point. In the last 2 years of people waiting and getting very little in the way of updates and progress and him giving every dam exucuse in the book other artits have put more out in those 2 years then DL has AND THERE SHIT IS GOOD

So as i said at the start dear sir(or maddam) GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS.

thank you and have a wonderful day
Lol omg i started reading your comment but couldn't finish because your very first counterargument is so unbelievably wrong lol and u tell me to get my head out of my ass lmfao u act as if donating to someone to support their work is obligatory and demands reciprocity lol its a fucking donation NOT an exchange by right he has no obligation to give anyone who donates to him anymore then a simple thank you or a shout out like people do on twitch the fact that he gives anything more is his way of expressing his gratitude and as i have said in my past 3 comments to u which u dutifully continue to avoid, name me (3) 3d animators that make 3d porn that is better to or equal to in length and quality as Darklust its a rhetorical question because obviously u cant. If darklust wants to make this into a career then more power to him in fact its creators like him that will embolden and inspire other creators to give 3d porn a shot and as a result the world of 3d porn might actually have a chance at growing into something amazing without creator like DL the 3D porn genre will have to rely on other creators that will only start a project if they can capitalize on it meaning without people like DL we would end up having to pay 30$ a month just for the same shit were getting for free today because these creators will see ungrateful people like u and think screw making this shit for free the process of making even one 10 min video is far to laborious and tantalizing and when u make it free and hope people will support u via donations they start calling u a scam artist if u fail to produce 1 video a year as if they expect this to be your full time job and because they donated to u they also expect u to devote all your time and energy to them fuck that id rather just take me time start charging people a 30$ monthly fee to view all my hard work. People like u are so selfish and entitled that u dont even bother to think about the repercussions your words will have on the rest of us who are grateful for the free stuff people like u are the reason gaming is now infested with micro transactions your lack of appreciation and understanding is what led to Bethesda creating the creation club and charging for quality mods


Jul 29, 2019
Lol omg i started reading your comment but couldn't finish because your very first counterargument is so unbelievably wrong lol and u tell me to get my head out of my ass lmfao u act as if donating to someone to support their work is obligatory and demands reciprocity lol its a fucking donation NOT an exchange by right he has no obligation to give anyone who donates to him anymore then a simple thank you or a shout out like people do on twitch the fact that he gives anything more is his way of expressing his gratitude and as i have said in my past 3 comments to u which u dutifully continue to avoid, name me (3) 3d animators that make 3d porn that is better to or equal to in length and quality as Darklust its a rhetorical question because obviously u cant. If darklust wants to make this into a career then more power to him in fact its creators like him that will embolden and inspire other creators to give 3d porn a shot and as a result the world of 3d porn might actually have a chance at growing into something amazing without creator like DL the 3D porn genre will have to rely on other creators that will only start a project if they can capitalize on it meaning without people like DL we would end up having to pay 30$ a month just for the same shit were getting for free today because these creators will see ungrateful people like u and think screw making this shit for free the process of making even one 10 min video is far to laborious and tantalizing and when u make it free and hope people will support u via donations they start calling u a scam artist if u fail to produce 1 video a year as if they expect this to be your full time job and because they donated to u they also expect u to devote all your time and energy to them fuck that id rather just take me time start charging people a 30$ monthly fee to view all my hard work. People like u are so selfish and entitled that u dont even bother to think about the repercussions your words will have on the rest of us who are grateful for the free stuff people like u are the reason gaming is now infested with micro transactions your lack of appreciation and understanding is what led to Bethesda creating the creation club and charging for quality mods
Here you are: .............. ,,,,,,,,,,,..., -


Jul 29, 2019
I don't understand your dispute. DL made a very good staff, no one denies it, but he descend and is not of interest now (for me for sure). Endless promises, bits of content that he graciously shows, transfers, reworking the beta to stretch the process longer, milking subscribers-all this does not go to his advantage. What's next - the next 2 years for 10 minuts of Mary Rose previews? No, thanks.


Dec 13, 2018
Lol omg i started reading your comment but couldn't finish because your very first counterargument is so unbelievably wrong lol and u tell me to get my head out of my ass lmfao u act as if donating to someone to support their work is obligatory and demands reciprocity lol its a fucking donation NOT an exchange by right he has no obligation to give anyone who donates to him anymore then a simple thank you or a shout out like people do on twitch the fact that he gives anything more is his way of expressing his gratitude and as i have said in my past 3 comments to u which u dutifully continue to avoid, name me (3) 3d animators that make 3d porn that is better to or equal to in length and quality as Darklust its a rhetorical question because obviously u cant. If darklust wants to make this into a career then more power to him in fact its creators like him that will embolden and inspire other creators to give 3d porn a shot and as a result the world of 3d porn might actually have a chance at growing into something amazing without creator like DL the 3D porn genre will have to rely on other creators that will only start a project if they can capitalize on it meaning without people like DL we would end up having to pay 30$ a month just for the same shit were getting for free today because these creators will see ungrateful people like u and think screw making this shit for free the process of making even one 10 min video is far to laborious and tantalizing and when u make it free and hope people will support u via donations they start calling u a scam artist if u fail to produce 1 video a year as if they expect this to be your full time job and because they donated to u they also expect u to devote all your time and energy to them fuck that id rather just take me time start charging people a 30$ monthly fee to view all my hard work. People like u are so selfish and entitled that u dont even bother to think about the repercussions your words will have on the rest of us who are grateful for the free stuff people like u are the reason gaming is now infested with micro transactions your lack of appreciation and understanding is what led to Bethesda creating the creation club and charging for quality mods
As i said Animopron, Blacksheepovca, Icarus_videos, General butch all make better quality 3d porn then darklust does, and what YOU are failing to understand is im not debating about exchanging money for his work if you actually read my comment you arrgoent self center PIECE OF SHIT.

What i am am arguing with you, or better of yet with a fucking brick wall is that the more money he gets the less and less people recive in return and as i have said plenty of times already is if you take a look at his work starting from TBOTTR 1-3 you will see after 3 there is a decline in his work.

I dont give a shit if he makes a video 4 hours long if the quality aint there then why bother.

In the first few videos the quality was excellent, good animation, voices and everything else. After three it went downhill.

My point you MORON is that his ego is inflated and he thinks he is intitled to all this money and not giving anything back

And the fact you had the fucking balls to bring bethesda into an argument about 3D SFM porn just shows how fucking stupid you are.

How in the hell are you gonna compared a gaming company to even contemplate that is a monumental task and just goes to prove how far up your ass your head is,

Arguing any furher after this with you would be 1.A Mute point, 2.A waste of time, 3.A waste of brain cells.

Do everyone here a favor and just FUCK RIGHT OFF.

thank you

liquid ashes

New Member
Apr 4, 2020
LOL as a computer technician and an aspiring animator myself dont u dare try to convince me that the world of 3D porn is a gold mine the people who put in the time and effort to make quality videos are much better off working for a company the world of 3d porn creators is so financially impaired that no one can rely on it for a full time job as which is why most creators are just one and done its just not worth the insane amount of time and effort to create even a single video especially considering their are people online that make just as much money in donations by simply playing a video game in front of a camera infact it would be easier and just as profitable if these creators just filmed themselves fucking a consenting escort u can try to convince yourself all u want that these 3d creators are making alot of money in order to justify u constantly bashing their hard work but the truth is they really aren't darklust would be better off putting the 3d porn world behind him and use his undeniable talent to work for a major company perhaps a gaming company as someone who tried making my own 3d porn i can say for an absolute fact it is not worth it at all and not even donations will change that darklust must really be passionate about 3d porn considering he is still working on a bunch of projects cause if i were in his shoes i would have dipped out after making the first borders of the tomb
Doesn't your keyboard have an Enter key? If it does, you know how to use, right? You're a computer technician after all
4.20 star(s) 5 Votes