It surprises me that with such a frequency of updates, it still has supporters.
I am myself one of those who criticised some aspects, or better, indicated why I did not become a supporter (low frequency*constant payment=lot of money over time, especially if considering quantity of subscribers), but one has also to consider the quality, which I find is very good.
And it is true that from what I know, another one very popular is Wildeer, but his speed is not forcibly faster, and that there are even games on F95 that start well and then immediately crawl to frequencies of updates very slow.
So, it is not too surprising that for some people it is OK and continue to pay, they evidently consider it a wortwhile investment and do not mind how much they are going to pay in the end (OK, alternative, they never estimated how much is going to cost them in the end, and never realised that by the end of it, they may spent many hundreds in something on which it is possible they anyway do not have real input).