The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.17 Chapter 2...
The writing in chapter 2 is on par with chapter 1 but there is a bit of a continuity shift as well as some other inconsistencies between the two chapters that I'll get into... Obviously, being that this is a continuing story from Chapter 1, it revolves primarily around the over used Family Sex stuff...
The visuals of the characters are pretty much the same as in chapter 1, and look very well done... The daughter's model is used a lot in other visual novel/games, which is either a pro or a con, depending on the player/reader... The backdrops are all unique looking... The animations, although short and a bit sterile, look fluid and are visually good...
The script is pretty spot on, as you rarely run into any spelling/grammar errors... The plot revolves primarily around the protagonist father and his daughter, with some occasional choices made for other characters here and there... It is a continuation of Chapter 1, and plays out mostly as a love/romance story between the protagonist and his daughter, as well as other optional women... There are both visible and hidden stats, mostly involving the daughter...
The save files between my prior play through of v0.15 and this version do not appear to be compatible as it throws errors until Ren'py actually shuts down... And for some reason I could not get this version to import stats from my prior Chapter 1 play through, as I did with v0.15... No matter what I tried, I ended up having to manually enter stats and info during a new play through of Chapter 2, which was a bit disappointing...
I found some issues between the two chapters, that although not completely immersion breaking, they do have me a bit concerned about continuity between the two chapters... Such as the fact that the daughter still seems extremely insecure about her sexuality and is still pretty much unsure about her ability to make her father happy... Even though they have had full sexual intercourse in chapter 1, yet never in chapter 2 so far... It's almost like chapter 2 has takes several steps backwards with regards to the protagonist and her relationship...
Plus, how many times does he need to reassure her over and over and over again about just talking to him about sex and questions related to it (it is even still occurring in chapter 2) before she just feels comfortable enough to do so? They've had sex, and he has brought her to orgasm enough times, that you'ld think that much of her sexual insecurity would be disappearing in chapter 2... But all the way to the end of chapter 2's current content, she is still completely insecure in her mind... Chapter 2 sort of seems to be playing out like they've yet to have sexual intercourse, which they already did in Chapter 1... I don't want to say the author's are milking their fan base for money, but it is slightly leaning that way...
Now, the story with his involvement with the Studio and working on finding a way to somehow get out of country gets teased a few times, and in a couple different ways in this content... Which sounds interesting, but it really hasn't gone anywhere yet... There was mention of perhaps the protagonist finding something against his ex-wife and there was a hint that perhaps something underhanded might be going on with the ex-wife and her new man, but it's been all teasing up to this point... Now, in the end of this current content for chapter 2, there was discussion that they perhaps might just be trying to leave before going down that road? Obviously there are lots of sub-plots being hinted at...
Mostly chapter 2 has been about setting up sub-plots here and there, but it's also been about more relationship building between various women characters and the protagonist... Which, depending on choices, could complicate things even more as the story progresses...
Chapter 1 was a very long and fun visual novel/game, with just a few twists and sub-plots, but it was mostly about relationship building, sexual encounters with various characters, the daughter coming to terms with her own sexuality, and so on... But chapter 2 has stepped back on the daughters sexual awakening a bit, even though she is learning new sex related things, her mental attitude and growth seems to have regressed a small bit from chapter 1, and even when it seems to be growing in this chapter, it doesn't seem to be growing as fast as it should, based on all that she's experienced so far... Guess we'll need to wait and see how it progresses...
Overall, I still find the author/s writing style and story telling fun to read... And at first, the content of this new chapter was progressing at a similar pace to chapter 1, but when you finally get to more content between the daughter and the protagonist, it feels like it's not where it should be, based on what's occurred so far... I still enjoyed my play through of the current content... In comparison to one another, thus far Chapter 1 is still better then Chapter 2...
When I reached the end of Chapter 1 last year, the cliff hanger was completely unexpected, and frankly it annoyed me, as it felt like a huge cuckold move to make... And as long as it was, now that we're on to Chapter 2, I do have some slight fears about the whole stories plans... Will we ever see a happy ending for the protagonist and his daughter, or will this story go on for years, with new chapters just continuing the story without end? Chapter 2 is pretty much progressing at the same pace as Chapter 1 did, which means it will be most likely just as lengthy... Will it be the last chapter? Or will we be led on and on with new chapters? If that is indeed the case, that we have several more years of content to look forward to, then I will most likely just stop reading it... Because I don't like my emotions being toyed with, just so someone can milk a story for money... If that is what is going on?
In any case, will I revisit this one? Based on my save file issues, I will most likely wait a very long while for this Chapter to get closer to it's finish, before I revisit it... Because I really truly hate having to start from scratch and/or have to jump through hoops to get back to where I was... I do plan to revisit it, no matter what... Mostly because I have the need to see how this whole story ends for the protagonist and his daughter... But I'm not going to keep doing it piece mail... Better just to wait...