VN - Others - Completed - Daughter for Dessert [Ch. 19] [Palmer/Love-Joint]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Each of the chapters are relatively short (1-2hrs of gameplay), therefore there's not a lot of content per a chapter.

    However, my main problem with the game is the amount of teaser.
    If you want to play chapter 5, you have to start from chapter 1 because chapter 2 need save file from chapter 1, chapter 3 need save from chapter 2, etc.
    Chapter 1: Plot setting. There's not to be excited about.
    Chapter 2: Pure teaser to chapter 3
    Chapter 3: Some character development, 1 BJ seance, and 1 masturbation seance.
    Chapter 4: Too much interaction with the side character. I wanted more character development with the two main girl, since it's the driving base of the game rather than someone you found at a bar.
    Chapter 5: Have not played

    Overall, 4 out of 5 stars. I feel like the game have potential, but the developers seems to be dragging the game out needlessly.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the characters, the daughter is pretty and the dialogue with the detective is humorous. My favorite part is in chapter 1 when you make decisions to describe your daughters upbringing. The plot is interesting but there are times where the decisions feel to make no impact and must follow a certain outcome.

    Not a fan of the voice acting.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally a game with both great story with awesome graphics.

    The story progress at the right pace; not too slow, not too fast.

    When you miss something, dialog prompts let you know that you could have taken an alternate route (without telling you how to do it or giving any spoilers).

    I started playing the standalone version, but since you can't transfer your saves I restarted playing the browser version. I can tell you that it was worth replaying.

    I can't wait to play the next chapter.

    I haven't played any Palmer games before, but now I'll be looking for more.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Chapter 2

    Might be my new gem. I love the grafics, the vn playstyle and the story so far. It's early in the production, and I guess we aren't out of the introduction. But everything so far screams for a great game (not necessarily with the only purpose to fap).

    Gimme more, I can't wait.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...

    (12/09/2017 - Original Review - Chapter 01/02)

    Although it's only 2 chapters long thus far, it's a really good visual novel so far... The story is deep and engaging, and the visuals are rock solid...

    I played chapter one a month ago, and it was really good... With chapter two out, I still think the series is going strong... The visuals are really good, both the characters and the backdrops... The user interface is good as well, even though saving a game isn't as quick as with Ren'py, it's still pretty good... I did like the fact that even though the chapters are each separate entities, the second chapter took the choices from chapter one, which made the story flow well..

    The script is excellent, barely any grammar or spelling flaws... And reading something without broken English has been a pleasant break from the VN's I've tried out lately... The story flows really well, and choices feel impactful without feeling punished by the author... The only character I've not liked thus far is the cop, as so far as he is very abrasive and gives off a corrupt cop vibe... Can't tell yet if he's evil or just a grumpy old man... The interaction with the bartender felt very romantic, even though the protagonist had underlying desires, having nothing to do with getting romantic, it still felt like a romantic bond was being formed (at least for the choices I made)... For me, treating a lady right, even when it comes to apologizing for mistakes is a corner stone of being a good guy... Thus far most of the characters the protagonist has interacted with are pretty cool... And the story plays out very nicely... Nothing too overly dramatic or over the top, just a guy trying to live his life, care for his daughter and figure out where he wants to go and who he wants to fall in love with for a happy life..

    Romance inclined stories in an erotic genre of visual novels are always my preference, with deep stories, meaningful choices, great dialogue/monologue, and so on... Not just a bunch of sex scenes thrown at you one after another... And so far this one is fitting that bill nicely... I hope to see the story continue it's current trends and can't wait to see how things go from here... Keep up the great work...

    (01/17/2018 - Review Update - Chapter 03)

    I just finished playing Chapter 3 of this visual novel/game series, and although it felt a bit shorter then the last 2 chapters, it was still done very well... And I enjoyed it...

    There is a new twist revealed in this chapter regarding the possible future of the dinner... Plus this chapter begins to delve a bit deeper into some of the protagonists relationships with various characters, depending on your choices... The only qualm I really had was how the cop begins to talk in front of the protagonists daughter and Kathy... I already had issue with the way he talks about women, but it only seems to get worse in this chapter... I really hope he does not become a major issue in the overall story...

    Overall, I still love this VN/game series and can't wait for future updates...
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I like that's it's pretty quickly paced with the non-main heroines, whilst going the nicely paced burn with the main heroine. And it's pretty witty! Small typos but nothing too off-putting. One to watch!

    Edit with Chapter 3;

    I think this has finally surpassed DMD for me. I have played a lot of VNs, however this one brings something to the table that no other has before for me.

    I love the main secondary character as much, if not more, than the main Target female.

    I mean, you choose a game like this for the Pursue Your Daughter aspect (at least for me). But Kathy. Oh my word. I love her. In the sense that if this game just so happened to become reality, I would love her. She has such depth, humour and sensuality.

    I could talk about her for quite a few more paragraphs, so to change speed:

    This game is the only VN I've not Felt the Point Counter. Where I felt I could choose the option I felt happiest with, instead of immediately looking online for a Most Points walk-through.

    I love the wit. Oh my God the wit. The warmth. The closeness. It's like a cuddle in a pre-warmed-on-the-radiator fleese made of boobies.

    So yeah, it's an OK game I s'pose.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    As someone who values good story more than anything else, I wasn't disappointed. DfD shows it's strength in that department right from the start.

    On the other hand, it's not surprising because that's what we get from Palmer in every game, along with great models and vivid scenery. You can almost feel life in characters and that's the fine line between great game and an average one.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game!
    As always with these build-up stories, especially incest-ones, there's blueballing involved. Now that's of course frustrating since there's only two chapter to play as I'm writing this, but not really the author's fault.
    There's also plenty of other distractions, meaning other women you can meet to "fulfill your urges".

    I like how genuine the characters feel:
    The dad behaves like an adult and has very adult problems which distract him. There seems to be some genuine bond between him and his daughter.
    The other characters in the diner don't just feel like "fillers", but have their own little personalities.

    Now, if you want a quick wank you shouldn't play this game right away. If you're "in the mood" though this VN can certainly fuel your thoughts (there's also a small relieve at the end of Ch.2).

    One of the strengths of this novel is certainly the choices which are plenty and not always obvious. I'll definitely give this one another go.

    The voice-acting is probably something to get used to, there's a bit of a preview at the start of Ch. 2. It just didn't sound like what I thought Amanda would sound like, but it's turned off easily.

    If you like games like "Dreaming of Dana" I bet you'll like this one, too. It's bit more fluffy and colorful, but that fits imo. I'll keep aclose eye on this one, it's on its best way to develop into a gem.
  9. 5.00 star(s)



    One of the best doughter father incest stories yet, many characters with deep story to them. Not all girls are dick hungry bitches in heat that would jump on Mc the moment they saw him.

    There are at least 5 bangable characters in this game so far, animations.. are there but not 3D but few renders one after another. Which is a damn shame becouse models of characters came out great or even better.

    Especially 3 main heroines Amanda, Kathy and Heidy.. I love them all.. especially Amanda, Kathy on second place and Heidy on third. Possibly becouse action with Heidy was one time only and I am in need of her affection in our workplace?

    Still a gem, not a game. Faster than DMD but still less content. Models are better in this game, but action is better in DMD.. or so it seems. Still these two titles stand on top of father doughter stories