VN - Others - Completed - Daughter Saga 1 [Ep. 1-5] [Sagas]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Plot (4/10) - There are no spoilers worth 'not spoiling' as this game's story is definitely not its strong suit. You investigate a satanic cult worshiping some kind of demon then, surprise surprise, yOu'Re tHe dEm0n!(-.-)
    Its one of those plot twists that you already figured out halfway through so you expect another plot twist to the plot twist cause it seemed so obvious but there aren't none.
    Dad/Daughter frustratingly indecisive on whether they should fuck or not.
    Oh and your choices have very little impact, they can't be carried over between episodes and there is only a single ending.

    Gameplay/Technical features (5/10) - So ep1-2 have no load or save feature. Ep3-5 does, but with only one slot (called checkpoint for some reason). I don't mind unique engines like this but not at the expense of losing such crucial features. There is also nothing to do in the main menu (besides starting the game). Hopefully Sagas can get around these limitations in the future.
    The intro to this game was pretty badass though. And shoutout to the really cool UI. It's really neat & organized. So now you can fuck your daughter and appreciate the fancy UI at the same time. Fuck flying cars, this is the future.

    Writing (2/10) - Sometimes you feel the creator is making this up as he goes along. Right off episode 1, you can tell the game is moving at a quick pace. Lots of crazy events are either done in background (not in the game) or summed up in one those text boxes the creator uses to transition between scenes.
    The wife has been the worst wife in the history of wives, maybe ever.
    At various stages of this game, you'll wonder "wtf is going on?" but you'll play regardlessly as you're desperate to reach the H scene where you fuck your daughter.

    Art (8/10) - The redeeming feature of this game. If there is one reason you should be playing this, it is the nicely worked renders by Sagas.
    The fap gods are pleased as this game offers a mediocre amount of sex scenes but you will be blue balled till Ep. 4-5. Episodes 1 till 3 are just the build-up baby, so hold on to your pants till the closing episodes. With that being said, the fap gods feel the dev should not hog all the nsfw shit till the end.
    Anyway I'm sure Sagas can use his awesome rendering skills to great benefit in his future projects as I rarely see a visually pleasing game as this one.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    As many people have already stated the art is very good but that's all the game has going for it. Lack of basic features is a deal breaker for me, no options menu (in episode 1 it says it will be in episode 2, in episode two it says it will be implemented in episode 3 and after that I don't know if it was implemented because I gave up) no save/load option in a game with such easy to get game overs.

    The plot.... Oh my lord the plot. I feel like the dev wanted to write a pure NTR story but knew that kinda thing doesn't have as much monetary pull as incest at this moment so he threw in a daughter who we actively watch being humilliated by a psycho bitch and we, as players, aren't even given to choice to stop all that shit from happening, we just gotta roll with the punches.

    Lastly, the stupid division of the chapters and the way your decisions mean jack shit when a new chapter is released, why give choices if they are all meaningless?

    If I had to guess the dev is first and foremost an artist, that's why the models are so beautiful and the UI so clean but has very little idea of coding or how to implement features into the game, ergo the lack of save/load and the lack of an options menu.

    Conclussion: beautiful but terrible game.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Benn Swagger

    A disappointed game.

    Why have selection-action, if in the end it doesn't matter as you have to follow the developer canon in the next episode.
    Why can't you skipped text, when the game has many trap selection, lead to game over.
    Why trouble making a lot of characters, when they aren't significant to the story.
    Why having statistic, if in the end, it don't matter to the story pathway.
    Why having so complicated story if you make it as a short game.

    The good is, I love the MC interaction with female characters. I love the model, they indeed super hot. I don't like BSDM & Mind Control, but I can compromise in this game, because they delivered it good.

    It's not a bad game, but can't give more than 2 stars. From personal view, I think the dev don't have strong foundation. He just make it as possible to reach the deadline. I think the development have dual(or more) leadership making it unsteady between episodes.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Start with the pros first. The CGs are excellent and the dev has obviously some talent as regards these. The females look sweet and pretty and body shapes, positions and lingerie renders are exciting enough.
    The cons: the story is as convoluted as can get. Your whole family in one way or another is hostage to a cult where the women are trained to be auctioned off to.......satanists(?). And all you can do in the game is watch it unfold or take advantage of your daughter and eventually your niece and younger daughter as well. Even though I started with Episode 1 I find it hard to follow. For a story to be good it has to be set in some form of reality which helps you set the scene in your head and immerse yourself in that world. It is impossible to do this in this VN as all reactions tend to be contrary to what is on offer. AND 3 episodes down MC is still peeking, groping, rubbing and not much else. Dev has said another 4 episodes, I hope the story moves forward because it's been stagnating for the past 1.5 episodes.
  5. N
    3.00 star(s)


    What can I say the game is so flawed on so many basic mechanics.
    CGI is probably the best thing that is in the game probably the only reason one should/would give this a go.
    Coming to the bad things
    Story seems having no direction there is no linear flow in this no continuity.
    You would not understand what's happening. It seemed to me the choices you make make no difference as game assumes a fixed plot don't know if only happened with me or what. There is no save/load function here. If you fail start over this can be considered maybe because of lack of knowledge how to implement that(Don't know)
    The Achilles heel is the plot that game has due to non linear story I was not even able to understand and put the pieces together so I asked in forum if somebody understood what plot is and this what I got and I will quote him


    "Is this one of those cuckoldry/ntr type things? Cause it sure as hell feels that way. Whats worse is it looks like one of those games where you see yourself getting ntr'ed and can't do anything about it. So they throw you some incest boners AFTER * SPOILERS here ... your whole fucking family gets corrupted by a fucking cult. Your daughter gets trained and auctions herself off to strangers (both daughters at some point in the near future i`m guessing), then becomes the bride of satan, your niece as well, your wife, i suspect, has been under their control since ep 1, so has your brother...Alice is probably a cult member herself, so are the guys you hire out of the blue... And your only choices as an MC are to either let it go on because you`re an "understanding parent" OR turn a blind eye to everything. Parenthood aside, would you or ...any man really, allow Alexa to come and go as she pleases without at least turning her over to the cops at least once. You could start growing roses in your backyard, one cult member at a time...Jesus, now i don`t even wanna have kids"

    I mean wtf is this plot who on earth find it amusing I don't want to offend anyone, maybe this is a major turn on for someone I guess I don;t understand this fetish

    That's was the point I lost interest in the game, Deleted files. Will waste my time somewhere else. Good god who even likes this kind of plot, what kind of audience is game Dev targeting here. Not me
    Best of Luck game Dev with what ever he is trying to achieve with this. I never give anything free less rating than 5 star as it's free and there was effort put on it by someone else, still giving it five star would mean other under rating quality free stuff so i will give it 3 star. This is just my Opinion not review as I don't consider my self as an critic.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Lena Tran

    I give this game four stars, the game is surprisingly good and the quality of this game is beautiful. but the thing that is missing is the saves button every time you mess up you have to restart the game all over again, but hopefully that function will be implemented in the game later. because from what I see right now this game has a lot of potentials for players like me to enjoy.