So Daval is from Brazil, there were rumors that he was from Argentina.View attachment 3463319
Still winning even the poll is only for $20 contributors.
I wonder how much Peter81 will pay him, he doesn't want to let the old man go, he's even thinking about making his own comic, surely SN will end hastily and start the old man's comic.View attachment 3463319
Still winning even the poll is only for $20 contributors.
Very well said. I almost like the whole thing you said here.The excuse of the comic getting boring doesn't makes sense when you have SN and ID where it's all about Liam/Amanda/Alexa and Daniel/Lana, if they wanted to make thing interestings, maybe Daval should have give Alice more development and push for some sibling scenes, yet after two/three issues with Uncle Peter, we barely got any David/Alice development, at this point even Peter/Sarah scenes could be considered borings.
Let's imagine the poll works and Peter is not anymore part of MT, then what? we will still have David/Sarah and the only sex scenes source and then... boom! another uncle or a neighbor, I said it before and I still think like that, MT is the one with most potential, but unfortunately Daval rushed Sarah/David while Alice didn't have development at all, all they had to do was:
-Issue 1 to 4 all about David/Sarah, he should have fucked her at issue 4 not 2, with David/Alice development.
-Issue 5 to 7 mostly about David/Alice with some Sarah, threesome plans? maybe a bit of Sarah/Aaron?
-Issue 7 to 10, more David/Alice/Sarah (and Aaron?) with the introduction of Grandpa and mom.
-Then all the next issues we would have more sharing, with focus on David and his mom, since the mom is the ultimate taboo in this kind of story, they can still do that but the introduction of Peter wasn't well received by many, forcing them accept that David could share with him would be problematic, things would be easier if Peter were the father of Sarah.
Or better yet black friend of nephewRemove uncle peter and add black man a friend of her husband.
or EVEN BETTER yet a black horseOr better yet black friend of nephew
Lana is the hottest of all..She is still resisting in his arms but enjoying how just a dick has possessed herGot it from X:
Teaser for the new ID7 update.
View attachment 3464223
Please support Daval3d on his Subscribestar and Boosty.
Well if already a new comic with Peter was introduced from starting using same models even..then we would have no problem..Daval actually cheated subs between that's where we lost trust..I wonder how much Peter81 will pay him, he doesn't want to let the old man go, he's even thinking about making his own comic, surely SN will end hastily and start the old man's comic.
Daval's credibility and trust were sold for a few dollars.
It would be nice if a black man fucked SarahOr better yet black friend of nephew
It would be better if it were a black dog with a huge cockor EVEN BETTER yet a black horse
Yes Yes more pepper pleaseRemove uncle peter and add black man a friend of her husband.
That guy from his Discord who commissioned this bullshit, Peter or whatever his username was, must've been caught by his wife or masturbated so hard his dick fell off, and Daval pulled this 'brilliant' idea out of his ass to try making it up to all the subscribers he lost bcz of one desperate subscriber and is now trying to get them back, but, sadly for him, it's too late.and until now it occurs to him to do a survey when the story is already shit, sarah's personality is a joke and all of us who don't like peter are unsubscribed
Who would've thought that, right ?? Some of us here must be able to see the future or something to have predicted something this completely unbelievable ever since this whole nonsense started.As I see it, Daval lost subscribers and stopped receiving new ones and that's why he now votes, but his credibility as an author is ruined.
Y'all still remember Sharon, Daniel's cousin, and her friend, cuz I almost forgot they existed anymore lol. I love Lana's character and her body, but her still being reluctant about accepting Daniel's advances and reverting all the progress they've made back to 0 after all these chapters is simply ridiculous. Daniel needs to fuck other women too, and by playing on her jealousy, he could make Lana finally accept him as her man. But we can all agree that the only thing that's repetitive, not boring, here is the sex scenes in ID and SN.The excuse of the comic getting boring doesn't makes sense when you have SN and ID where it's all about Liam/Amanda/Alexa and Daniel/Lana, if they wanted to make thing interestings, maybe Daval should have give Alice more development and push for some sibling scenes, yet after two/three issues with Uncle Peter, we barely got any David/Alice development, at this point even Peter/Sarah scenes could be considered borings.