I hope you don't mind my asking you this, terror. Just curious: you appeared pretty adamant about voicing your discontent with Madness Together's "direction," for lack of a better term. Why have you kept up with it?If anyone wants to see how the comic is going but in low quality here it is
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why not?I hope you don't mind my asking you this, terror. Just curious: you appeared pretty adamant about voicing your discontent with Madness Together's "direction," for lack of a better term. Why have you kept up with it?
"Why not?" Is that not evident in how I prefaced the question? That is, the direction of Madness's plot, however discontent it has presumably made you, is not enough to discourage your surveillance of its updates? Honestly, I'm merely curious. I'm just surprised to see your posting updates to a series and by an artist that has, presumably, disappointed you.why not?
I doubt that will happen anytime soon. And if and when it does, would that change chapters 4-6? I was spared the heart wrenching blow of Uncle Peter's inclusion because the first chapter of Madness Together I read was the fourth one (I got into it, late.) And if I may lay my cards on the table, I'm not bothered much by her Uncle Peter. I like the uncle-niece incest sub-genre. With that said, I understand the point of view of those who despised the conception of Peter's character. As I've admitted before, I would've been upset too, if I started Madness from the very beginning.He's probably waiting for Uncle Peter to leave or die, because people usually complain about him, me too...
I'm probably among the few who doesn't want a Sarah-Aaron tryst. I wouldn't hate it, but it would be a hard idea to cosign because it would mean that he's banging a woman, albeit his mother, who has been worn-out by three other males in his home. I think that's part of the reason Immoral Desires is his most popular work--because it's mostly between Daniel and his mother. I actually would like to see Aaron take Alice as a sort of "revenge" for David's relationship with Sarah. But as I stated before, as long as the sexual interactions are exclusive to Sarah and the male members of her family, be it Luke, David, Peter, or even Aaron, I'll be on board. (Not a fan of Sylvia.)Uncle Peter addition was unnecesary when you have other males there, like Aaron, the comic could have been a "rivalry" between David and Aaron for 20 issues and people would have loved that,
I agree. I think it would've been easier to smooth over if Peter was her father rather than her uncle. But in my opinion, the "creepy uncle" angle is more believable.because they are young and it's a more "taboo" incest, this Uncle Peter guy... could have been better as her father instead.
For the same reason that I have been "disappointed" I write from time to time I don't care if Daval earns more or less money. As do many of his groupies who promote and defend him 24/7 if you care how much I get involved in this post you can see my profile for free 8 messages in this post in 2 and a half months I don't think it's much, I don't like lies and when he puts the noose around his neck telling lie after lie I just want new people to not forget the kind of person he is that simple."Why not?" Is that not evident in how I prefaced the question? That is, the direction of Madness's plot, however discontent it has presumably made you, is not enough to discourage your surveillance of its updates? Honestly, I'm merely curious. I'm just surprised to see your posting updates to a series and by an artist that has, presumably, disappointed you.
Let me illustrate the point at which I was getting: It's the year 2000, and I just finished reading A Song of Ice and Fire's, "A Storm of Swords." After George R.R. Martin promised he wouldn't kill off any main characters, the conclusion of the book would render the deaths of characters like Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, Tywin Lannister, Joffrey Baratheon, Shae, Jeor Mormont, etc. Incensed by the events of the book's conclusion, I write off George R. R. Martin as untrustworthy. I wager a personal intifada in which I warn prospective newcomers to be wary of not only Martin's writing style, but also his "promises." I don't care whether his books sell or not, I just intend on letting prospective patrons know what George is about before they get roped in. In the years I've been whistle-blowing, I decide to provide updated sample chapters of "Winds of Winter" on a public forum.For the same reason that I have been "disappointed" I write from time to time I don't care if Daval earns more or less money. As do many of his groupies who promote and defend him 24/7 if you care how much I get involved in this post you can see my profile for free 8 messages in this post in 2 and a half months I don't think it's much, I don't like lies and when he puts the noose around his neck telling lie after lie I just want new people to not forget the kind of person he is that simple.
I know where you're going with this, but I'll just tell you that it's the least I can do. People who like the direction that MT took, it's good for me that the uncle continues. If you think that I promote Daval, you have no idea, or you're the one who thinks that good or bad publicity is, in the end, publicity.Let me illustrate the point at which I was getting: It's the year 2000, and I just finished reading A Song of Ice and Fire's, "A Storm of Swords." After George R.R. Martin promised he wouldn't kill off any main characters, the conclusion of the book would render the deaths of characters like Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, Tywin Lannister, Joffrey Baratheon, Shae, Jeor Mormont, etc. Incensed by the events of the book's conclusion, I write off George R. R. Martin as untrustworthy. I wager a personal intifada in which I warn prospective newcomers to be wary of not only Martin's writing style, but also his "promises." I don't care whether his books sell or not, I just intend on letting prospective patrons know what George is about before they get roped in. In the years I've been whistle-blowing, I decide to provide updated sample chapters of "Winds of Winter" on a public forum.
The end of the scenario I just illustrated wouldn't strike you as odd? I'm only trying to understand.
True that bad publicity is still publicity. My aim, however, is to understand the mindset of one who has written off Daval, yet has kept up with his work, particularly one which upset him. For example, I'm not a particular fan of PigKing/CrazyDad3D. Fantastic 3D artist--can't take that away from him--but I'd just rather not read his stuff. I haven't read "Mom's Help" since its third or fourth chapter. I particularly despise an NTR element which undermines an incestuous relationship or incestuous relationships. I tried to give him another shot with "Lost Family" but alas, it would eventually spiral into some degenerate, and often disturbing sexual scenarios. I've written off Pigking/CrazyDad3D's works, and I wouldn't be able to tell you what happens in the most recent chapters to date. I know they exist, but I don't pay attention to them at all. It's almost the same with "Satisfying Needs" (you'll notice that I don't talk about that series much.) I read the first few pages, and decided it wasn't for me. Even when updates are posted on this thread, I just gloss over them. I know who the characters are, but I have little to no idea what's going on in the more recent chapters. And that's pretty much my point: if you've written off Daval; if you've written off Madness Together, then why have you kept up with its progress this far into the story? If you intend to warn people of Daval's tendencies and proclivities, then wouldn't highlighting the promise he made (the dereliction of which I agree was "messed up") and pointing out the events of Madness's Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Chapters--not to mention the pinups of Satisfying Needs Characters getting blowbanged and gangbanged--suffice? Why would you invest time for "anyone who wants to see" posting images of a story's progress, which you deem condemninble?I know where you're going with this, but I'll just tell you that it's the least I can do. People who like the direction that MT took, it's good for me that the uncle continues. If you think that I promote Daval, you have no idea, or you're the one who thinks that good or bad publicity is, in the end, publicity.
I'm surprised that you use GOT as an example, if here most people don't know how to differentiate David, Liam and Daniel, you ask them too much, Daval doesn't have a good narrative or story, something that I've already said (and he shouldn't have one since his job is junk food) and Daval is too narrow-minded in that, his thing is rendering.
I have a question. Who looks after the cash register. Since the staff is busy with their extra services.