4.80 star(s) 5 Votes

Donnie Brasco

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2018
It's not about who is the best in art and text..it's about who makes users so exciting and involving in their works ..do you know anyone better than daval to do this?i mean the amount of users that involved in someone work?i don't know anyone
It's not what you say. You say he is best 3D artist. When you say that someone is the best in a profession, it means that there is no better one. For example, you could write that his porn comics are the best or the most popular or similar. However, 3D artist is a profession and many 3D artists would not agree that he is the best, except on this thread. After all, there are prizes for that, at least for VNs. I guess those who make VNs are 3D artist too.
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Dec 24, 2023
3D artist is not only about porn comics. There are a lot of 3D artists whose works are amazing. For example, miro. Daval's artwork is simply not at that level,
I wouldn't quite say that. Daval's character designs are definitely on par with Miro's. Where Miro edges Daval out, in my opinion, is in detail and depth. This is only my impression, but Miro appears to put a lot more work into their renders than Daval does (especially the background images.) And I agree with you that Daval isn't the best 3D artist I've seen. But I think he could be one of them if he lightens up the workload and focuses on making the best renders.

and as for Daval's plot itself, it is nothing special. Quite simple, one-way and predictable.
That's to be expected, isn't it? Given the genre? Especially for those of us who are seasoned, and likely have seen every combination and permutation of themes, motifs, and plot points.

The narrative is repeated in the same or similar way.
Oh, definitely. There's a lot of "overlap" between his three most popular comics.

The text itself without an image is simple and not too exciting.
I 100% agree that this may be apparent in some, if not most of the cases, in his work. I think some of it can be good, but if I've had one gripe about Daval3D's works as a whole, it's the dialogue. For example, Lana is supposed to be a modest housewife and mother, yet her diction most of the time is that of an 18 year-old avid connoisseur of pornography pretending to be an older woman. It's one thing if Daniel's dialogue remains as it is because he's supposed to be a teenager between the ages of 18 and 19, but Lana's? It's hard to forget Lana stating on page 111 of Immoral Desires, Chapter Three, that Daniel is a "MOTHERFUCKING MOTHER FUCKING MACHINE." Wow, was that bad, corny, and dare I say, "tacky." I know women Lana's presumed age; I'm directly related to women Lana's presumed age; I've had relations with women Lana's presumed age; THEY DON'T TALK LIKE THAT. It does, in my opinion, a disservice to the illusion of her being this "moral mother" when most of her dialogue comes out of a pornographic transcript. And because the dialogue lacks nuance, every character appears to react to the same thing in the same way, as opposed to giving them each their own "voice." As you may have guess, I'm not particularly fond of these recent exchanges between Daniel and Lana, even though Lana is "letting loose."

Don't get me wrong. I'm totally absorbed in Lana and Daniel's dynamic; I just wish that more effort was put in to their dialogue.

And it often describes what we see, especially when it comes to sex.
Agreed. There are lot of exposition dumps and "over-explaining.

In the past, comics were drawn by hand, including porn comics. There are probably still some today. For many years, there have been 3D softwares in which many have improved over time, so we got 3D art.
I remember when 3D characters in sexually explicit material looked like the first release of "SIMS." It has dramatically increased in the last two decades, making it much more difficult to not immerse when reading.

I can accept that he is quite good in DAZ Studio. And in that he is much better than me and many users of this forum,
You're quite good, though. The brunette I last saw had realistic proportions and fair characteristics. I'm fairly confident that your works could be just as popular if you are able to compile enough of them to make a comic.

Ultimately, all the assets he uses in his comics are most likely not his creation. Someone not as good a 3D artist as Daval had to create that first. Starting with those fake adidas sneakers that Lana likes to wear.
Agreed. And funny enough, those fake Adidas sneakers are probably one of my favorite "accessories" for Lana.


Jun 28, 2024
It's not what you say. You say he is best 3D artist. When you say that someone is the best in a profession, it means that there is no better one. For example, you could write that his porn comics are the best or the most popular or similar. However, 3D artist is a profession and many 3D artists would not agree that he is the best, except on this thread. After all, there are prizes for that, at least for VNs. I guess those who make VNs are 3D artist too.
I don't talk about non porn 3d..this thread is about porn 3d right? and for me daval3d is best porn 3d Creator in business . period
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Sep 13, 2022
1. Of this I'm not sure. His dragging out whether or not Lana enjoys having sex with Daniel could easily be replaced with his dragging out whether or not Lana is "in love" with Daniel. Whether or not it actually gets to that point depends on the intentions of Daval3D. It's difficult to be sure because as Donnie Brasco pointed out, unless Daval3D has a clear vision of how this story is going to end, he's pretty much just "inventing" plots along the way. While I would like to see the narrative remain between Daniel and Lana, it's very possible he could take the CrazyDad route eventually and just have the main female character, Lana, have sex with a bunch of differen
Do you know the works of kuroneko smith?
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Dec 24, 2023
Do you know the works of kuroneko smith?
Of course, I translated and edited all of the Oba-san no Karada ga Kimochiyo Sugiru Kara installments, and have put an indefinite pause on editing the comic release. If you bring it up to highlight the similarity between the aforementioned series, and Immoral Desires, then I definitely agree with you. It's one of the reasons I took so quickly to Immoral Desires.
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Sep 13, 2022
Well, I'm asking if you know the work of kuroneko smith cause based on his work, 8TB is the translator. I want to know what happen to him cause his work is not finish.
Anyway if you are not related to him, please disregard this message about him.

About Daval comics, I agree to you that dialogues are sometimes not on point. But I think it is forgivable given the fact that Daval is not American. Maybe he also not putting more effort at times on it because of the deadline on posting. Regardless of all the minor short comings, I say that Daval is one of the great 3D artist to this time. He and MandoLogica are very good. Their works is worth reading and following.
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Donnie Brasco

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2018
FI don't talk about non porn 3d..this thread is about porn 3d right? and for me daval3d is best porn 3d Creator in business . period
Well, I didn't talk about non porn 3D either. But it doesn't matter, you're not going to change your mind anyway, and I don't want you to. I see it differently and all five.
I wouldn't quite say that. Daval's character designs are definitely on par with Miro's. Where Miro edges Daval out, in my opinion, is in detail and depth. This is only my impression, but Miro appears to put a lot more work into their renders than Daval does (especially the background images.) And I agree with you that Daval isn't the best 3D artist I've seen. But I think he could be one of them if he lightens up the workload and focuses on making the best renders.
Character design maybe. But honestly, you can see as many characters as you want on the Daz3d Art - Show Us Your DazSkill thread. Of course, both better and worse than his. About rest you mentioned that definitively need some extra skills and time. And time is money. And he likes money. He share on X once several seconds long Amanda's dance, of course someone's pre-made animation. And then I remember Girlfriend4ever. Almost ten years old miro's work. Ten years may not seem like a long time, but in the computer world it's huge.
I'm fairly confident that your works could be just as popular if you are able to compile enough of them to make a comic
It's nice from you, but you know I do that just for fun.
Last edited:
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Dec 24, 2023
Well, I'm asking if you know the work of kuroneko smith cause based on his work, 8TB is the translator. I want to know what happen to him cause his work is not finish.
Anyway if you are not related to him, please disregard this message about him.
While I am that 8TB, I am not related to him, so your guess would be as good as mine would be.

About Daval comics, I agree to you that dialogues are sometimes not on point. But I think it is forgivable given the fact that Daval is not American. Maybe he also not putting more effort at times on it because of the deadline on posting. Regardless of all the minor short comings, I say that Daval is one of the great 3D artist to this time. He and MandoLogica are very good. Their works is worth reading and following.
Part of the reason I like Immoral Desires is because of my intimate relationship, for lack of better terms, with Kuroneko's work, Oba-san no Karada ga Kimochiyo Sugiru Kara. The archetypes are pretty much the same, that is, Daniel and Kousuke (Ko-chan) are two peas in a pod. Both series reflect an Oedipal and Male Power fantasy. Both Kyouko and Lana are the older, incredibly busty, pushover maternal objects, who are often dominated sexually by their younger male partners. The difference is that Kyouko and Kousuke are aunt and nephew; furthermore, Kousuke is blackmailing his aunt into having sex--though, the implications of this blackmail are quite soft, given that it's clear that Kousuke has no intention of actually causing any trouble for his aunt. When translating the work, I made sure to highlight the differences in their speech where Kyouko is more formal and polite, and Ko-chan is more rough and nonchalant. I think their speech lends well to their diametrically opposed attitudes and sentiments on sex. I just wished Immoral Desires reflected a bit more of this as well.

Katherine from Mandologica's Forbidden Flames curses a lot, but the difference here is that she's a character who's been established to have a bad temper. It actually lends itself well to their interactions because it provides more nuance when she "softens up" during her interactions with her son, Ben. Lana stating, "what the fuck?" and "Yes, Yes, Yes, I feel like a slut, and it feels liberating,"? I understand wanting to convey her letting loose, but why is she talking like that? Surely there are better ways to word her "liberation." But who knows? Maybe it's just I. I grew up in a time when children didn't curse in front of their parents, and parents spoke with a certain sophistication. If Lana wasn't slated as some "morally upright" character, I probably wouldn't have much problem with it, in the same way I don't have a problem with Katherine's speech. But Daval did set her up with a particular demeanor, and her dialogue has done little to nothing to service it.


Jun 28, 2024
Well, I didn't talk about non porn 3D either. But it doesn't matter, you're not going to change your mind anyway, and I don't want you to. I see it differently and all five.

Character design maybe. But honestly, you can see as many characters as you want on the Daz3d Art - Show Us Your DazSkill thread. Of course, both better and worse than his. About rest you mentioned that definitively need some extra skills and time. And time is money. And he likes money. He share on X once several seconds long Amanda's dance, of course someone's pre-made animation. And then I remember Girlfriend4ever. Almost ten years old miro's work. Ten years may not seem like a long time, but in the computer world it's huge.

It's nice from you, but you know I do that just for fun.
in 3d animation definitly your favorite artist is my favorite too.. 'Miro' and '26RegionSFM' are my tops.


Dec 24, 2023
Indefinite pause, why? I hope you resume it. I love that series. And the translation is excellent by the way.
Also, maybe you can help Daval in dialogues by giving him pointers.
Don't worry. I don't have any intention of not finishing. And the reason it's been taking me so long, is that I often go back and see where I could've done things different or better. I'm neurotic that way. So there are times, I don't work on it at all because I figure the works are already translated. The comic merely bears the luxury of less censorship. Even though it's taken a while, I still find time here and there to do some editing on the work.

And I would love to get into contact with Daval3D and give him what I feel, in my opinion, are pointers on how to improve the dialogue. I would even do it for free, at this point.
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Dec 24, 2023
Character design maybe. But honestly, you can see as many characters as you want on the Daz3d Art - Show Us Your DazSkill thread. Of course, both better and worse than his. About rest you mentioned that definitively need some extra skills and time. And time is money. And he likes money. He share on X once several seconds long Amanda's dance, of course someone's pre-made animation. And then I remember Girlfriend4ever. Almost ten years old miro's work. Ten years may not seem like a long time, but in the computer world it's huge.
I agree. I have the impression that his industriousness, has led to slight corners being cut. But I suppose that in and of itself is a benefit. And the Daz3D Art thread is a good reference. I've seen some amazing art there.

It's nice from you, but you know I do that just for fun.
I understand. Sometimes when something becomes "work" it loses its charm. *cough* my taking a break from translating and editing manga *cough* But should the day ever come when you decide to make a comic or a short, I would definitely like to see it.
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Donnie Brasco

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2018
I agree. I have the impression that his industriousness, has led to slight corners being cut. But I suppose that in and of itself is a benefit. And the Daz3D Art thread is a good reference. I've seen some amazing art there.

I understand. Sometimes when something becomes "work" it loses its charm. *cough* my taking a break from translating and editing manga *cough* But should the day ever come when you decide to make a comic or a short, I would definitely like to see it.
You know recently I start again to play one NTL game (the latest one). That and bit of DAZ and so less time. Once I was, but for some time now I don't eagerly wait for anything (well except new TR game). So much content that you can't follow it all. Same with Daval. When something leak I check. If he stop to publish it's OK too. Nor that I want to, but let's say that I'm bit indifferent not just for his work, more like in general. BTW... translating manga. Do you mean something from Japanese to English or something like that.
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Dec 24, 2023
You know recently I start again to play one NTL game (the latest one). That and bit of DAZ and so less time. Once I was, but for some time now I don't eagerly wait for anything (well except new TR game). So much content that you can't follow it all. Same with Daval. When something leak I check. If he stop to publish it's OK too. Nor that I want to, but let's say that I'm bit indifferent not just for his work, more like in general.
Yeah, I understand. I feel that way sometimes, too. That is, just go with the flow. If it releases, great. If not, I'll wait or move on to something else.

BTW... translating manga. Do you mean something from Japanese to English or something like that.
Yeah. I speak English, French, Spanish and Japanese (though my Japanese could still use some work.) I've only ever translated Japanese manga to English. Sometimes when I see the intention to translate to French, I may give some translators some help.
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Donnie Brasco

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2018
Yeah. I speak English, French, Spanish and Japanese (though my Japanese could still use some work.) I've only ever translated Japanese manga to English. Sometimes when I see the intention to translate to French, I may give some translators some help.
Well, only one I remembered is Takasugi Kou. But it was quite some time ago.
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Dec 24, 2023
Well, only one I remembered is Takasugi Kou. But it was quite some time ago.
He's still going strong. Black and Whites are getting harder to immerse especially in the advent of such life-like 3D art, but there are still artists whom I consider incredibly proficient (e.g. Oda Non, Oltlo, Bifidus, Special G, Kishizuka Kenji, Enma, HGTLab etc.) At the very least, they're good reads in the interim of the postponed and delayed releases.


Sep 13, 2022
While I am that 8TB, I am not related to him, so your guess would be as good as mine would be.

Part of the reason I like Immoral Desires is because of my intimate relationship, for lack of better terms, with Kuroneko's work, Oba-san no Karada ga Kimochiyo Sugiru Kara. The archetypes are pretty much the same, that is, Daniel and Kousuke (Ko-chan) are two peas in a pod. Both series reflect an Oedipal and Male Power fantasy. Both Kyouko and Lana are the older, incredibly busty, pushover maternal objects, who are often dominated sexually by their younger male partners. The difference is that Kyouko and Kousuke are aunt and nephew; furthermore, Kousuke is blackmailing his aunt into having sex--though, the implications of this blackmail are quite soft, given that it's clear that Kousuke has no intention of actually causing any trouble for his aunt. When translating the work, I made sure to highlight the differences in their speech where Kyouko is more formal and polite, and Ko-chan is more rough and nonchalant. I think their speech lends well to their diametrically opposed attitudes and sentiments on sex. I just wished Immoral Desires reflected a bit more of this as well.

Katherine from Mandologica's Forbidden Flames curses a lot, but the difference here is that she's a character who's been established to have a bad temper. It actually lends itself well to their interactions because it provides more nuance when she "softens up" during her interactions with her son, Ben. Lana stating, "what the fuck?" and "Yes, Yes, Yes, I feel like a slut, and it feels liberating,"? I understand wanting to convey her letting loose, but why is she talking like that? Surely there are better ways to word her "liberation." But who knows? Maybe it's just I. I grew up in a time when children didn't curse in front of their parents, and parents spoke with a certain sophistication. If Lana wasn't slated as some "morally upright" character, I probably wouldn't have much problem with it, in the same way I don't have a problem with Katherine's speech. But Daval did set her up with a particular demeanor, and her dialogue has done little to nothing to service it.
Thanks for the reply. I appreciated it.
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Sep 13, 2022
Don't worry. I don't have any intention of not finishing. And the reason it's been taking me so long, is that I often go back and see where I could've done things different or better. I'm neurotic that way. So there are times, I don't work on it at all because I figure the works are already translated. The comic merely bears the luxury of less censorship. Even though it's taken a while, I still find time here and there to do some editing on the work.

And I would love to get into contact with Daval3D and give him what I feel, in my opinion, are pointers on how to improve the dialogue. I would even do it for free, at this point.
Do you have a Discord account. I'm one of his friend. I maybe able to persuade him to contact you for improving his comic dialogues. Are you ok with it, just in case?
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Dec 24, 2023
Do you have a Discord account. I'm one of his friend. I maybe able to persuade him to contact you for improving his comic dialogues. Are you ok with it, just in case?
I haven't logged into discord in a while, but I go by the name 22TB on discord. I'll have to see if I remember my login.
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4.80 star(s) 5 Votes