It's not because of laziness, per se, though that can't be ruled out. It's a means of integrating the descriptions. The notion of "blood relation" naturally comes up in subjects of incest, but not generally. In other words, it may be important to those of us who read incest comics where pleasure is derived from consanguinity, but as far as the subject of family, blood relationships as well as legal relationships are streamlined with single terms.
No, your point doesn't stand. His uncle's wife is, by definition,
his aunt. Just like how Alice and David refer to Luke, Sarah's husband, as "uncle Luke" and not "uncle-in-law Luke."
It "can" be, but generally is not the case.
Because "nephew" doesn't necessarily signify blood relation.
This is categorically false. If Martha divorces her husband, she would still be the mother of John's cousin, which by definition, would make her John's
Yes, she specified which side of the family the term nephew was being applied, she did not however
negate the fact that he was her nephew.
Again, what's the argument, here? I stated that Martha gave her nephew a blowjob, and you sought to clarify an unnecessary qualification. You know they're not blood related; I know they're not blood related. The term I applied can be employed in circumstances where John is her sibling's son
OR John is her spouse's sibling's son, which in this case is true through her husband Steve. So what are you trying to correct?
I must admit that this is perhaps one of the the most fascinating, yet pointless exchanges I've ever had. I suppose that's inevitable in discussions over lexicon and semantics.
I would agree with that.
Rosa mentions having a son in chapter five of Immoral Desires, when Daniel surprises Lana at the supermarket. As far as Martha's son, I personally hope he stays out of the picture. It would be difficult to glean any meaning in a tryst between he and his mother since it would appear her intent is solely to get-off, whether it's with her nephew, his friend, or Daniel. It would just be sex with her son, just to show her having sex with her son. Then again, I'm not at all invested in Martha even as a character, so that may be coming into play here.
Jealousy also stems from a sense of propriety; Jealousy also stems from proprietary notions; it's not just that Daniel is jealous because he loves his mom. He's jealous because he want her to be his. He's already jealous of his father (Oedipus Complex); giving Lana multiple lovers would make Daniel what? Jealous squared? It makes no sense.
Then why would Daniel prioritize Sofia over his mother, driving Lana into the arms of a neighbor's son, as you suggested before? And though I can't be sure of the contact Sofia and Daniel will have after Sofia discovers his sexual relationship with his mother, Daval's message appeared to be an attempt to put out the fire ignited by the ire of the majority of the fan base, who's against the idea of Sofia being involved with Daniel sexually.
Of course it matters. If Sofia didn't care about her friendship with Lana, she would have fucked Daniel then and there at the pool when he was massaging her. Why is Sofia sneaking around behind Lana's back trying to have sex with Daniel? Daniel is presumably an adult; Sofia is presumably an adult. Sofia's sneaking around as a reconciliation between her sexual frustration and her friendship with Lana. She doesn't want to offend Lana by having sex with her son, so she decided to conspire with Martha to have sex with Daniel while keeping Lana in the dark. One can't just make up rules and not be observant because "it's a porn comic."
No, it's just a change, or as Jack_Zy would put it, "cutting out the thread, and replacing it with a new one."
I'm into what it purports to be, and that's a mother-son incest comic. I never said that there's a lot he can do. Just like there isn't much a pizzeria can do outside of pizza. I'm not going in there and asking for burgers. Those who enjoy the mother-son incest theme seldom care about how long it drags out, because they're engaged for the mother-son theme itself, not just the sex, which in itself isn't enhanced when the scope of sexual partners is expanded.
You may think this makes sense considering everything that has happened up to this point, but it really doesn't. It just seems to be a contrived way to have Lana and Daniel have different sexual partners temporarily for reasons (?) while attempting to placate Lana and Daniel fans by the end of it. You're trying to have your cake and eat it, too. This is almost similar to what Daval did with uncle Peter in Madness Together. That is, have Sarah have a temporary tryst with her uncle only to then drive her back into David's arms. But here's the thing, Madness Together's story is a mess, and the fans are still pissed at Daval to this day for Uncle Peter's inclusion. Why would Daval risk doing something similar in Immoral Desires?
I ask once again, why attempt to shoehorn nonsensical plots? Why not just come out and state, "I don't want Immoral Desires to be just about Daniel and Lana having sex"?
I made it no secret that, at least as far as Immoral Desires is concerned, that I'd like for the sex to remain between Daniel and Lana. But that's not the reason I state that your scenario doesn't make sense. Your scenario completely disregards everything that has happened up unto this point; it disregards Daniel's obvious sentiments toward Lana in comparison to other women with whom he has had contact; it disregards Lana's sense of propriety; it disregards Sofia's friendship with Lana. It appears just to be a means to an end; that is, in order to see Lana and Daniel have sex with other people, let's have Sofia blackmail her, even though Sofia is supposed to be her friend; let's have Daniel be obsessed with Sofia, even though she's not as attractive as Lana; let's have Lana have sex with a neighbor's kid just to occupy her time while Daniel is obsessing over Sofia; and then let's bring Daniel and Lana back together by the end of it, and not question the reason they had to have sex with other people during their temporary separation which happened because of "reasons," and claim that it's a path to love through jealousy even though the jealous angle has already been explored in Chapter 8.
On this, we agree. I don't think Rosa has appeared naked in any of Daval's content. We haven't even seen her in a swimsuit. The closest we've come in seeing Rosa's body was in chapter three, I believe, when she sported nightwear when spending the night at Lana's:
And note that Daniel didn't give Rosa a second thought despite her appearance, other than the fact that her presence was inconvenient in his advances toward his mother.