4.80 star(s) 5 Votes


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
Now that Immoral Desires has no stakes at all, what do you think will be the development for Sofia, Martha, Sharon, Rosa and Alex?

-Sofia: Doomed at this point, destined to be a voyeur and a "cuck queen", just because she's dumb enough to believe Daniel have proof of her cheating, if she were a bit smart she would have recorded them but well... dumb dumb and just dumb, Daval may turn her into Lana's confident tho!

-Martha: I still feel she may find the missing bra in her car, that may led her to find out about the affair too, since she already fucked a non-blood related nephew but her husband knows about that I think blackmail will not work against her... but she also seems to be the most open minded of all, she will notice that Lana is happy.

-Sharon: This one is weird, because she heard them fuck a few issues ago, but she clearly doesn't care about that, she only cares about her bunny costume, they hinted that she will go to their house to retrieve it, with or without help of her friend, she also seems to have a secret (onlyfans?) so she will be easy to blackmail, her friend may try something with Daniel and that's a good thing because I love jealous Lana, I feel Sharon may still have a chance for being a like a mini-Lana, but that may open another interesting mini-plot that I will expand later...

-Rosa: Who? lmao! Daval doesn't care about her at all, she wasn't even invited to the pool party.

-Alex: Usually, in mom/son porn comics and games, the father is dead, MIA or is an asshole, but not Alex, he isn't a bad person, he actually think Lana is sexy and want to have sex with her, sometimes Daniel sabotage him, sometimes he just get wasted, sometimes he fucks her but he's lame compared to Daniel, this is a problem because Lana may feel bad about him, even if she embraced it at this point, she may reconsider it again later, so if Daniel want Lana all for himself, he has to take his dad out of the picture, how? with a plan to make him fuck Sharon, think about it... if Daniel find out Sharon's secret, he can use her for this plan, she looks a lot like Lana and Alex have a drink problem, would be too easy! also not the first time Daniel does something against his dad.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2021
Now that Immoral Desires has no stakes at all, what do you think will be the development for Sofia, Martha, Sharon, Rosa and Alex?

-Sofia: Doomed at this point, destined to be a voyeur and a "cuck queen", just because she's dumb enough to believe Daniel have proof of her cheating, if she were a bit smart she would have recorded them but well... dumb dumb and just dumb, Daval may turn her into Lana's confident tho!

-Martha: I still feel she may find the missing bra in her car, that may led her to find out about the affair too, since she already fucked a non-blood related nephew but her husband knows about that I think blackmail will not work against her... but she also seems to be the most open minded of all, she will notice that Lana is happy.

-Sharon: This one is weird, because she heard them fuck a few issues ago, but she clearly doesn't care about that, she only cares about her bunny costume, they hinted that she will go to their house to retrieve it, with or without help of her friend, she also seems to have a secret (onlyfans?) so she will be easy to blackmail, her friend may try something with Daniel and that's a good thing because I love jealous Lana, I feel Sharon may still have a chance for being a like a mini-Lana, but that may open another interesting mini-plot that I will expand later...

-Rosa: Who? lmao! Daval doesn't care about her at all, she wasn't even invited to the pool party.

-Alex: Usually, in mom/son porn comics and games, the father is dead, MIA or is an asshole, but not Alex, he isn't a bad person, he actually think Lana is sexy and want to have sex with her, sometimes Daniel sabotage him, sometimes he just get wasted, sometimes he fucks her but he's lame compared to Daniel, this is a problem because Lana may feel bad about him, even if she embraced it at this point, she may reconsider it again later, so if Daniel want Lana all for himself, he has to take his dad out of the picture, how? with a plan to make him fuck Sharon, think about it... if Daniel find out Sharon's secret, he can use her for this plan, she looks a lot like Lana and Alex have a drink problem, would be too easy! also not the first time Daniel does something against his dad.
So many girls wasted, Daval can easily create scenarios with all of them and give Daniel and Lana a rest but yeah this comic is such a downgrade...

No wonder why Together is the most intriguing and interesting of the 3.
Last edited:
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Dec 24, 2023
I was not going to comment at all. Even though I took a mini-break, I've been lurking these past few days.

Now that Immoral Desires has no stakes at all, what do you think will be the development for Sofia, Martha, Sharon, Rosa and Alex?
What makes you say this? The biggest stake is Lana's husband finding out, so it can't be said that there are no stakes at all. We also may have Sharon replacing Sofia as ID's undercover sleuth.

Sofia: Doomed at this point, destined to be a voyeur and a "cuck queen",
But we knew this for some time, right? Daval did state that Sofia's role is to just "find out," because he wanted one of the characters to find out. He also stated that her role would be diminished from here onward.

just because she's dumb enough to believe Daniel have proof of her cheating, if she were a bit smart she would have recorded them but well... dumb dumb and just dumb, Daval may turn her into Lana's confident tho!
Why would she record them? Why are we forgetting that Sofia and Lana are friends? If you caught your friend doing something he/she shouldn't be doing, would your first instinct be, "record them"? As far as her being Lana's confidant, I think this will likely be Sofia's role moving forward. And as I proposed when comparing this series to the manga, Anekata, I think she may even cover for Lana and Daniel when they indulge their lust in risky areas.

Martha: I still feel she may find the missing bra in her car, that may led her to find out about the affair too,
I doubt it. I think the bra is a throwaway detail, and even if Martha does find it, there are viable excuses as to the reason Lana would take it off. Unless she had a camera in her car, or Sofia outright tells her, I don't think Martha will find out anytime soon.

-Sharon: This one is weird, because she heard them fuck a few issues ago, but she clearly doesn't care about that, she only cares about her bunny costume, they hinted that she will go to their house to retrieve it, with or without help of her friend, she also seems to have a secret (onlyfans?) so she will be easy to blackmail, her friend may try something with Daniel and that's a good thing because I love jealous Lana, I feel Sharon may still have a chance for being a like a mini-Lana, but that may open another interesting mini-plot that I will expand later...
I agree that this one is a bit weird, but it wouldn't be impossible to have a Daniel-Sharon scene, if it's made all about Lana. What about the ID's audience, you say? I think the audience has conveyed a tolerance for close incestuous relationships. I mean the fan base should be in an uproar since it looks like Aaron is about to have his turn with Sarah, but they're not, why? Because he's her son. And he was neither randomly nor suddenly introduced to the story. Sharon has been said to look like Lana, and I don't believe that's for no reason. And while she's not Daniel's sister, she's still close enough of a relative especially since they're related through Lana. Sharon has had enough face time, so whatever her role is from here on out won't be as "out of nowhere" as Uncle Peter's.

-Rosa: Who? lmao! Daval doesn't care about her at all, she wasn't even invited to the pool party.

-Alex: Usually, in mom/son porn comics and games, the father is dead, MIA or is an asshole, but not Alex, he isn't a bad person, he actually think Lana is sexy and want to have sex with her, sometimes Daniel sabotage him, sometimes he just get wasted, sometimes he fucks her but he's lame compared to Daniel, this is a problem because Lana may feel bad about him, even if she embraced it at this point, she may reconsider it again later, so if Daniel want Lana all for himself, he has to take his dad out of the picture, how? with a plan to make him fuck Sharon, think about it... if Daniel find out Sharon's secret, he can use her for this plan, she looks a lot like Lana and Alex have a drink problem, would be too easy! also not the first time Daniel does something against his dad.
I don't think this is a viable scenario. First, the story through 10 chapters has conveyed that Alex can't hold his liquor. That is, he always passes out. So his approaching Sharon in a drunken stupor wouldn't be consistent with what we've seen thus far. Second, the series also makes it a point to convey how sexually incompetent Alex is. It wouldn't be too difficult to get rid of Alex for extended periods of time. Just handle Alex like MT handles Luke: send him on a business trip. (The last time we saw Sarah have sex with Luke was in chapter two of MT.) I don't think there'd be a viable way to completely remove Alex from the picture. In fact, I would argue that it would be counterproductive. Not that I think this will happen, but if Daval decides to have Daniel get Lana pregnant, Alex is the perfect cover. With that said, I think the audience would much prefer to see Daniel have sex with Sharon than Alex.

And since you brought this up, I'll take the opportunity to give my thoughts on this subject in particular. Alex really isn't a bad person. And I don't believe he's lame, either. Lana's reasons for cheating on Alex is, frankly, B.S. She claimed that he doesn't pay attention to her or lusts after her, but Alex had sex with Lana that morning, and even looked to fool around with her, but she was the one who sent him away to conceal Daniel's presence behind the door (Chapter Eight.) The only thing I can attribute her faulty reasoning to is her being drunk (though she was mouthing off before she hit the bottle.) And her being drunk is important, too, which seems to be a forgotten element in these discussions. Lana is drunk. She can always recoil after this chapter and be as hesitant as she has always been. And perhaps we should think of this as a preview to her submitting to Daniel, and not her actually submitting to Daniel.

So many girls wasted, Daval can easily create scenarios with all of them and give Daniel and Lana a rest but yeah this comic is such a downgrade...
Why would he give them a rest, when they are the reason Immoral Desires is so popular? Which of the females you've seen in I.D. could attract more attention than Lana?

No wonder why Together is the most intriguing and interesting of the 3.
Is it? Then why is Immoral Desires still his most popular comic?

I'll just state this, since I've droned on long enough. If all you seek in any content you consume is novelty, then you're always going to lose interest or be bored. It's like my cousin: he can never watch the same show or episode twice, and complains constantly about the lack of new content. I think it's a Jack_Zy stated and many of us are just projecting our wishful thinking as facts. That's the reason I'm making a conscious effort to reel back my commentary, even though I've failed miserably with this post. Why are we surprised that Immoral Desires is extending the dynamic that not only invoked its popularity, but also has been a theme through its 10 chapters? It was about Lana and Daniel for virtually 10 chapters? Why should it be different now?


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2021
I was not going to comment at all. Even though I took a mini-break, I've been lurking these past few days.

What makes you say this? The biggest stake is Lana's husband finding out, so it can't be said that there are no stakes at all. We also may have Sharon replacing Sofia as ID's undercover sleuth.

But we knew this for some time, right? Daval did state that Sofia's role is to just "find out," because he wanted one of the characters to find out. He also stated that her role would be diminished from here onward.

Why would she record them? Why are we forgetting that Sofia and Lana are friends? If you caught your friend doing something he/she shouldn't be doing, would your first instinct be, "record them"? As far as her being Lana's confidant, I think this will likely be Sofia's role moving forward. And as I proposed when comparing this series to the manga, Anekata, I think she may even cover for Lana and Daniel when they indulge their lust in risky areas.

I doubt it. I think the bra is a throwaway detail, and even if Martha does find it, there are viable excuses as to the reason Lana would take it off. Unless she had a camera in her car, or Sofia outright tells her, I don't think Martha will find out anytime soon.

I agree that this one is a bit weird, but it wouldn't be impossible to have a Daniel-Sharon scene, if it's made all about Lana. What about the ID's audience, you say? I think the audience has conveyed a tolerance for close incestuous relationships. I mean the fan base should be in an uproar since it looks like Aaron is about to have his turn with Sarah, but they're not, why? Because he's her son. And he was neither randomly nor suddenly introduced to the story. Sharon has been said to look like Lana, and I don't believe that's for no reason. And while she's not Daniel's sister, she's still close enough of a relative especially since they're related through Lana. Sharon has had enough face time, so whatever her role is from here on out won't be as "out of nowhere" as Uncle Peter's.


I don't think this is a viable scenario. First, the story through 10 chapters has conveyed that Alex can't hold his liquor. That is, he always passes out. So his approaching Sharon in a drunken stupor wouldn't be consistent with what we've seen thus far. Second, the series also makes it a point to convey how sexually incompetent Alex is. It wouldn't be too difficult to get rid of Alex for extended periods of time. Just handle Alex like MT handles Luke: send him on a business trip. (The last time we saw Sarah have sex with Luke was in chapter two of MT.) I don't think there'd be a viable way to completely remove Alex from the picture. In fact, I would argue that it would be counterproductive. Not that I think this will happen, but if Daval decides to have Daniel get Lana pregnant, Alex is the perfect cover. With that said, I think the audience would much prefer to see Daniel have sex with Sharon than Alex.

And since you brought this up, I'll take the opportunity to give my thoughts on this subject in particular. Alex really isn't a bad person. And I don't believe he's lame, either. Lana's reasons for cheating on Alex is, frankly, B.S. She claimed that he doesn't pay attention to her or lusts after her, but Alex had sex with Lana that morning, and even looked to fool around with her, but she was the one who sent him away to conceal Daniel's presence behind the door (Chapter Eight.) The only thing I can attribute her faulty reasoning to is her being drunk (though she was mouthing off before she hit the bottle.) And her being drunk is important, too, which seems to be a forgotten element in these discussions. Lana is drunk. She can always recoil after this chapter and be as hesitant as she has always been. And perhaps we should think of this as a preview to her submitting to Daniel, and not her actually submitting to Daniel.

Why would he give them a rest, when they are the reason Immoral Desires is so popular? Which of the females you've seen in I.D. could attract more attention than Lana?

Is it? Then why is Immoral Desires still his most popular comic?

I'll just state this, since I've droned on long enough. If all you seek in any content you consume is novelty, then you're always going to lose interest or be bored. It's like my cousin: he can never watch the same show or episode twice, and complains constantly about the lack of new content. I think it's a Jack_Zy stated and many of us are just projecting our wishful thinking as facts. That's the reason I'm making a conscious effort to reel back my commentary, even though I've failed miserably with this post. Why are we surprised that Immoral Desires is extending the dynamic that not only invoked its popularity, but also has been a theme through its 10 chapters? It was about Lana and Daniel for virtually 10 chapters? Why should it be different now?
Why would he give them a rest, when they are the reason Immoral Desires is so popular? Which of the females you've seen in I.D. could attract more attention than Lana?

- I don't know maybe because to give the comic a fresh air and break the monotony, he's wasting the other girls big time you can't deny that, definitely a plot about the girls separately can attract the attention of people like me that is tired of seen the same shit.

Is it? Then why is Immoral Desires still his most popular comic?

-Together is the most interesting because of the different plots between the characters also the intrigue and expectation of what's coming next, ID is kinda boring tbh and I don't know if ID is the most popular one like you say
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May 8, 2024
Now that Immoral Desires has no stakes at all, what do you think will be the development for Sofia, Martha, Sharon, Rosa and Alex?

-Sofia: Doomed at this point, destined to be a voyeur and a "cuck queen", just because she's dumb enough to believe Daniel have proof of her cheating, if she were a bit smart she would have recorded them but well... dumb dumb and just dumb, Daval may turn her into Lana's confident tho!

-Martha: I still feel she may find the missing bra in her car, that may led her to find out about the affair too, since she already fucked a non-blood related nephew but her husband knows about that I think blackmail will not work against her... but she also seems to be the most open minded of all, she will notice that Lana is happy.

-Sharon: This one is weird, because she heard them fuck a few issues ago, but she clearly doesn't care about that, she only cares about her bunny costume, they hinted that she will go to their house to retrieve it, with or without help of her friend, she also seems to have a secret (onlyfans?) so she will be easy to blackmail, her friend may try something with Daniel and that's a good thing because I love jealous Lana, I feel Sharon may still have a chance for being a like a mini-Lana, but that may open another interesting mini-plot that I will expand later...

-Rosa: Who? lmao! Daval doesn't care about her at all, she wasn't even invited to the pool party.

-Alex: Usually, in mom/son porn comics and games, the father is dead, MIA or is an asshole, but not Alex, he isn't a bad person, he actually think Lana is sexy and want to have sex with her, sometimes Daniel sabotage him, sometimes he just get wasted, sometimes he fucks her but he's lame compared to Daniel, this is a problem because Lana may feel bad about him, even if she embraced it at this point, she may reconsider it again later, so if Daniel want Lana all for himself, he has to take his dad out of the picture, how? with a plan to make him fuck Sharon, think about it... if Daniel find out Sharon's secret, he can use her for this plan, she looks a lot like Lana and Alex have a drink problem, would be too easy! also not the first time Daniel does something against his dad.
I think it's simply outdated and has run its course. One or two more editions, at most, to write an ending, and I believe it's time to move on to more recent models with spicier stories or, even better, just stop and dedicate himself to ID and TO. It's that simple.


Dec 24, 2023
I don't know maybe because to give the comic a fresh air and break the monotony, he's wasting the other girls big time you can't deny that, definitely a plot about the girls separately can attract the attention of people like me that is tired of seen the same shit.
But they've been reading the same thing for 10 Chapters and it's still Daval's most popular comic. Did we really need Lana to say out loud that she likes having sex with Daniel to know that she likes having sex with Daniel? We've known that since chapter three. So, once again, I ask: what's different now?

-Together is the most interesting because of the different plots between the characters also the intrigue and expectation of what's coming next, ID is kinda boring tbh and I don't know if ID is the most popular one like you say
I.D. is the most popular. You need only look at his subscribestar page. You can even look at the response I.D. updates get here in comparison to the others. Wanting V.I.P. Madness: Together to be the most popular, or most interesting, doesn't make it the most popular or interesting. I'm not stating that the current developments aren't interesting in Madness Together, but it's clear at least in my estimation which of his comics edges out the others.

Again, if all you're seeking in the content you consume is to be "surprised" or having your expectations subverted, then you're always going to be bored. Let me ask you this: do you think the I.D. fans, the ones who are vocal about keeping Lana and Daniel exclusive, are bored with Immoral Desires? No? Then why are you saying that it's kinda boring? It's well within your right to think its boring, but lets not project that on to the content in and of itself.
May 8, 2024
But they've been reading the same thing for 10 Chapters and it's still Daval's most popular comic. Did we really need Lana to say out loud that she likes having sex with Daniel to know that she likes having sex with Daniel? We've known that since chapter three? So, once again, I ask: what's different now?

Is it? Then why is Immoral Desires still his most popular comic?

I.D. is the most popular. You need only look at his subscribestar page. You can even look at the response I.D. updates get here in comparison to the others. Wanting V.I.P. Madness: Together to be the most popular, or most interesting, doesn't make it the most popular or interesting. I'm not stating that the current developments aren't interesting in Madness Together, but it's clear at least in my estimation which of his comics edges out the others.

Again, if all you're seeking in the content you consume is to be "surprised" or having your expectations subverted, then you're always going to be bored. Let me ask you this: do you think the I.D. fans, the ones who are vocal about keeping Lana and Daniel exclusive, are bored with Immoral Desires? No? Then why are you saying that it's kinda boring? It's well within your right to think its boring, but lets not project that on to the content in and of itself.

  1. The models are "high quality," far better than those in Satisfying Needs.
  2. Lana's thick body is the most scrumptious thing on two legs. Sarah is comparable; it's almost a choice between blonde and brunette, however, there are other points to consider.
  3. The mother and son dynamic is very sought after, which trumps Madness Together's aunt and nephew fetish. Watch Madness Together spike in popularity once the spanking evolves into something more.
  4. Madness Together had a point where not everyone was on board because of Uncle Peter. A lot of people are also not enticed by the younger sister, whom they deem a waste of pages in general. The mature bodies were the original selling point. Indeed, I used "whom" correctly.
  5. The corruption ensues in a distinct but reverse manner. As Lana is corrupted by her son, it's Sarah who "corrupts" her nephew.
  6. People are invested in the characters, and it has advantages over Madness Together in points 3, 4 and possibly 5.
  7. ???
  8. Profit.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2021
But they've been reading the same thing for 10 Chapters and it's still Daval's most popular comic. Did we really need Lana to say out loud that she likes having sex with Daniel to know that she likes having sex with Daniel? We've known that since chapter three. So, once again, I ask: what's different now?

I.D. is the most popular. You need only look at his subscribestar page. You can even look at the response I.D. updates get here in comparison to the others. Wanting V.I.P. Madness: Together to be the most popular, or most interesting, doesn't make it the most popular or interesting. I'm not stating that the current developments aren't interesting in Madness Together, but it's clear at least in my estimation which of his comics edges out the others.

Again, if all you're seeking in the content you consume is to be "surprised" or having your expectations subverted, then you're always going to be bored. Let me ask you this: do you think the I.D. fans, the ones who are vocal about keeping Lana and Daniel exclusive, are bored with Immoral Desires? No? Then why are you saying that it's kinda boring? It's well within your right to think its boring, but lets not project that on to the content in and of itself.
Yeah 10 chapters of ID with the same dynamic between Daniel and Lana but I think that those fans that love to see them doing the same over and over and over while the rest is just there or not (like Rosa lol) agrees that a plot about Sofia with X member , Martha Rosa Sharon same thing would be great, they are being wasted and I just don't see the problem of doing that, it will be a moment where they are going to get tired of the same thing, I'm not projecting is boring because it is at this point and I saw comments with the same opinion

I never said I wanted Together to be the most popular or interesting Daval comic , subs likes monotony for what I seen that's the difference but not me


Dec 24, 2023
  1. The mother and son dynamic is very sought after,
Easily. It's the most popular dynamic within the incest genre. Funny enough, I've been reading content like this for decades, and I remember a time when brother-sister was easily the most popular.

Watch Madness Together spike in popularity once the spanking evolves into something more.
I'm sure it will. Even I have to admit that even though I initially didn't want to see a Sarah/Aaron pairing given that Sarah has been "passed around," I'm curious to see how it plays out. Not to mention, page 12 of Chapter Eight kind of sold me on the idea.

A lot of people are also not enticed by the younger sister, whom they deem a waste of pages in general.
Maybe it's just me, but I think Alice's design is stellar. She and Sharon are, in my opinion, hands down the most attractive young women in Daval's works.

The mature bodies were the original selling point.
I agree.

Indeed, I used "whom" correctly.
Haha! Indeed you did. The relative pronoun takes the objective case since it's the object of "they deem." Well done.

The corruption ensues in a distinct but reverse manner. As Lana is corrupted by her son, it's Sarah who "corrupts" her nephew.
That's part of Daniel's appeal. He encapsulates both the Oedipus Complex and a Male Power Fantasy. In other words, it's the most sought after incest-genre where the male is in charge.

People are invested in the characters, and it has advantages over Madness Together in points 3, 4 and possibly 5.


Without doubt.

Yeah 10 chapters of ID with the same dynamic between Daniel and Lana but I think that those fans that love to see them doing the same over and over and over while the rest is just there or not (like Rosa lol) agrees that a plot about Sofia with X member , Martha Rosa Sharon same thing would be great, they are being wasted and I just don't see the problem of doing that,
I don't see a problem with it, either. But how many people are reading Immoral Desires for Sofia, or Martha, or Rosa, or even Sharon? They're reading it for Lana and Daniel. Remember chapter seven when Silvia went after Alice? What were the complaints then? "Where's Sarah?" "Where's David?" etc. Silvia's introduction was something "new" but wasn't it a bit off since we knew she was being introduced just to be introduced? And if Immoral Desires ever reaches the point where people get tired of reading the same thing, Daval can either end the story or adjust according to what the fan base wants to see. Right now at the very least, the fan base is still on board.

I've seen works go on longer without the audience getting bored, e.g. Akiko-san to Issho, which has 30 chapters of just Aunt-Nephew incest. There's also Oba-san ni Kogarete (Yearning for my Aunt) which has 14 volumes of 150+ pages of a nephew and his aunt (uncle's wife.) Those who like that dynamic will like it.

it will be a moment where they are going to get tired of the same thing, I'm not projecting is boring because it is at this point and I saw comments with the same opinion
Whose comments?

I never said I wanted Together to be the most popular or interesting Daval comic , subs likes monotony for what I seen that's the difference but not me
And unfortunately for the both of us, even, Daval will cater to the majority. (For example, I'd like to see Uncle Peter stay but with less crude commentary) but the David fans have spoken. Those behind Immoral Desires popularity are not the ones who find Lana and Daniel's repeated trysts boring. That's essentially my point.

grk el grande

Dec 18, 2023
I was curious why, when Uncle Piter appeared, they had a small surge of comments and attention together, and now that Daval decided that the plot of Aron and Sara was next, they had an even greater surge. My curiosity is whether Aron will have Daniel's attitudes; I mean that he will want Sara exclusively for himself, generating something like the Oedipus complex, just as happened with Daniel. I mean over time, think of it this way: if Aron decides to share Sara with David voluntarily, it would mean that in the future, if his mother appears, David would have to share her with Aron. I don't think Aron would allow David to be with Sara, and David wouldn't let him be with his mother.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2021
I was curious why, when Uncle Piter appeared, they had a small surge of comments and attention together, and now that Daval decided that the plot of Aron and Sara was next, they had an even greater surge. My curiosity is whether Aron will have Daniel's attitudes; I mean that he will want Sara exclusively for himself, generating something like the Oedipus complex, just as happened with Daniel. I mean over time, think of it this way: if Aron decides to share Sara with David voluntarily, it would mean that in the future, if his mother appears, David would have to share her with Aron. I don't think Aron would allow David to be with Sara, and David wouldn't let him be with his mother.
Uncle Pete helped together notoriety that's a fact, Pete and Sarah sex scene is the best one of the comic no question.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2021
Easily. It's the most popular dynamic within the incest genre. Funny enough, I've been reading content like this for decades, and I remember a time when brother-sister was easily the most popular.

I'm sure it will. Even I have to admit that even though I initially didn't want to see a Sarah/Aaron pairing given that Sarah has been "passed around," I'm curious to see how it plays out. Not to mention, page 12 of Chapter Eight kind of sold me on the idea.

Maybe it's just me, but I think Alice's design is stellar. She and Sharon are, in my opinion, hands down the most attractive young women in Daval's works.

I agree.

Haha! Indeed you did. The relative pronoun takes the objective case since it's the object of "they deem." Well done.

That's part of Daniel's appeal. He encapsulates both the Oedipus Complex and a Male Power Fantasy. In other words, it's the most sought after incest-genre where the male is in charge.



Without doubt.

I don't see a problem with it, either. But how many people are reading Immoral Desires for Sofia, or Martha, or Rosa, or even Sharon? They're reading it for Lana and Daniel. Remember chapter seven when Silvia went after Alice? What were the complaints then? "Where's Sarah?" "Where's David?" etc. Silvia's introduction was something "new" but wasn't it a bit off since we knew she was being introduced just to be introduced? And if Immoral Desires ever reaches the point where people get tired of reading the same thing, Daval can either end the story or adjust according to what the fan base wants to see. Right now at the very least, the fan base is still on board.

I've seen works go on longer without the audience getting bored, e.g. Akiko-san to Issho, which has 30 chapters of just Aunt-Nephew incest. There's also Oba-san ni Kogarete (Yearning for my Aunt) which has 14 volumes of 150+ pages of a nephew and his aunt (uncle's wife.) Those who like that dynamic will like it.

Whose comments?

And unfortunately for the both of us, even, Daval will cater to the majority. (For example, I'd like to see Uncle Peter stay but with less crude commentary) but the David fans have spoken. Those behind Immoral Desires popularity are not the ones who find Lana and Daniel's repeated trysts boring. That's essentially my point.
Imagine all the new fans Daval will get if he does scenes with the other girls of ID with the same incest plot.

Comments in this forum agrees with that idea.


Sep 9, 2024
I was not going to comment at all. Even though I took a mini-break, I've been lurking these past few days.

What makes you say this? The biggest stake is Lana's husband finding out, so it can't be said that there are no stakes at all. We also may have Sharon replacing Sofia as ID's undercover sleuth.

But we knew this for some time, right? Daval did state that Sofia's role is to just "find out," because he wanted one of the characters to find out. He also stated that her role would be diminished from here onward.

Why would she record them? Why are we forgetting that Sofia and Lana are friends? If you caught your friend doing something he/she shouldn't be doing, would your first instinct be, "record them"? As far as her being Lana's confidant, I think this will likely be Sofia's role moving forward. And as I proposed when comparing this series to the manga, Anekata, I think she may even cover for Lana and Daniel when they indulge their lust in risky areas.

I doubt it. I think the bra is a throwaway detail, and even if Martha does find it, there are viable excuses as to the reason Lana would take it off. Unless she had a camera in her car, or Sofia outright tells her, I don't think Martha will find out anytime soon.

I agree that this one is a bit weird, but it wouldn't be impossible to have a Daniel-Sharon scene, if it's made all about Lana. What about the ID's audience, you say? I think the audience has conveyed a tolerance for close incestuous relationships. I mean the fan base should be in an uproar since it looks like Aaron is about to have his turn with Sarah, but they're not, why? Because he's her son. And he was neither randomly nor suddenly introduced to the story. Sharon has been said to look like Lana, and I don't believe that's for no reason. And while she's not Daniel's sister, she's still close enough of a relative especially since they're related through Lana. Sharon has had enough face time, so whatever her role is from here on out won't be as "out of nowhere" as Uncle Peter's.


I don't think this is a viable scenario. First, the story through 10 chapters has conveyed that Alex can't hold his liquor. That is, he always passes out. So his approaching Sharon in a drunken stupor wouldn't be consistent with what we've seen thus far. Second, the series also makes it a point to convey how sexually incompetent Alex is. It wouldn't be too difficult to get rid of Alex for extended periods of time. Just handle Alex like MT handles Luke: send him on a business trip. (The last time we saw Sarah have sex with Luke was in chapter two of MT.) I don't think there'd be a viable way to completely remove Alex from the picture. In fact, I would argue that it would be counterproductive. Not that I think this will happen, but if Daval decides to have Daniel get Lana pregnant, Alex is the perfect cover. With that said, I think the audience would much prefer to see Daniel have sex with Sharon than Alex.

And since you brought this up, I'll take the opportunity to give my thoughts on this subject in particular. Alex really isn't a bad person. And I don't believe he's lame, either. Lana's reasons for cheating on Alex is, frankly, B.S. She claimed that he doesn't pay attention to her or lusts after her, but Alex had sex with Lana that morning, and even looked to fool around with her, but she was the one who sent him away to conceal Daniel's presence behind the door (Chapter Eight.) The only thing I can attribute her faulty reasoning to is her being drunk (though she was mouthing off before she hit the bottle.) And her being drunk is important, too, which seems to be a forgotten element in these discussions. Lana is drunk. She can always recoil after this chapter and be as hesitant as she has always been. And perhaps we should think of this as a preview to her submitting to Daniel, and not her actually submitting to Daniel.

Why would he give them a rest, when they are the reason Immoral Desires is so popular? Which of the females you've seen in I.D. could attract more attention than Lana?

Is it? Then why is Immoral Desires still his most popular comic?

I'll just state this, since I've droned on long enough. If all you seek in any content you consume is novelty, then you're always going to lose interest or be bored. It's like my cousin: he can never watch the same show or episode twice, and complains constantly about the lack of new content. I think it's a Jack_Zy stated and many of us are just projecting our wishful thinking as facts. That's the reason I'm making a conscious effort to reel back my commentary, even though I've failed miserably with this post. Why are we surprised that Immoral Desires is extending the dynamic that not only invoked its popularity, but also has been a theme through its 10 chapters? It was about Lana and Daniel for virtually 10 chapters? Why should it be different now?
I mean this is an adult comic, when the characters are introduced they need to have some sexual encounter and they don't have to be with daniel but at least these model should be used to show different scenarios otherwise their designs are just wasted.
Another thing is whether or not MT is popular than ID can easily be measured from a poll.
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Sep 9, 2024
But they've been reading the same thing for 10 Chapters and it's still Daval's most popular comic. Did we really need Lana to say out loud that she likes having sex with Daniel to know that she likes having sex with Daniel? We've known that

I.D. is the most popular. You need only look at his subscribestar page. You can even look at the response I.D. updates get here in comparison to the others. Wanting V.I.P. Madness: Together to be the most popular, or most interesting, doesn't make it the most popular or interesting. I'm not stating that the current developments aren't interesting in Madness Together, but it's clear at least in my estimation which of his comics edges out the others.

Again, if all you're seeking in the content you consume is to be "surprised" or having your expectations subverted, then you're always going to be bored. Let me ask you this: do you think the I.D. fans, the ones who are vocal about keeping Lana and Daniel exclusive, are bored with Immoral Desires? No? Then why are you saying that it's kinda boring? It's well within your right to think its boring, but lets not project that on to the content in and of itself.
Not to be that one guy but by making this statement you're making your own logic redundant. If his subscribers doesn't think it's boring it's not boring, OK. But if some of us who are not his subscriber think it's boring then we are projecting? That doesn't make a lot of sense. Just cause we don't pay doesn't mean our opinions are worthless projection
And the thing you said about novelty is completely correct that seeking novelty leads to boringness of the content. But my point is shouldn't daval3d subscriber want novelty and entertainment of highest order considering they pay him more in one month than Netflix.
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