The truth is that Sarah and Silvia are the same, the difference is that Silvia can expose her dirty ways freely because she is a single woman. Unlike Sarah who keeps her dirty mind to herself.
No, they are not. Unless you mean to tell us just cuz a woman's sexually frustrated and wants to have sex with her man is the same thing with a token pixelated nympho or a slut only wanting it cuz of her 'condition' or
reasons, then no, they couldn't be more different on this front.
Sarah's a loyal housewife, mother and aunt with normal womanly needs, only falling into temptation cuz of the 'plot' and the fact that she's desperate for a man's touch, in David's case, in the mustard, butthurt dickhead's (Aron) and the old fart's cases it's cuz she's blackmailed and forced to fuck them, while Silvia'll just fuck any guy with a decently-sized dick she's attracted too, like David for example, simply cuz she's a ho, no other (valid) reason needed.
Don't remember if she's actually single or not, but yeah, biiig difference.
As for sex with Peter, I don't think she will reveal it until the old man leaves the house. It will probably be at a time when the boys find out and will come together to punish this slut.
Again, you're being too harsh on her with the criticism. She has needs, we all do, her husband's been neglecting her a lot, and when he didn't do it, David and the old fart already embarrassed him and made her forget him when it comes to the sexual aspect of their relationship. Not her fault he can't compete with them, only his. But damn, will the revelation about her getting fucked by Peter too all this time be funny asf.
Wonder how the mustard dickhead's gonna react to that kinda news and what he's gonna do about the old Peter busting his momma's cheeks wide open whenever he or Daval's supporters want to. David's probably gonna start whining about it like the lil bitch he is and get a black eye again, but Aaron's reaction is the one I'm looking forward to seeing the most.

Daval3d might be facing the writers block.
More like, he ran out of fucks to give what ppl think about his stories, since he gets paid anyway, half-assed job or not. The superior render quality is apparently enough to keep the cash coming in, so he has no other reason to put
too much effort into the stories too.