I prefer the stand in body.. A little visuals always help immersion for me.(My two cents on the render. I hope you don't mind) If you're going for complete realism with that P.O.V camera seems like it's too high for the figures body. What I've found helpful to have a consistent realistic view is to partner the cam to the actual figures head itself, hide the head,eyes,mouth, or whatever would obstruct the view. At that point just lock your cam and rotate the figures head and neck to get your shot... also if you haven't looked into ghost lighting yet I would definitely suggest giving those a look. Looks pretty good though!:extremelyhappy:
No I'm not looking for complete realism. I'm looking for artistic immersion. Which means, I follow the rules for image composition, like cropping of the main objective (or avoiding it, if possible), golden ratio etc.
But I appreciate your comment, it gives insight into peoples mind and how some would enjoy a game, the most.

And that is one reason, why I asked the question in the first place. Personally, I prefere the "invisible protagonist" but there is a reason, why such POVs are a minority in games.
And yes I know about ghost lights. I created thoses renders only as a clarification for my question.