Sooo. You may remember last time I said I wanted to get more realistic shots. Well, I looked into how skin is rendered in D3D. Did you know you can have SEVEN different layers to a skin. Seven. Yikes. Looks like I'm going to be bashing together my own skins. I played around with this one, and managed to get the skin variation, and 'some' texturing. But that relies on a bump map that this skin is lacking, or isn't as good. I tried ramping up the attributes, but alas, I beleive the deault of the base bump this comes with simple doesn't have enough contrast (bump maps are monochrome, and the heightmap is calculated by the contrast between fully black and fully white, and all the variables inbetween. The sliders then allow finer controls of the 'contrast', but the data has the be there in the first place. Your sliders will do nothing is the bump map doesn't have the contrast to give the skin the depth you're looking for. Anyway....
It's very interesting, let's see where this goes from here. But here is recent development...