A big hello to all.
So, I finally bought a pc capable of rendering and have been mucking around over the last couple of weeks trying to learn whatever I can. These are a couple of my first renders (which are still works in progress). I'd like you all to meet Terese, hopefully to be the star of my, hopefully to be, Ren'py VN, "T's for Terese". Likely to be a fare way off as I still have a LOT to learn and just starting to feel confident enough to go semi-public. Feed back of a practical nature is very welcome but please be nice, I'm a total noob at all of this. TIA, cheers.
PS, there's a few more of these in a bit of a series if anyone's interested but they all really need considerably more work.
PPS, I hope I post these right but I'm sure someone will let me know if I fuck it up.
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