Damn..... I am going to have to get a shit-load better at this you guys make me look like a first time beginner; Shit! wait I am.......
Don't worry people of all skill levels post here. Feel free to share your renders if you feel comfortable with it

You can always ask for feedback to help you improve your skills faster.
btw here is my first attempt at a trans male transitioning from female presenting to male presenting. Biggest issue are his clothes since Daz doesn't reaaaallllllyyyyyy do baggy. The reason I wanted to go with someone who is transitioning is because this is set in college and from afar (very far) it seems a lot of trans people transition during that period and because it is more interesting story wise.
His backstory for those interested:
Sam has been waiting to go to college for years. He knew from a very young age that he was not what his parents wanted him to be. He was not Samantha. He did not want to wear dresses, play with barbies or do other traditional girly stuff. His parents dismissed it as a phase he would grow out of and at times forced him into the so much hated dresses as they looked so nice on a pretty girl like him.
During his middle school years most of his friends called him by his preferred name, Sam. His parents where extremly upset at this as they had named him Samantha and he should be called by his proper name. They even threatened to ground him if he did not introduce himself with his 'proper' name though they never followed through. They tried their best but could not understand that the daughter they thought they had was in fact a son. They can´t. They come from old money a place where gay does not exsist, where one marries within their station, where everything had a way of doing it properly. A trans man was so far outside their realm of reality that it would send their heads spinning just thinking about.
He always imagined that college would be his freeing moment. hundreds of kilometers away from his parents, free from their petty squables and from trying to keep up with the Joneses. There he could call himself whatever he wanted and be whomever he wanted to be. He almost imagined it as paradise itself. He worked hard to get to his promised land. Studying hard even if it was hard for him due to dyslexia.
Now that the time is growing ever closer doubt is starting to seep in. Will people actually accept him? Will he be an outcast there as well? Will he be hated for what he is?
Sam generally was not the most active kid and disliked sports. He only got into weight lifting when he discovered on the internet it would make his body more masculine and might even shrink the breasts he so disliked on his own body if he dropped his fat percentage low enough. And though he never got the full result he had wanted his body image did improve after a while.
His mother did not approve saying it made her look like a boy or one of those lesbians. The amount bile she put into those words made him cry himself to sleep that night and several nights after that. It also showed him that he would never fit into his parents world. He could only work hard to escape it as fast as possible.