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Jun 12, 2017
Big Brother: Becoming A Father

Narrator: Ann returns to the house after her appointment at the local fertility clinic.

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Ann: Max, I’ve got some exciting news. The doctor says I’m fertile and we can still have a baby.

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Max: That’s fantastic news mom! I’m excited to start trying for our own family. Did you mention I’m the lucky guy?

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Ann: I did mention you and the nature of our relationship to the doctor. He obviously advised against it. However, for the sake of safety, he ran a couple of tests on our DNA to analyze if we would pass on any negative recessive traits to our theoretical child.

Max: What did the results say?

Ann: We are all clear. But he did mention your big cock gene might be passed down if we had a boy though.

Max: Well, that seems more like a positive trait rather than a negative one in my opinion.

Ann: For the sake of your sisters let's hope that isn’t the case.

Max: Haha!

Ann: In all seriousness, I’m comfortable with the risks. Are you?

Narrator: Without hesitation Max immediately responds.

Max: If you are then I am too Mom!

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Ann: Well it is settled, we won’t be needing these anymore.

Max: Are you sure you are ready to go off of birth control?

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Ann: Absolutely! Do you know what these things do to your body? (Throws Pill Bottle)

Besides, I’m getting older everyday so we don’t have time to squander. If we are serious about this thing then we shouldn’t waste another moment… (long pause)

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Max: (Is she saying what I think she is saying?)

Do you mean… right now?!

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Ann: I’m ovulating as we speak, so yes, right now. I’ll be waiting in the bedroom when you are ready to be a man.

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Max: (Omg, I figured we would take a bit of time to talk this over after the doctor’s appointment. I didn’t expect her to jump right into things… But I suppose there is no better time than the present. I do love my mother very much so it’s only natural we take things to the next step.)

I’m coming!

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Ann: You better be coming… cumming in me I mean.

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Max: Someone’s feeling horny! (Wow, what has gotten into her?)

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Ann: I’ve been waiting to get my pussy licked since I walked out of the fertility clinic. So enough talking, put that tongue of yours to good use.

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Max: If you insist.

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Ann: Oh yes! (No one knows how to lick my clit better than my son.)

Max: How does it feel?

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Ann: Yes, yes, keep licking my clit… It feels incredible!

Max: (I love watching her tremble from my delicate touch.)

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Ann: I’d like nothing more than to cum right now, but we are here for a higher cause after all. So enough already, come fuck your mommy!

Max: With pleasure!

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Ann: Oh yes! Your cock feels so good inside of me!

Max: Oh fuck yeah… there is nothing like pushing my cock into your hot wet pussy mom! It is so perfect!

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Ann: Yes, your cock is back where it belongs. Inside mommy! (Why did I ever fight the inevitable? I can’t resist my son’s cock. This feels so right! Even if it is so wrong!)

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Max: Oh you are so sexy mom! I don’t know how much longer I can hold on.

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Ann: Wait Max, stop! Don’t cum yet!

Narrator: Ann quickly pulls herself away from Max, moment’s before he has a chance to climax. They both collapse onto the bed.

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Max: Uhhh! Why did we stop?! I was about to cum!

Ann: Sorry Max, I wanted to switch positions before you orgasm. The doctor mentioned it might be easier to conceive if you climaxed in missionary position. (I hope I didn’t upset Max too much by stopping there.)

Max: Mom, you know better than to stop like that. It’s bad for my health. (Omg, she is baby crazy right now! I honestly could care less about conceiving at this moment… I just really want to bust a nut in my mom!)

Ann: Sorry… I got a bit carried away there. I just want this so badly for us.

Max: Enjoy the moment mom! The baby will happen when it happens. You can’t force these kinds of things.

Ann: You are right! I think my hormones are getting the better of me. I just want to have a piece of you inside me all the time. I don’t want to lose you.

Max: You’re not gonna lose me mom. I love you!

Ann: I love you too Max!

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Narrator: Max climbs on top of Ann.

Max: Mom, my balls are really… really hurting.

Ann: You’d better empty them inside me then… We don’t want you coming down with a case of the blue balls after all.

Max: Thanks mom, I appreciate you doing this for “my health”.

Narrator: Max thrusts himself into his mother abruptly.

Ann: Uh! Yeah… yeah.. we don’t want you to get ill after all.

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Narrator: With each passing stroke Max begins to thrust harder and deeper into Ann.

Max: Ahhh, do you feel that?

Ann: Oh yes, I can feel your cock throbbing inside of me. Don’t hold back, give mommy all you spunk!

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Max: I'm gonna blow my load mom!

Ann: Cum for mommy!

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Max: Ah, fuck… fuckkk… yesss! (Max Orgasms)

Ann: Oh shit baby! I can feel your warmth spreading inside me. Your hot twitching cock feels incredible!

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Ann: Ahhhhh… Yessssssssss! (Ann Orgasms)

Ann: I heard orgasming after your partner climax’s increase the chances of pregnancy.

Max: Shush mom, lets just enjoy this moment. (I hope I knocked her up, she really can’t stop thinking about this baby business.)

Ann: Right, right, I’ll stop!

Narrator: Max’s cum begins to leak out of Ann’s pussy.

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Ann: Wow, we both needed that!

Max: I don’t think I’ve orgasmed that harder in my life other than the first time we made love mom.

Ann: I’d have to agree! There is something so sexy knowing you're my son and more importantly going to be a father someday.

Max: Considering how much I came in you… I’d say you are already pregnant.

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Ann: Let’s hope so, besides if it doesn’t happen today we can always try again tomorrow.

Max: I like the sound of that!

Ann: Haha, I thought you might say that!

Narrator: 36 Weeks Later…

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Ann: I can’t believe we are only a few weeks away from having our first baby boy together.

Max: Who said we are having another?

Ann: Your baby brother… I mean our son is going to need a sister after all!

Max: I suppose it only seems fitting especially if he shares our genetic disposition for attraction.

Ann: Haha, enough with the jokes already. I feel the baby kicking.

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Max: Let me feel!

Ann: Do you hear the heartbeat?

Max: I do! Sounds like we are going to have a healthy baby.

Ann: I couldn’t be happier at this moment! I love you Max!

Max: I love you too Mom!

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Narrator: The end!
bro, please put a hidden tag on this, 60% of the page is your single post :ROFLMAO:


Jun 29, 2021
Laura in the Balneum
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In this scene from a feverish dream, Laura emerges from the warm waters of an ancient Roman balneum and proves that she has the body of a goddess, a sinful goddess — if beauty and nakedness would be a sin, in the dubious mindset of prudes.


I remembered this old — and unreleased — scene as I was coming out of my fever slumbers brought on by a COVID-19 infection and decided to revive it by finally doing some postwork.

I hope you like the result.

Sincerely yours,
Way to create a positive from a negative, bro. She is a far more comforting fever.


Jun 29, 2021
And then there were three…

Thanks again for the shared efforts here at F95 to enable enough tools for me to Begin to get there.

And of course to Johnny Depp as well. For pulling his cock out and declaring, “This. Is Mine. And I am the Truth.” Fuckin A, brother. I do believe we’ve reached the tipping point on gender bias and the water will now push the other way for a time (Balance, being the objective, of course). Thanks for the breather, bro.

-And also, to Wine. I wanna thank Wine. Though my liver might not…
5.00 star(s) 12 Votes