Titties! Isn't being able to see them from behind incredible?
For those brave enough to do a little DIY, Blender cloth simulations can be a lot of fun. I use Breastacular's Gravity preset to give them a good starting shape to work with, with 0 sag. Fluid Density is the most... well, fluid like setting, and shear strength is the strongest deformation stopper. Pressure, custom volume, and shrink factor control size. Vertex weight can help breasts appear more springy or perky in the result, so use that more instead of Fluid Density if realism isn't your goal. (0 vertex weight in this model, note the slope from neck to nipple is fairly consistent)
I'd also recommend creating a bodice collision object and a substitute cloth object for each breast, or else any leaning pose will have one breast drain into the other. The bodice should be sized smaller than the abdomen to get rid of any gap, because subdivision shrinks models slightly.
And make sure your nipples have no morphs applied before you export to simulate...