Linerenders looks amazing. Close to hand draws. I tried to use this script but I'm too lazy. My postworks are only laying transparent png with simple backgrounds.I do non-photoreal, anime style in Daz using VSS shaders (for 3Delight) & the Scripted 3Delight Outline Renderer. Here are a few styles I've experimented with. I do highlights and minor post work in Animate.
This is the opening shot to a comic I'm working on. This is all VSS shaders, with minor post work done in photoshop.
VSS shaders are great. I thought that most important are outline, but your renders are very good. Hair are impressing. VSS does not like transmaps but your looks ok. Anyway you still have no shadows, it is not a problem with portraits but I think you will need them with more "dynamic" scenes. I've made lightset for VSS - 8 very weak (about 5%) infinite lights no shadow (4up and 4 bottom) substitute of IDL and 1 spotlight with raytrace shadow.
I support you and wait for next renders.
My old VSS renders. From most to less "toon style". As I remember Vis01 has no texture (only irises and nipple which are simple red circles)