The Weisser Twins, Cassia and Rosa, are both programming students at Paradise University. Their mother is Anna Bacon-Weisser, a dancer at The Twilight Zone, a gentleman's club in the business district. Their father is Isaac Weisser who is in the USMC space forces, on assignment to the UN and is now a full conversion cyborg. The twins are nearly inseparable and freely speak for each other as if they were a single person.
Model is Mousso Juniper with P3D Riza skin and Charli hair
Libby and Poppy are sephi (Star Wars space elves) who work at Mel's Fast Stop, a convenience store on the ground floor of Bay View Residential Hotel. Both girls attend Paradise University where they study programming. Libby's mother works at the Touzuri embassy while Poppy's older sister is a dispatcher for Lonestar, a police contracting corporation with contracts for a good potion of Paradise City.
Both are P3D models by the same name.
Since I was using and HDRI for the beach the scale is off considerably in the shots with them crawling, but I didn't figure most people would mind.