3D-Daz Daz3d Art - Show Us Your DazSkill

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Jul 17, 2020
in the back yard.jpg
Henry: Dave, I know I left explicit orders at the office that I was not to be disturbed today. Why the hell are you here?

Dave: Apologies, sir. But the board of directors are in meeting, and they were quite specific.

Henry: Specific about what, Dave?

Dave: They have, umm, requested that you come in and, umm, have a little chat with them.

Henry: Any idea of what this is about?

Dave: No sir, I don't.

Henry: And when did they 'request' that I come in?

Dave: Um, today sir.

Henry: Ok. Anything else you think I need to know about this?

Dave: Well, sir, they were none too kind in the way they made their 'request'.

Henry: How's that?

Dave: Their exact words were "You tell that hairy SOB that if he's not here inside of two hours, he need not come back."

Henry: Well now. That sounds kind of serious, Dave.

Dave: Yes sir, it does.

Henry: And what time was it when they told you this?

Dave: It was about forty five minutes ago. It took me that long to get here after I tried to call your private number several times. But since I couldn't get an answer, I had to come out here. So, you have a little a little over an hour to get there.

Henry: Well then, I guess I need to come into the office today.

Dave: Yes, sir. It would seem that way.

Henry: Ok Dave. If you're going back to the office, you can let that sorry bunch of stuffed shirts know I'll be along as soon as I can. Or, if you would rather, you have my permission to take the rest of the day off. If this turns into anything 'life changing', I will let you know as soon as I know.

Dave: Thank you, sir. Good luck.

Henry: (to himself) Well, damn. So much for a restful day without the wife around...


Nov 11, 2019
Footlball players reward
View attachment 3608884

Coach Anderson: ....and the defence was on point aswell. If we keep up this level individual performance and team work for the rest of the season, we may have a chance of taking the trophy home.
Players: CHEERS
Coach Anderson: We just have to keep our eyes on the ball and not fumble it.. right Billy?
Billy: Sorry guys, but the fucking cheerleader flashed me.
Players: Laughter
Coach Anderson: You guys have to keep focus and stay in the fight, even if someone flashes you a pair tits as nice as those.
Players: laughter
Coach Anderson: But you guys recoverd fast and completly smashed there offensive push and deniede them the touchdown.
Coach Anderson: So ive had a chat with the Dean and we both feel that you guys deserve a reward.
Players: CHEERS
Coach Anderson: You boys hit the showers and the reward will be waiting for you.

Featuring from left to right:

Ekon Anderson
Coach Anderson

Any constructive critque of the render, charaters or text is welcome.

If anybody have any situations they would like see my characters in let me know, im allways looking for new ideas and inspiration.
I love your lighting , if I want to setup my scene light what should I do or use . it is post work or pure light setup?
5.00 star(s) 13 Votes