One DAZ is a biaatch and will do this sometimes. Two sounds like your VRAm has run out. It seems DAZ builds up cache and doesn't like to release it.
IF it doesnt slow down much then leave it runnign on CPU but if its slowning down and you can see this clearly then revisit your render settings.
EDIT: Give us your pc specs quickly..
IF it doesnt slow down much then leave it runnign on CPU but if its slowning down and you can see this clearly then revisit your render settings.
EDIT: Give us your pc specs quickly..
Hi mates,
First of all, thank you for giving me the best tips ever. I already started to put them to good use.
Now I have an issue... I started rendering the animation as a series of images and not as a movie.
The problem is that after the first image, it starts using the CPU instead of the GPU even if I have set it to render only with GPU.
I made a test of the scene by rendering an image as a test and it took 30 minutes to be completed with the min samples set to 2000 and full HD resolution. Render quality is set to Off.
If I render it as a movie, the same thing happens. First frame uses the GPU and after it switches to CPU.
Is there anything I can do?