Dear developers/site owners?, Please have a "no pubic hair" option for every girl in every game, Thank you.


May 26, 2019
To Devs:
Unless I'm mistaken, which is entirely possible(I'm no artist), it takes effort to add the hair patch to the pubic area. Is it possible if you could also render the same image without pubic hair?
I have no problem with those who appreciate pubic hair. You do you.
I personally don't.
I'd greatly appreciate an option to change it right before the start of the game. Not in-game. But before it. If removal of pubic hair might break site rules, I don't mind lewdpatcher-ing that. I don't even mind changing a parameter in an ini file or a config file, just as long as the option is there somewhere.
Thank you.

To Site Owners(if I'm right that the following applies to you):
Could you add a "no pubic hair" filter tag to the "Latest Update" search section, if/when devs start using it? Thanks.


May 26, 2019
then you would be bitching about the size of the game saying file size is to big for me to download

if the developer of those game will have double the work to do by making the images and the updates of the game will take longer
The default state of any model is without pubic hair afaik. And pubic hair is added afterwards. The change, unless I'm mistaken, from an actual artist's work standpoint, isn't radically different. The frame will just have to be rendered twice over. Which would be the computer's work. Is it too much work to render a frame just before adding pubic hair?

But it does involve a lot of writing a lot of if pubichair_enabled=0, then show image_without_pubic_hair.png into the rpy files.
So granted, it is definitely more work.

Also I'm not the sort to complain about a large game. As I said, I'd gladly apply the patch if need be, however large they may be :)


May 26, 2019
you're asking for doubling the number of renders. nobody is gonna do that even if they agree with you, because it's a huge amount of work for a tiny little detail.
If they don't, they don't. It's cool :) I'm merely expressing my preference for an additional option.

Agent HK47

Active Member
Mar 3, 2018
If this is such an important thing to you, then you could just make your own game, with models exactly the way you want them. Ofc making a game is neither easy, nor cheap, but it would give you complete control of every aspect you prefer.

Carpe Stultus

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2018
you're asking for doubling the number of renders. nobody is gonna do that even if they agree with you, because it's a huge amount of work for a tiny little detail.
Not really doubling the amount of renders. You can easily just take the same scene and do a spot render which will take mere seconds depending on the hardware, but it will cause obviously extra work that not every dev is willing to do. I think i saw one or two devs who do that already but i can understand if they don't want to and they shouldn't have to because its their game and not the game of anyone else.


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
Not really doubling the amount of renders. You can easily just take the same scene and do a spot render which will take mere seconds depending on the hardware, but it will cause obviously extra work that not every dev is willing to do. I think i saw one or two devs who do that already but i can understand if they don't want to and they shouldn't have to because its their game and not the game of anyone else.
It's a right pain in the arse doing optionals like that (and it's really no fun - the reason devs make the games in the first place.)

If we're talking daz, it involves opening every single scene of a 300-400 image update, and individually spot-rendering the pubic hair (it can't be done in batch rendering this way). That could easily be 35 hours drudge work even with a good rig - losing 3-7 days of dev time. The dev then has to code a conditional for every single one of those images (and test and retest to make sure there's no mistake, since the continuity error would be jarring). More time and dullness!

It's really not a great trade off for the benefit, and wouldn't recommend anyone try it :)


May 26, 2019
It's a right pain in the arse doing optionals like that (and it's really no fun - the reason devs make the games in the first place.)

If we're talking daz, it involves opening every single scene of a 300-400 image update, and individually spot-rendering the pubic hair (it can't be done in batch rendering this way). That could easily be 35 hours drudge work even with a good rig - losing 3-7 days of dev time. The dev then has to code a conditional for every single one of those images (and test and retest to make sure there's no mistake, since the continuity error would be jarring). More time and dullness!

It's really not a great trade off for the benefit, and wouldn't recommend anyone try it :)
Thank you for the explanation. I really appreciate it :) If it really is that much more work, then nevermind. I'll make do with one or the other.

I guess I just need more devs to consider having more adult girls with no pubic hair in games and site owners to consider adding a filter by which I can sort 'no pubic hair' games.
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Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
Thank you for the explanation. I really appreciate it :) If it really is that much more work, then nevermind. I'll make do with pubes.
I guess I just need more devs to consider having more adult girls with no pubic hair in games and site owners to consider adding a filter by which I can sort 'no pubic hair' games.
I think the devs will probably do whatever they're into (I like both - so I have some shaved and some pubed). I agree that a no pubes tag would be helpful, since a lot of people share it (I don't think there's a hairy option, either)
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Carpe Stultus

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2018
It's a right pain in the arse doing optionals like that (and it's really no fun - the reason devs make the games in the first place.)

If we're talking daz, it involves opening every single scene of a 300-400 image update, and individually spot-rendering the pubic hair (it can't be done in batch rendering this way). That could easily be 35 hours drudge work even with a good rig - losing 3-7 days of dev time. The dev then has to code a conditional for every single one of those images (and test and retest to make sure there's no mistake, since the continuity error would be jarring). More time and dullness!

It's really not a great trade off for the benefit, and wouldn't recommend anyone try it :)
I know its a pain in the ass to do that with tons of renders the spot render itself is still done extremly fast. Should a dev do it? Not if he doesn't want to and especially not if people "demand" it. :D
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
I think i saw one or two devs who do that already

we've all had the bright idea. I bet they're cursing their stupid life after doing it for a while and realizing what a colossal waste of time it is. this exactly the sort of thing you try to eliminate beforehand so you don't get into stupid workloads any more than you already are.

if it were just a matter of toggling a boolean like the guy thinks it would be a nobrainer. but it isn't, and things never work out as easy as on paper. weird stuff always happens. you start doing something like this and suddenly it's 8 hours later and you have 5 renders ready. you look at your pile of 500 renders and start calculating how many weeks it'll take. too many is the answer. maybe you're still going for it, but after 2 weeks you wanna die and burn the game. 6 months later you come back and finish that stupid thing, and publish ver 0.4. it's underwhelming, no new content. nobody cares about the work you just did because you listened to one guy. and despite your newfound energy and tales of health problems and dead relatives, 0.5 never ships. the game is abandoned. lots of angry people.


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
we've all had the bright idea. I bet they're cursing their stupid life after doing it for a while and realizing what a colossal waste of time it is. this exactly the sort of thing you try to eliminate beforehand so you don't get into stupid workloads any more than you already are.

if it were just a matter of toggling a boolean like the guy thinks it would be a nobrainer. but it isn't, and things never work out as easy as on paper. weird stuff always happens. you start doing something like this and suddenly it's 8 hours later and you have 5 renders ready. you look at your pile of 500 renders and start calculating how many weeks it'll take. too many is the answer. maybe you're still going for it, but after 2 weeks you wanna die and burn the game. 6 months later you come back and finish that stupid thing, and publish ver 0.4. it's underwhelming, no new content. nobody cares about the work you just did because you listened to one guy. and despite your newfound energy and tales of health problems and dead relatives, 0.5 never ships. the game is abandoned. lots of angry people.
Any new or wannabe devs reading the thread should listen to this dire warning and take heed (y)


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
Exactly. If for whatever reason you do decide to make 'Pubic Hair' optional, everyone else will come out of the woodwork and start demanding you make something else optional.

Tattoos? Piercings? Giant tits?

Absolutely. I think a lot of players see the sort of customisation you can do in RPGs and figure you can do the same in these type of games (customisation is one of the most common requests I get). Sadly, it's never really going to be possible (even in Unreal-engine games, altering body shape, cock size, boobs, etc. requires completely reposing).

Deleted member 1684328

Game Developer
Oct 2, 2019
Having this option means the artist I commission needs to draw already finished scenes again for every character.

Coding this option is easy, but actually rendering or drawing it for every scene might take some time developers would like to spend to add new content.

Customization is very nice, but with every added custumization feature the developer is making his game more and more complex.

But it is a nice feature if you plan to have it in your game from the start.


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 15, 2018
You guys are being silly. It wouldn't be that much more expensive to get the artist to put pubic hair on a separate layer. Like it would be almost free.

And then with the fiddly overlaps to put both pictures on the screen at the same time (the shaved pussy pic and then the pic of just the bush over top) wouldn't be that hard and it would barely take up any more space.

And there is nothing wrong with a massively customizable game. In fact that is why Fenoxo is still a market leader.

Entirely it would make sense if you're making a game specifically with this kind of customization in it from the start.

But no, this makes no sense to add this onto a game where you wasn't building toward this goal from the start.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
you're asking for doubling the number of renders. nobody is gonna do that even if they agree with you, because it's a huge amount of work for a tiny little detail.
Yeah doing multiple versions of the same character is a waste of time IMO. You're doubling render times for any scenes where that character is nude for minimal value added. People who really have a thing for the smooth shaven look are probably going for a younger look anyway.

The only time it makes sense to me to have some sort of alternate version of a character is if you have some path where that alternate version is the only version that gets rendered and the other version is the only version rendered on the other path.

For instance maybe you have a plot where a guy can choose to focus on working out and maybe go down some fitness trainer path or something as a buff dude or he can choose to be a nerdy type and become a string bean of a computer geek. There's no buff dude version of the computer geek and there's no geeky personal trainer so there's no wasted effort there as long as you were already planning to have those 2 separate plot lines in place.

I think generally you're better off just picking a look and sticking with it. People who don't like that look will pick a different game. People who DO like that look will appreciate not having you waste half your time on content they'll never see.