Dec 2, 2022
Is this game the one where you get fucked or you're the one fucking? Serious question

You are probably going to get fucked early on while you build stats and learn mechanics. But you can be quite dominant once you know what you are doing/have the skills to back it up.


Feb 10, 2020
Are there any ways to make yourself popular with the Administration? Just been seen as a troublemaker so far.


Mar 27, 2024
Sorry if the tone is a bit amiguous, or inconsistent. I was going off on one, not going off on one :p. It wasn't personal or intended to be talking down or something. Mostly talking past you tbh. I tend to ramble, cut down because it was too long, and then post the nonsensical result. "If I had more time I would have written a shorter comment" If it helps I was going for friendly devil's advocate, not authoritative here's-why-you're-WRONG source.

For all I know you could be right. Maybe it displays 90 but really only goes to 70 internally? Or wrong? I don't know. You don't seem to know. Between us we're probably not going to aquire the teraflopyears needed to fill and process a spreadsheet large enough to definitively conclude either way.
I was offering an explanation (mostly for myself who frequently runs into similar-feeling situations in other RNG-heavy games, and by exetension anyone else feeling similar).
Html games doing rng is pretty bread-and-butter standard. As is savescumming them to get the result you want. As is sitting there clicking 2 buttons for 40 mins straight getting frustrated at failing until you win and then immediately clicking the button again because you're stuck in muscle memory and getting even more annoy-
Maybe each one collectively copied a bad RNG implementation? Maybe I'm cursed to get bad rolls? Maybe the more times you roll a dice across your lifetime, the more likely you are to have seen (among all collective rolls) a memorably-long string of 1s?

Just because you know a fallacy doesn't make you immune to it. You are not immune to propaganda. Mate, I will never emotionally recover from gambler's fallacying the bioshock infinite coin flip. Contextually it's hilarious: By doing that, I managed to make the only objectively wrong choice (drawing that specific conclusion from that information). Doesn't make anyone a "moron" for not being eternally vigilant. We're wired for pattern recognition to save brainpower, not for statistics. Interpreting statistics accurately is primarily fighting against our instinct to draw patterns where there aren't, or to draw incorrect conclusions by accidentally omitting vital situational context. At least that's what I tell myself to feel less thick when I forget something obvious that I already know.

On this version and earlier versions I subjectively feel that I had more success after peforming a similar ritual (loading a different save and then reloading) but it could equally have been placebo. Especially since I only do that after scumming "normally" for a while without success, and I stop when I get the result I want. This skews the result by several orders of magnitude. Which is further amplified by basing the success rate on what I remember, which comes with a free negativity bias (you naturally remember more of when the RNG robbed you of a "free" win more than when it gave you a "hopeless" win). Also when I win, I'm going to continue playing not bother writing it down or commit the event to long-term memory. Knowing this objectively doesn't change how it feels subjectively.

And I can't prove that ritual did anything practical like clearing a variable / resetting a stuck loop or something, bar actual variable checking. Which I am far too lazy to do on a savescummable html game (one of my many failings).
Your original comment is about feeling some kind of bias, which is subjective. It never feels fair when you fail a roll for an event you want, especially if the success chance looks achievable. What I was trying to say was that that same sequence of observed results could have been obtained from a real or a bad RNG implementation. There is no way of knowing for sure solely by looking at the results.

But this game is savescummable, and as far as I know the outcome of a roll isn't baked in to the savestate :. I trust it to be doing some kind of mathsy numbo jumbo behind the scenes. But equally that trust may be misplaced, html games can lie (wasteland lewdness has a stat check when you take a pill at the start, bit it's unpassable and probably a completely fake check).
You ever noticed you can change the difficulty level at any time?
Rax not trying to lock you in any loop.. You're free to play as you like (mostly ;))..

Are there any ways to make yourself popular with the Administration? Just been seen as a troublemaker so far.
Police reputation effect now affects the Administration faction (that is from 4.1 so i guess a good relationship with Police faction could help you in that..)
Rax still adding stuffs..
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New Member
Dec 9, 2018
At that point, you could have a 99% chance of success and fail every single time, over and over; load - fail, load - fail, load - fail, without exception. The odds weren't actually calculated or used, or they weren't honored, and I don't know why. It seems in the most recent version this is not so. So I forgive you for assuming me to be a complete moron who's never heard of the gambler's fallacy on this occasion, since based on the current release it's a valid assumption.
I've been playing this one for a long time, too, and what's very likely happening here is that either the odds were rolled before you saved (i.e. they were already determined before the selections were presented), or the seed is a little bit deterministic based on steps you take and repeating the same set of steps in the same sequence results in the same rolled result. I feel like I remember this happening at one point many versions back when I was doing some stuff with the gym and I had to save, like, two steps back to get the re-roll (because the roll was already completed before the selected action was taken).

I've seen both of these play out a lot in HTML/SugarCube/Twine games and QSP games. I remember X-Change Life being pretty bad for this too, where repeating the same set of steps/actions from a load resulted in the exact same outcome, so I'd have to like go into/out of the "planning" window to "reset" the roll... and even then, some outcomes were rolled and set in stone when you changed timeslots, regardless of everything else happening.
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New Member
Sep 12, 2024
So the new content from the 0.4.3 version seems to have a problem where, as a slave, once you get a full day punishment for poor work, you get stuck in an endless loop of them due to Kaelin treating your punishment as a normal workday and immediately nailing you for poor performance right after you get released.


Mar 27, 2024
So the new content from the 0.4.3 version seems to have a problem where, as a slave, once you get a full day punishment for poor work, you get stuck in an endless loop of them due to Kaelin treating your punishment as a normal workday and immediately nailing you for poor performance right after you get released.
Report that on Discord..
A save will help to get it solved faster..


Dec 29, 2021
Police reputation effect now affects the Administration faction (that is from 4.1 so i guess a good relationship with Police faction could help you in that..)
It's actually broken atm. Stuff that used to increase Police rep just does nothing and it's seemingly impossible to raise Admin rep to any substantial level.


Mar 27, 2024
It's actually broken atm. Stuff that used to increase Police rep just does nothing and it's seemingly impossible to raise Admin rep to any substantial level.
Could be.. he changed many things lately, that was the only point referring to Administration reputation in changelog..


Dec 29, 2021
Could be.. he changed many things lately, that was the only point referring to Administration reputation in changelog..
I just know it's not possible to get the police encounter blowjob scene anymore, and if you look at your rep effects for admin, it doesn't really go up.


Mar 27, 2024
Can we be the do on a faction please
You can make him that question on ..
He's reading suggestions, bug reports and questions there..
He got clearly in his mind what he wanna do with the game..


Mar 27, 2024
What about becoming and corrupt npcs
Missing a corruption meter, the city is already enough corrupted!
You can compare corruption to increasing the levels of your fetishes, if you consider Thulle's ideology..
Those will increase only so far, you can also gain new ones partecipating in sexual activities..
That working also for the NPCs..
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