agreed to a lesser degree.., played along time ago.., so long every time I come back.., I'm more shocked than surprised repeatedly at its current position on the timeline.., but I digress..,
I simply just don't consider that cannon when ever I run into the sheep..,(some who are free in and out don't find an issue with that.., but personally I find open relationships BS looking for trouble.., either risk many of the versions of poly, be free all over no matter who+/- your pickyness.., or not at all)
that said I take for self cause there is no other side of story..,[personal retcon.., would not mind making her a bared slut, but with guests I bring i, which I barely do with other claims.., so pure girl and no husband background it is]
The Church I'm 50/50 on..,
I'm one where if my people can go around with various degrees of undress, no dress.., or may as well be a sentient piece of cloth monster, they go for it..,(with multiple variations of pure, corrupt, or mixes in between, though in my case) I chose Love Church, without corruption(odd that it unlocks Corrupt church habit.., though I love how she reacts while wearing it..,) even though it still ends with a pure city despite the fact they aren't open in wear, but pure and requesting(rather than corrupt and jumping, or corrupt and requesting)
the drow(elf?) [been awhile, waiting some more years for development] I didn't mind too much.., but soo many times where you choose an option, and it does the opposite for some reason back when(probably still an issue today)
all this said..,
while it seems built for only two paths, while it kinda wants to hint multiple "degrees of corruption and purity mix match"
either the option doesn't read or do as its text says(back when) or there's no various grounds..,(which is fine) but the various options and tuning don't help lead to said kinda path..,(only management of funds and general governing) not much societal working in laws, asides the effects of those in power..,
all in all.., promise as usual
est. (since)how many yr ago
back to waiting til it got more meat on its bones just like CSR always makes em..,
ps[kinda wish one can have both smooth, and malleable when it comes to some characters aka slime mom.., like pushing both to the extreme in their control.., like a certain symbiote.., I guess I don't mind a bit primal<pred/prey> corruption play(during day/morning).., then some calm purity at diner..,
but again.., unlikely, the progress tells me