Even though i don't know for sure right now.
Since you can collect "Justice points" and the cat in the park said something about those points affecting the Route and Ending you will get, i'll still have hope.
We will still have to wait for a 100% confirmation if it really will be avoidable with that.
I just hope it's not again one of those, where these choices and "justice points" just decide if it's
rase or

If it's just rare then why give choices or JP at all.
If it's rase then it's one of the lowest i've seen so far. Wouldn't make much sense i'd say, at least if the girl has a tiny bit of selfworth left (
which she kinda proofed when MC tried to get her into his first livestream.)
EDIT: In case someone stumbles over my post. Yes, a few people confirmed that you can avoid NTR. Actually, it's a really good game. I liked it a lot.