
Active Member
May 10, 2020
this game is just... why is there no true happy ending? the convenience store scene was brutal T_T
There is, full Justice Run has an epilogue taking place 5 years later where your manager tells you Akari bought the company and you've been promoted to the new CEO's (Akari's) secretary. Also, in the run itself you get to punch a thug in the face so hard you floor him, so there's that too.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
I dunno about the debt subplot. Feels like a plot-tumour.
I get that it's for the temptation to whore her out or whatever, but I imagine most people won't go for that.

Besides, the obvious solution is to just call the police. Loansharking isn't legal, neither is threatening to beat people to death with baseball bats. Bye bye go to jail.

I mean, the obvious solution is not to borrow money from people like that, but the second one is to just have absolutely nothing to do with them. Don't go to meet them, get a new phone, call the police to report that some dangerous group of thugs have been stalking you and trying to extort you. Deny ever having borrowed anything from them (people like this don't keep paperwork, cos their business is illegal)

Sure, they'll want to kill you for this, but they'll want to kill you for not paying anyway, and you can't pay even if you wanted to. (if you had some magic way to create money out of nowhere to pay them with, you wouldn't be taking shady loans in the first place.)

That's why loansharks are retarded. Trying to extort people who don't have any money isn't a very smart idea.

Mod Learner

Dec 1, 2019
No, they won't want to kill you, it's just like burn their money. They'll keep harass or even forced, violented if necessary, but they won't kill you (they might accident kill you but that isn't intended). And not only you, they'll also harass your relative.
Police can't protect you 24/7, they might save you one or two times, but no one can tell what might happen. Someday you might vanish without trace and nobody care. Especially if you involved with the underground (like why they must risk their life to protect someone they not even relate). The police know you're obvious lie if you deny borrowed, because the loansharking never come to you without reason, loansharking also don't want to get trouble with obvious crimes. Not mentioned police have their ways to investigate if that's actually serious case.
From the start, no one go to loansharking if they can loan from somewhere else, they might borrow relative first, then the bank, however the bank require some standard to agree. Then when you have no other choice, you go to loansharking, of course loansharking not stupid, they also don't give money to anybody, they must know that person can actually make money (either sell their body, which is illegal business).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
No, they won't want to kill you, it's just like burn their money. They'll keep harass or even forced, violented if necessary, but they won't kill you (they might accident kill you but that isn't intended). And not only you, they'll also harass your relative.
Police can't protect you 24/7, they might save you one or two times, but no one can tell what might happen. Someday you might vanish without trace and nobody care. Especially if you involved with the underground (like why they must risk their life to protect someone they not even relate). The police know you're obvious lie if you deny borrowed, because the loansharking never come to you without reason, loansharking also don't want to get trouble with obvious crimes. Not mentioned police have their ways to investigate if that's actually serious case.
From the start, no one go to loansharking if they can loan from somewhere else, they might borrow relative first, then the bank, however the bank require some standard to agree. Then when you have no other choice, you go to loansharking, of course loansharking not stupid, they also don't give money to anybody, they must know that person can actually make money (either sell their body, which is illegal business).
You can't squeeze blood from a stone. People who borrow money from loansharks do so because they have no other way to get money, which means that they obviously have no way to pay back their debts.
They can kidnap girls in japan to make money from their bodies, but from a guy you can't really do that.

So you're left shaking a guy down for pocket-change.
Demanding millions of yen? you might as well demand a spaceship and a pony too.

As for the police not being able to protect you 24/7, that's not what they're there for. It's to arrest the people threatening you.
If you can get them on harassment, assault and extortion, then they go to jail and can't come after you at all anymore.

And yes, people like that do absolutely go after people for no reason.
At the end of the day, 'collections' is just demanding money from people who have no actual official business with you (because loanshark busiensses aren't legal and their contracts aren't binding)

It's just extortion with a threat of violence, you can do that with completely uninvolved people.
The common one in japan (from what I know) is bumping into someone on the street and then claiming that they owe you money for 'medical bills'
It's the most boldfaced lie, but people will often pay just to avoid getting beaten up.

So yeah "these obvious gangsters say that I owe them money but i've never seen them before in my life" might actually pass muster.
Of course, that relies on cops being useful and arresting/charging people who threaten dudes in the street.
but japan has a crazy high prosecution rate, so maybe it'd actually work.

If not, your only option is probably to try to fight them.
Even if you pay, they don't have any legal basis for their loan so the can just say that you owe more and more money and foce you to keep paying.
You just proved that you can get money from somewhere, why would they ever let you go now?

If they come after you and get thrown down a flight of stairs, maybe they'll cut their losses and go pick on someone weaker.
Of course, violent criminals usually aren't the sort of people to cut their losses, and japan doesn't really allow lethal force in self-defence so you'd probably just escalate it.

Don't get involved with loansharks, kids.
They'll bleed you dry and then break your kneecaps.
There's a reason people in this position in japan tend to just kill themselves.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
All that other stuff aside, Akari looked much cuter in her casual clothes that you find her in, than the fancy dress that you buy in the shop.

She went from looking like a normal girl that you could meet on the street, to looking like a generic ojo-sama.
What a downgrade.

everything unlocked in free mode
Appdata > Local > Living_together_with_Akari_chan
Most of the stuff in freemode is still locked.
Did you miss a file or something?
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Mod Learner

Dec 1, 2019
As I said before, those people still can make money but obviously not legal jobs. For example they can steal money, rob money, scam others to get money (even scam their own family), sell their body (prostitution, even male can do this job too, there are many rich hag willing pay for young man to serve them), or do heavy job, dangerous job with barely enough food to survive. If someone can't even do that obviously the loansharks won't give money to them.
You can't arrest people without proof that they actually do crime, and just like I said before, loansharks won't do the crime in public. You can't come to police and said someone is loanshark, please arrest them. Someone hit you? How you prove they're loansharks people? They can simply said both get involved in some stupid augment and they just hit you because they're angry, at most the police can do is ask them pay for the hospital (though in the dark it just add more into your loan). They also have many ways to harass you and your family, not just violence (for example hire beggar randomly throw shit on your door, even if the beggar got caught they can just simply answer they do that because they hate you for insult poor people, and you can't prove they're lying). Or they'll even annoying your co-worker (cause them hate you too because you drag them into your mess, you might even lost your job), make you hardly have simple life as before. How can you even survive without working and make money?
The loansharks have paperwork (like handwriting), else how can they remember all people loan from them? They just not show it for the public and can't use it in the court, but you can know how much you own them, if you pay all your debt or not (though they might scam more if they think their prey is stupid).
I have a relative that loan from loanshark before. Police can't do anything, they're even annoyed because that person keep calling them. They're even say he must solve his own problem because they have no right to arrest the loanshark and demand him not calling anymore because it's pointless (except if they threat his life, but that's too late to call already). In the end my whole family must pay for him instead (we can't abandoned him anyway) after get harass for 10 years. He only loan about 5 millions but my family got to pay 50 millions.
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New Member
Aug 8, 2024
A very good game would recommend it... I wish there was more to it like an dlc or something along those lines, other then that loved the game keep up the great work


Jan 28, 2020
Ok came to complain about the story and plot cuz it makes no sense imo and goes back and forth, your MC is a doofus like start up R-d like haha wtf is his logic? Then the scenes are not zoomed in at all xD like come on if you gonna give us a show at least SHOW US, i tried two options when given the choice but the results of both made me quit the game so i will never finish this.

Lol we owe people money, i never sleep in my room; lets take in a runaway, lets meet up with these people, lets not tell the girl i let stay with me thugs who are threatening my life are watching me and coming for me, act noble just to be a creep*no player choice in that dude kinda just starts to think like a creep unlike it felt at start*, first thing i do after getting cloths with her is ask for a armpit job w/e its called? and jizz all on the new cloths? Wtf is wrong with this dude? No choice at all and again wtf is the logic? Dude is just some weirdo now xD


New Member
Feb 17, 2022
i've seen a lot of stuff: NTR, guro, copro, necro, mind break, ugly bastards, etc. it's okay, but this is the kind of game where I don't wanna be a villain or anything like that, where i don't wanna have sex with anyone or other lustful things... i just wanna get into the narrative and that's it

It's definitely a masterpiece, thx

Jason Free

New Member
Apr 21, 2018
I dunno about the debt subplot. Feels like a plot-tumour.
I get that it's for the temptation to whore her out or whatever, but I imagine most people won't go for that.

Besides, the obvious solution is to just call the police. Loansharking isn't legal, neither is threatening to beat people to death with baseball bats. Bye bye go to jail.

I mean, the obvious solution is not to borrow money from people like that, but the second one is to just have absolutely nothing to do with them. Don't go to meet them, get a new phone, call the police to report that some dangerous group of thugs have been stalking you and trying to extort you. Deny ever having borrowed anything from them (people like this don't keep paperwork, cos their business is illegal)

Sure, they'll want to kill you for this, but they'll want to kill you for not paying anyway, and you can't pay even if you wanted to. (if you had some magic way to create money out of nowhere to pay them with, you wouldn't be taking shady loans in the first place.)

That's why loansharks are retarded. Trying to extort people who don't have any money isn't a very smart idea.
Bro if getting out of this shit were as easy as "calling the police" why the fuck do we even still have crime. "Loansharking isn't legal, and neither is threatening to beat people to death with baseball bats" when has that ever stopped anyone from doing anything illegal?? Also, not going to meet them and getting a new phone is an easy way to get them to just come straight to your door and beat the shit outta you. They got connections. They got shady ways to extract any and all information from your ass. What the hell would not meeting them and getting a new phone do if they just straight up know where you live.

In an ideal world, sure, call the police and everything will be magically solved. Sadly, we don't live in an ideal world, do we now?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Bro if getting out of this shit were as easy as "calling the police" why the fuck do we even still have crime. "Loansharking isn't legal, and neither is threatening to beat people to death with baseball bats" when has that ever stopped anyone from doing anything illegal??
Literally every time anybody has ever been convicted of anything?
Is that a serious question?

Like, yeah, sure, crimes keep happening, people keep doing them. But it's not like our prisons aren't full of people who didn't get away with it.

Japan specifically is crazy about prosecution. Getting the police to deal with your loanshark is probably easier than getting a gun and being able to legally shoot them to death for threatening you, which is how it'd probably go in america.


Dec 26, 2021
Tried to play it in sandboxie. Didnt work out it kept crashing. Anyone else had a similar problem? I usually try to run the game withouth internet access.

Considering that the VT report for the exe also mentioned that its trying to scan network adapters + user input(mouse and keyboard). Didnt want to risk it running it with internet permission.
User input could be regular controle things. But the scanning for local network adapters raised a eyebrow.
While none of the AV found it sus the behavior section was odd.
3.70 star(s) 30 Votes