I played the game fully and will answer a few questions I've seen on this thread.
1. No, there are not only 3 scenes. I counted at least 10. They are very short, but very well done imo.
2. No, there is no gore / guro in any of the scenes. She survives all of them unharmed. The "graphic violence" tag is probably from the background art / scenery. None of major detail, just ugly and easy to avoid thinking about. I will say that some scenes are a bit edgy i.e.
Still, no blood, no gore, no nothing that would be a turn off.
3. There are lots of choices, but all lead to the same conclusion(s). The choices are there to access more scenes / take a different route to the same destination. Only ONE choice seems to really matter (spoiler); at the end whether you kill Linda or not. That choice unlocks a 2nd ending if you choose not to.
4. Certain actions have to be taken to meet the criteria for 1 of 3 endings (that I found). Only at the end though, none of the choices throughout the game really matter. SPOILER; none of them are really good so don't worry too much on it.
Overall, simple gameplay, incredible artwork, decent storyline and a good game. A small yet welcome addition to F95.
Edit: Also, Don't bother with full save. No gallery. You can access the image files via game folder -> img -> pictures.