Dev made a poll on the
last game and over 70%(nearly 8k votes) were collectively fine with ntr(as long as it is avoidable) or liked it. Cope and seethe, haters

You are part of a small minority if you drop the game just for this.
Props to dev for listening to the facts and not just a vocal minority complaining. This also includes the haters’ weird assumption, that devs are obligated to inform every single tag that is gonna be in the game from day 1. Its ridiculous to expect a dev to know every single tag from the beginning when a game takes years to create
In summary; If dev didn’t explicitly state there will never be [insert disliked tag], you simply cannot be certain of it and have no right to be mad if an unwanted tag ends up in a game. Dev dosen’t owe us anything. Getting informed all future tags beforehand is a privilege, not a right.
If anything, dev actually bothered to be transparent and immediately tag the game as new kinks were introduced so nobody is caught off-guard. That is the most we can expect tbh and should be praised because many devs don’t bother to do that here. Personally, I can’t wait to see more of this game