
Engaged Member
Oct 29, 2017
Some thinking...

Whitney: Pregnancy content with out secret softie of a rebel would be... interesting to say the least.
Dick Whitney I can see being certainly more protective of us, might even have some of their friends watch over us for protection. Do think alone time we could see a Whitney being reserved and kinda freaking out but being a bit more softer with us.
Knocked up Whitney would be PISSED. Mainly because they have to give up smoking and drinking, not to mention probably freaking out. But, we could calm them down and support them, earn more affection, while likely at the cost of them terrorizing us with public lewds. Hell, might even pawn us off as a stud to knock up others... (Can get behind that...)

Invite Whitners over: Comments on our room, should we have invested in stuff. Maybe shows a bit more of a softer side to them than publicly presented. Hell, could even have a event if Yandere Snatch isn't in jail yet and have Whitney catch them and tie them up and wake us up for some lewdy fun among the three of them. (Could be a good moment to maybe get Yanderes to be more open minded relationship wise...)

Dominating Whit: Now, I'm sure that maybe we might eventually get the chance to truly dominate or flip the switch with Whitney (same could be said with Kylar in terms of their jealousy), but I do hope we do get to dominate Whitney. See them submit to us, pleasure us, let us use them to our needs. And we can either return the favor to them for all they have done to us, or maybe be a little kinder about it but still have a firm hand.

Sydney: Pregnancy with our totally corrupt (I mean honestly who the hell keeps this church person pure?) lover is going to be fun as hell, specially with the temple storyline, which I am kinda digging.
Dick Syd: Could go for the holy virgin achievement with them, making all kinds of interesting. Sirrus would be shocked that they are getting a grand kid this young but would likely dote on us and become a second mom/dad to us, spoil us too.
Knocked up Syd: Again, Holy Virgin Pregnancy with Sydney would be epic, specially with Jordan finding out that Syd is preggers. Cause for joy, but Sydney and the MC knowing whats truly up.

Transformation Syd?: Given we can be a number of things, maybe we could help up changing Sydney in some manner? Like Wolfgirl Sydney? Who goes into heat big time and is needy as hell during it? Fun times.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Damn, swimming deepish in the ocean later on when beauty is high is essentially impossible. Almost every turn is a tentacle, squid, or dolphin gangbang (Not even an exaggeration). I even have 7 turns of banishment for dealing with the tentacles and I can't keep stress down. That might need some tuning. I guess part of that might also be 5/7 Awareness, but I'm not sure. Guess that's another thing you have to give up on at certain points in the game.

Seems a bit excessive still for no actual trauma, guess I'll try to max out Awareness for the feat so I can lower it before trying again. That'll take a while, but hopefully the tentacles at least stop. Big difference between "More dangerous encounters" and "Impossible to access certain areas without being raped to unconsciousness", lol.

Edit: Oh thank god, I thought I had to get Awarenesss to 7/7 for the achievement but it's just 6/7. That wasn't as terrible as I thought it'd be. I hope lowering it isn't too bad. Surprised it isn't a silver rank achievement with how dangerous it makes a ton of areas. I guess if all you do is sit in the temple praying, it isn't too bad, but that's quite a commitment anyways.

Feats are still locked to the last save huh? Too bad, sometimes I want a break from my main character but it feels like a waste to play another if the feats gained on the alt won't be saved to the main character/file. Wish I remembered to start off with a temporary character just to get that filled with fluids for that Fully Covered feat. Seems like pain to get without losing virginities.
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Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
Damn, swimming deepish in the ocean later on when beauty is high is essentially impossible. Almost every turn is a tentacle, squid, or dolphin gangbang (Not even an exaggeration). I even have 7 turns of banishment for dealing with the tentacles and I can't keep stress down long enough to even get to the diving area. That might need some tuning. I guess part of that might also be 5/7 Awareness, but I'm not sure. Guess that's another thing you have to give up on at certain points in the game.

Seems a bit excessive still for no actual trauma, guess I'll try to max out Awareness for the feat so I can lower it before trying again. That'll take a while, but hopefully the tentacles at least stop. Big difference between "More dangerous encounters" and "Impossible to access certain areas without being raped to unconsciousness", lol.

Edit: Oh thank god, I thought I had to get Awarenesss to 7/7 for the achievement but it's just 6/7. That wasn't as terrible as I thought it'd be. I hope lowering it isn't too bad. Surprised it isn't a silver rank achievement with how dangerous it makes a ton of areas. I guess if all you do is sit in the temple praying, it isn't too bad, but that's quite a commitment anyways.

Feats are still locked to the last save huh? Too bad, sometimes I want a break from my main character but it feels like a waste to play another if the feats gained on the alt won't be saved to the main character/file. Wish I remembered to start off with a temporary character just to get that filled with fluids for that Fully Covered feat. Seems like pain to get without losing virginities.
Yea, personally while keeping my first two main saves all legit, for a third character I cheated in all the feats cause goddamn I ain't grinding one char into completion, it isn't even possible.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Yea, personally while keeping my first two main saves all legit, for a third character I cheated in all the feats cause goddamn I ain't grinding one char into completion, it isn't even possible.
Mmhmm, I can understand that and might do something similar eventually because of how bullshit the system is currently. It's funny, because if people want to cheat, they can just DL a full feat save as mentioned, so the current system is only punishing players that want to play multiple characters and collect feats legit. I wonder if it'd be possible to merge the feats of two separate characters, but not allow you to merge the same character.

There are some time limited and easily missable feats too. That "Opened Pandora's Cocks" is terrible about that (Help out at the adult shop 11 times before it opens). I had no idea that feat existed, now I pretty much can't get it until I get the 5 million feats on my main character first and restart. Even then, I'd have to stay on that new character for months... Perfect record type of achievements are pretty much just telling people to savescum anyways with all the ways you can get dragged away from wherever you want to be. Pretty sure it's also close to impossible to get the "Don't lose consciousness over 150 days" legit. The sex shop feat is less obnoxious, but we really don't need more of that shit lol.

Wiki could also use an "Easily Missable Feats" section.
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Aug 11, 2017
I think it is very good if a game is very clear about their target audience. That way, you won't spend time to play just to find out it's not something you're into or even worse left traumatized if the game contain some extreme content.

Unfortunately, doesn't matter how clear a game could be with their target audience, there will be some asshole outside that target audience that find it necessary to get in to the game forum just to complains or to kink shame the people there


Active Member
Feb 10, 2018
I think it is very good if a game is very clear about their target audience. That way, you won't spend time to play just to find out it's not something you're into or even worse left traumatized if the game contain some extreme content.

Unfortunately, doesn't matter how clear a game could be with their target audience, there will be some asshole outside that target audience that find it necessary to get in to the game forum just to complains or to kink shame the people there
Or the people who don't pay attention and then complain about things that they hate being in.
Or the game being a certain way when it is clearly labeled as being that way.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2018
Oh, it is? I'd suppose people who like some more submissive/dark content, but who do you think the target demographic is? Very curious what you're thinking, cause you said yikes and have game in quotation marks.
They deleted their posts after I called them out. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Since I did the "A Thunderous Response" feat, I've been getting an error.

The bug makes the widget to select enemies disappear so I can't target enemies if there are multiplies. The error shows up even if I'm only fighting a single enemy. The game seems to think a single character also has multiple dicks and starts the encounter off already doing shit, seems to be left over sex acts from a previous encounter (Butt clenching and penis between thighs). It also shows multiple dick sprites when there should only be one. Both examples below are at the start of the encounter before any turns have passed.

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I'll post the save when it first seemed to have started, at the point when I got the feat (I don't have a save right as the encounter starts sadly). Surprised this is the first major bug I've noticed. I have clothes disappear once in a while even though I have the auto rebuy on, but that's not too much of a hassle. This bug doesn't trigger for every scene interestingly. I got a scene where I was grabbed by two people near the orphanage and it didn't trigger, and sometimes by beasts it doesn't.

Rip progress, I hope there's a fix.

Edit: Reloaded an old save and tried doing the encounter without fighting, I finally managed to not have so much arousal that screams turn into moans. Still have the bug. Seems completing the achievement in any way causes the issue (Tried choosing "Slink Away" and "Run" options.). I reloaded the closest save I had beforehand and there appears to be no more bug. I don't think I did anything else before the achievement encounter (It was a save where I was already walking with cream). Well at least now I have a save just as the encounter starts and have seen it wasn't anything else that caused it, I'll uploaded that new save too.

Edit Edit: I finally got to try the "Join Fight" option and it may have avoided the bug, oh shit finally. Also proves 100% it was that encounter that caused the issue. Glad I was persistent in testing this instead of just giving up lol. I really didn't want to lose this feat.
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Active Member
May 5, 2018
Demographic is definitely park enthusiasts.
First, I laughed, so thanks for that. The idea of a park enthusiast was just super amusing, combined with that somehow being the primary demographic of this game, that was hilarious.
Second, if your picture is implying the euphemism I think it is, then good you provided it because I would have never picked up on it otherwise. On the other hand, I prefer to not think in that direction, so I almost wish you hadn't provided a pic.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Does "It Belongs in a Museum!" really require all antiques? Cause there's a bullshit amount now. Not even sure I want to attempt that. Wiki still says 27 is "all" on the feat page and counts it as a gold feat. Since the number is actually now in the mid to late 40's, if the feat still requires them all, is it upgraded to a higher rank at least?

Some of the requirements and rng are crazy and there's no way in hell you'd find some of these naturally. Pretty much a pure "Only obtainable by looking at the wiki" Feat if it really requires them all. The "hints" from Winter are pretty vague. Vague enough that if you didn't already know what they mean, they often won't help much.

Silver Brooch: Requires rebelliousness and is easy to miss if you aren't aware of that. Raising it could take months of rng even if you are aware of it if you didn't go the rebellious path.
Golden Chastity Belt: Is obviously pretty bullshit even if you farm the pots for a while.
Old grenade: Who the hell even uses the Riding School so much their pants rips unintentionally. Maybe it has more content now or something?
Stone Talisman: Nobody rests at the Meadow that isn't farming Feats. Nobody. Lol.

I'd suggest making the Feat like 30/35/40 antiques or something at this point if it isn't already capped. That leaves some room to miss some of the bullshit ones. You still need to go out of your way to hunt them at like 35-40.
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