Aug 27, 2018
I already wrote about them both here and the blog. And some other guy also confirms that he also encountered the same bugs so... What's up with the passive agressive answer about something you didn't bother to check?

I also encountered all the bugs in like 5 minutes after i started a new game so i guess it is not so hard to encounter, considering the game thinks my female character is actually male and tries to get information all the time about a penis that doesn't exists and then gives random errors.

Just saying.
I'm saying it literally hasn't been even 24 hours, chill out. It's one guy who receives some help from a couple other people on various things, not a AAA dev team who can just pump out hotfixes.


Jun 17, 2019
I'm saying it literally hasn't been even 24 hours, chill out. It's one guy who receives some help from a couple other people on various things, not a AAA dev team who can just pump out hotfixes.
I know that, but they are literally game breaking bugs and like i said it didn't even last 5 minutes for me to encounter them. It doesn't make any sense for me that why he released it as it is. I am just checking the thread regularly to see if anyone commented about the issues i have so that i may know if these problems are on my side or not.


Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
I'm all for tormenting the players, for entertainment value, but there comes a point where, when that's the only thing, and it is just tedious, it makes the game a lot less enjoyable.

Like a guy who stands next to you and is constantly tapping you on the far shoulder, then giggling like a school-girl, for hours on end, every day, in hopes that you actually look the other way, once.

This game could use a lot less rape, like 90% less, and shorter scenes, like 90% shorter, as well as something other than the same blatantly auto-generated dialogue. Dialogue which is about 50% of the game, and 90% ignored after the first dozen rapes.

That was the tough-love...

Here are the suggestions that I think would help this be worth revisiting, besides adjusting the things above.

1: The ability to mend clothing that you are NOT wearing. (Also fixing the bug that completely ignores the fact that you are wearing tattered clothing and can't repair it, until you remove it, at home, and put it back on again.) Heck, give us a changing room there, at least. Also, in the store. We can teleport new clothing home, but we can't see our available inventory of clothes or teleport tattered clothing to the tailor?) Oh, and realistic prices to repair. Costs me $30 to fix a tattered $5 shirt. Seriously... How about selecting the clothing to mend, or just replace.

2: Who are we being raped by again? "She", and "Her"... I know it was someone I knew... Oh Yeah, it was Whittney... Freaking use HER name. Or, at-least repeat that at the top. "You are being raped by ..." Whittney, 10 wolves, a he-she... Something.

3: Senseless identifiable words to describe levels, where a simple progress bar would have honestly been better. Am I successfully kicking her ass? It's almost damn near impossible to tell with the choice of "leveled" wording hierarchy that is being used. Plus, more damn text to read. For the billionth rape.

4: No-one likes a million choices. That is one of the things that killed block-buster, while gas-station movie-rentals sky-rocketed. It's called neural saturation, and it's a real bad design choice. Like entering a first-production Boeing-747 cockpit with a million buttons and only about a dozen are actually needed. A picture is worth a 1000 words. For the love of all things good, kill the words, show a foot kicking, a hand grasping, a mouth about to suck. And move the damn radio buttons to the front of the word, not the end. That is totally ass-backwards to logic and standards. Or kill the radio-buttons and just highlight the selection text. CSS and javascript was invented, partially, for that reason. Also, if there is only one choice, remove it from selection, or at-least select it for us.

5: This is horrible writing, even for generated text. I get it, it's generated text, but it's horrible in any language to write like this...

"She approaches you. She takes your hand. She licks your eyebrows. Her vagina thrusts onto your cock. She rides you like a banshee. She is driving you nuts with all her third-person, heartless dialogue. She, She, She, Her, Her, Her, if you are still reading."

Marry o/Fuck o/Kill o
Stroke o/ Punch o/ Grasp o/ Pull hair o/ Play tic-tac-toe o/ Do your nails o/ Play cats-cradle o/ Rest o
Contemplate suicide o/ Yell "Bingo!" o/ Scream for ice-cream o/ Suck her finger o/ Say "Who's your daddy!" o
Wiggle your toe o/ Crinkle your toe o/ Cross your toes o/ Dot your eyes o/ Read a novel o/ Rest forever o

Try this...

"Whittney approaches you AS she takes your hand. Your eyebrows get saturated AS her tongue slides across them. A warm and wet vagina envelops your cock AS she begins to ride you like a toy horse. Screaming like a banshee, you go crazy, AS there is little obvious micro-dialogue AND your heart actually races AS you read something with substance. We convulse, WHILE our juices flow AND her squirting pussy gushes lust, WITHOUT a million she and her pronouns used"

o Beg for more / o Demand more / o Neigh like a horse

6: How about... "There are 10 people here. Select someone to..." rape / molest / fight / rob / flirt with / seduce / talk to
Providing a list of random individuals, with characteristics you can choose from. As opposed to being limited to only random, bountiful, nearly endless, rapes. A perfect way to also "define a character", by the choices made.

7: Reminders of tasks, needing to be done, at the top of every normal page. Not nested in an odd sub-menu, at the bottom. Also, some sub-menu organization. A lot of things are just totally out of place and better suited together, not spread across multiple places.

8: Kill the horrible empty-lines, multiple empty lines that just push all the actions through a nasty scroll-zone. Which needs to be done every time, multiple times, per multiple interactions. Having to scroll and click and click and click and click, repeatedly, is a horrible design. I'm on a 4K screen and I still have to scroll because everything is double-line spaced and has tons of dead lines of nothing between random text that is undesirable to read.

I literally edit the page, live, using F12, and killing the double-line spacing, and odd width-limit, just to stay sane. However, I can't kill all the empty lines, which are hard-coded for some reason. At-least it fits on, almost, a 1080p area. Thankfully, I have a 4K screen to make it all fit, after editing it. Less of an eye-strain that way too. Easier to read, if I hadn't already read it all, within the first 10 min of game-play. While I was being raped in the endless forest by endless wolves and random groups of people.

9: Needs more "unique" encounters... Love the ones that are there, a LOT... Individually, as twisted as they are.
- At-least three neighbors, for each of the three neighborhoods. Some kind of progressive, random, but specific, encounters of various forms. In both consensual and non-consensual flavors. Maybe a peeping-tom task, a pantie collector task, a person just wanting to watch you jerk while wearing various girls clothing.
- An alien abduction, with a return, obviously... after being probed and given a gift or burden, temporarily.
- An alternative to Robin's Domination, or removal of the mention, if it can't be done. (Seems I missed it... Became her protector, but the option is still there, doing nothing. Not sure it did anything before.) Also, is it HER dominating me, or ME dominating her? Those options are real unclear, every time they are used.
- etc... Just more "flavor" to the stew. So there is more to do, than just continue the endless rape.

10: Taking the bus... Please, just show the damn map. Another pointless wall of text that could be simplified with just more existing pictures. A 2-click solution with a hover-over description is sufficient to get to any sub-location, within the existing locations. Also, identify which places can be walked to, if you are going to restrict movement. Still not sure why that is even restricted. Could be like the buss, but simply stopping at each point along the way, checking for events to happen. As it is, you can make one move and end-up, back, half way across the map in the other direction, just because something happened and an event left you there. No where near where you were, or were headed. Map stepping-traversal isn't that hard to code, and it's just annoying when stepping is simply forced on you, for no honestly logical reason, that is needed.

11: My poor little guy STILL has a vagina when his pants or shorts get wet, instead of his cock. Reminding me that it would be nice if you actually used some of the assets to represent some of these people we are interacting with. Don't ask how THAT reminded me of that... Guess it was just nice to see someone other than myself up in that corner for once... My twin sister stand-in, um, standing in... the corner... with transparent wet pants... Now I feel dirty!
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Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
Lots of text wall here
Or. How about.. Being a game developer and all.. Instead of telling someone else how to make their game, a game that PLENTY, and THEN some... maybe make your own game with all these ideas? I can get behind ideas 1, 2 and probably naturally 9, I mean, you made this gigantic wall of text for a game only on version.. What. I don't see a, which means the game hasn't reached it's final point yet, and probably won't for some time to come...

You act like the dev decided "Okay! Game's finished! Future updates will just be bugfixes and proofreading." or something, and that this would be perfect for a final version or something. NNNNOOOO. It's not HARDLY done, so you can HONESTLY take a moment to re-think how much you put into that whole.. rant or w/e you wanna call it, and try to think. "Was this and that REALLY necessary?" Not to mention above all the attitude and condescension you carry behind it all.

I may have used the old "If you can do better then why don't you do it?", but the one main reason why it's valid here is because you're a game developer apparently. If it bothers you THIS much? Then literally. Do it. Yourself. With your OWN game. Hell, I wouldn't have even had a problem reading this if it weren't for the attitude and condescension inside of it.

There was MUCH nicer ways to get a point across that still hit effectively. You didn't HAVE to say ANY of this the way you did, and now I'm just plainly irritated more than I already was tonight. You carry the absolute MOST with you and for what? What was the reason to be so rude and try and coat it as "tough love." That's just a term to cover up being an asshole and, oh yeah, being condescending. Re-think how you look writing almost, hmm, 90% of that.


Active Member
Jun 21, 2019
I played for hours and hours and grinded stats to the tops, but my cherry was still with me. Can that really be called "rape"? It felt more like pointless stat grind. I even played totally submissive route. Maybe strokes should be less effective I don't know. :giggle:


Jan 3, 2018
Yep it's a bit hilarious that basically every rapist in DoL is satisfied by a HJ/FJ, especially when juxtaposed against how escalatory actual rape is. Even if a victim in the real world acquiesces to a blowjob, chances are it soon spirals into a facefuck, vaginal or even a dry anal rape

This is in no way meant as a criticism of the awesome game Vrelnir has created so far. Naturally real world is very hard to model in a game and DoL has certainly come closest to doing the impossible
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Jan 16, 2018
Noesis is being waaaaay too harsh on a game made by one person (with some help) that isn't even close to finished yet.

That said, the only thing i will agree is that the game's writting does need an improvement.

I don't think being raped every five steps (if you're lucky) would be such a problem if the text was more interesting to read. But as it stands... After just a couple rapes you praticaly saw everything, and by that point the game is just remixing words in a way that is not really fun to read. Worst: in many cases, the text doesn't even make sense.

Like when you are sucking someones breast and they start to lick your pussy. How that even work?! Or when you are in a consensuous situation, but the text still treats as a rape. Like when you are on the pool gangbang and someone says that "if you don't like to have your ass photographed..." Well, i do like! The scene is consensual, so this text here is just strange.

Those are just two exemples, and there are a lot more. Those cases makes me just ignore most of the text and just keep clicking "next" until the scene is over. Which is not a problem if i'm just walking around, but if i want to get somewhere and get raped 5 times before i get there it can became really anoying.

Also: please, if you are raped, have your character stay where s/he was. It is pretty frustrating when i'm one block from home, gets raped and i'm suddenly on the other end of the map. Again!


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Wow huge update, nice.

Just here to say I hope the dev knows the reason a lot of people are passionate about criticism and such of the game is because most of us have already been playing/enjoying the game for a while and we see its potential/are hoping for more. Easy for people to get caught up in the negative/stuff that we don't have yet (I myself am guilty), but this is a pretty cool game already. Looking forward to how it progresses.

Pretty unique style of game I wish we had more of.


Feb 25, 2018
Everything is correct here, transcendental in this context meaning the knowledge in regards to depravity has broken beyond the bounds and that the character knows a lot.
You don't understand the meaning of mine.
Awareness below 990 becomes Awareness level 1.
Awareness 100, 300, 500, 800, 900, all level 1.
Cheat are abnormally applied.
If you apply the Awareness Cheat yourself, you know what it means.
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Anita Deek

Feb 14, 2018
You don't understand the meaning of mine.
Awareness below 990 becomes Awareness level 1.
Awareness 100, 300, 500, 800, 900, all level 1.
Cheat are abnormally applied.
If you apply the Awareness Cheat yourself, you know what it means.
I see now what you mean, I'm sorry to jump into a conclusion so quickly.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
0: This game could use a lot less rape, like 90% less, and shorter scenes, like 90% shorter, as well as something other than the same blatantly auto-generated dialogue. Dialogue which is about 50% of the game, and 90% ignored after the first dozen rapes.

1: The ability to mend clothing that you are NOT wearing. (Also fixing the bug that completely ignores the fact that you are wearing tattered clothing and can't repair it, until you remove it, at home, and put it back on again.) Heck, give us a changing room there, at least. Also, in the store. We can teleport new clothing home, but we can't see our available inventory of clothes or teleport tattered clothing to the tailor?) Oh, and realistic prices to repair. Costs me $30 to fix a tattered $5 shirt. Seriously... How about selecting the clothing to mend, or just replace.
2: Who are we being raped by again? "She", and "Her"... I know it was someone I knew... Oh Yeah, it was Whittney... Freaking use HER name. Or, at-least repeat that at the top. "You are being raped by ..." Whittney, 10 wolves, a he-she... Something.
3: Senseless identifiable words to describe levels, where a simple progress bar would have honestly been better. Am I successfully kicking her ass? It's almost damn near impossible to tell with the choice of "leveled" wording hierarchy that is being used. Plus, more damn text to read. For the billionth rape.
4: No-one likes a million choices. That is one of the things that killed block-buster, while gas-station movie-rentals sky-rocketed. It's called neural saturation, and it's a real bad design choice. Like entering a first-production Boeing-747 cockpit with a million buttons and only about a dozen are actually needed. A picture is worth a 1000 words. For the love of all things good, kill the words, show a foot kicking, a hand grasping, a mouth about to suck. And move the damn radio buttons to the front of the word, not the end. That is totally ass-backwards to logic and standards. Or kill the radio-buttons and just highlight the selection text. CSS and javascript was invented, partially, for that reason. Also, if there is only one choice, remove it from selection, or at-least select it for us.
5: This is horrible writing, even for generated text. I get it, it's generated text, but it's horrible in any language to write like this...
"She approaches you. She takes your hand. She licks your eyebrows. Her vagina thrusts onto your cock. She rides you like a banshee. She is driving you nuts with all her third-person, heartless dialogue. She, She, She, Her, Her, Her, if you are still reading."
Try this...
"Whittney approaches you AS she takes your hand. Your eyebrows get saturated AS her tongue slides across them. A warm and wet vagina envelops your cock AS she begins to ride you like a toy horse. Screaming like a banshee, you go crazy, AS there is little obvious micro-dialogue AND your heart actually races AS you read something with substance. We convulse, WHILE our juices flow AND her squirting pussy gushes lust, WITHOUT a million she and her pronouns used"
6: How about... "There are 10 people here. Select someone to..." rape / molest / fight / rob / flirt with / seduce / talk to
Providing a list of random individuals, with characteristics you can choose from. As opposed to being limited to only random, bountiful, nearly endless, rapes. A perfect way to also "define a character", by the choices made.
7: Reminders of tasks, needing to be done, at the top of every normal page. Not nested in an odd sub-menu, at the bottom. Also, some sub-menu organization. A lot of things are just totally out of place and better suited together, not spread across multiple places.
8: Kill the horrible empty-lines, multiple empty lines that just push all the actions through a nasty scroll-zone. Which needs to be done every time, multiple times, per multiple interactions. Having to scroll and click and click and click and click, repeatedly, is a horrible design. I'm on a 4K screen and I still have to scroll because everything is double-line spaced and has tons of dead lines of nothing between random text that is undesirable to read.
I literally edit the page, live, using F12, and killing the double-line spacing, and odd width-limit, just to stay sane. However, I can't kill all the empty lines, which are hard-coded for some reason. At-least it fits on, almost, a 1080p area. Thankfully, I have a 4K screen to make it all fit, after editing it. Less of an eye-strain that way too. Easier to read, if I hadn't already read it all, within the first 10 min of game-play. While I was being raped in the endless forest by endless wolves and random groups of people.
9: Needs more "unique" encounters... Love the ones that are there, a LOT... Individually, as twisted as they are.
- At-least three neighbors, for each of the three neighborhoods. Some kind of progressive, random, but specific, encounters of various forms. In both consensual and non-consensual flavors. Maybe a peeping-tom task, a pantie collector task, a person just wanting to watch you jerk while wearing various girls clothing.
- An alien abduction, with a return, obviously... after being probed and given a gift or burden, temporarily.
- An alternative to Robin's Domination, or removal of the mention, if it can't be done. (Seems I missed it... Became her protector, but the option is still there, doing nothing. Not sure it did anything before.) Also, is it HER dominating me, or ME dominating her? Those options are real unclear, every time they are used.
- etc... Just more "flavor" to the stew. So there is more to do, than just continue the endless rape.
10: Taking the bus... Please, just show the damn map. Another pointless wall of text that could be simplified with just more existing pictures. A 2-click solution with a hover-over description is sufficient to get to any sub-location, within the existing locations. Also, identify which places can be walked to, if you are going to restrict movement. Still not sure why that is even restricted. Could be like the buss, but simply stopping at each point along the way, checking for events to happen. As it is, you can make one move and end-up, back, half way across the map in the other direction, just because something happened and an event left you there. No where near where you were, or were headed. Map stepping-traversal isn't that hard to code, and it's just annoying when stepping is simply forced on you, for no honestly logical reason, that is needed.
11: My poor little guy STILL has a vagina when his pants or shorts get wet, instead of his cock. Reminding me that it would be nice if you actually used some of the assets to represent some of these people we are interacting with. Don't ask how THAT reminded me of that... Guess it was just nice to see someone other than myself up in that corner for once... My twin sister stand-in, um, standing in... the corner... with transparent wet pants... Now I feel dirty!
Ok time to address some of these suggestions and i put your "needs less rape" comment as suggestion 0. Oh to those complaning about tone beware it's really hard to convey/confer the proper tone through text in general so don't just ignore what could be valid criticisms just because someone comes of as sounding like a cunt.

0) Rape is a staple feature of this game and i feel it has the right amount but if you mean you want it to occur less frequently the you can use a "low profile" style of play(wear conservative cloathing, don't stay out at night etc) or you can just lower the Event rate in the options. If by shorter scenes you mean shorter encounters(fights) they get shorter as your skills improve, but if you mean shorter events then the longest ones i have found don't go for longer than a few pages(6 tops[the drug kidnapping]) and i don't find that to be an issue myself. And the "as well as something other than the same blatantly auto-generated dialogue" what is the alternative? This issue seems to be baised on coding and not the flavour of the dialogue but maybe you could list an example of a "good" version of this or at least suggest the alternative you think could be better.

1) I agree with this one.

2) I don't use a persons name all the time i speak to or about them and usually just say it once then refer to them by their pronouns from the one but if you get confused over something like that then Eh seems like a you problem.

3) It also uses colour with the text. Would numbers be better? seems like a style thing.

4) No-one likes a million choices? Speak for yourself. I prefer the many over the few, it lets me make a more character driven choice over being limited to just 2 or 3 choices. And mail order rentals killed Blockbuster not choice. As for the radio buttons being on the front/back i couldn't careless.

5) Yes it would sound/read better in the way you put it the way it's used now is a part of the action tracking system readout. So it's more fuctional rather then stylised, Sounds like another coding problem. And you used "Whitney" once and(lo and behold) a million she and her and your pronouns used after that in your example.

6) I'm fine with the faceless NPC masses with the occasional Named NPC. I don't need a long pointless list of everyone at a place just the standouts and relevent action list and we get that already or do you need 3 Teds and a Kelly hanging around at a place. I thought you were against needless choices?

7) I agree these tabs need some organization.

8) Aesthetics meh.

9) I agree with this and we are getting them slowly but surely.

10) I think the bus is fine but i am getting a little tired of being thrown around the map by NPCs. It should be a rarer occursion.

11) Sounds like a bug, Vrel doesn't post here much but if you post it at the blogspot it will probably get looked at, the Devs are good like that and the major bug patches come out rather promptly considering.

There that wasn't so hard and only twice i thought this person was a jerk and not in fact a cunt. Maybe get of your high PC Tone Police Horses and try to respond to the criticisms and not the "Tone".
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
Yep it's a bit hilarious that basically every rapist in DoL is satisfied by a HJ/FJ, especially when juxtaposed against how escalatory actual rape is. Even if a victim in the real world acquiesces to a blowjob, chances are it soon spirals into a facefuck, vaginal or even a dry anal rape

This is in no way meant as a criticism of the awesome game Vrelnir has created so far. Naturally real world is very hard to model in a game and DoL has certainly come closest to doing the impossible
The difficulty could be higher and i think Vrel has some plans for that but i don't think it should be Impossible to get away "unfucked".
4.50 star(s) 193 Votes