Aug 14, 2019
Yeah, well, last version, I played for at least 30 days . On 2nd day , she got "tentacle-egged" at least 3 times, but 28 days later, she still hadn't birthed anything ! So feeling like that part is broken/bugged.

PS - I usually like to get the Breast-parasites, so even early, she'll be okay to keep removing her top, which is fine for me . :giggle:

PS2 - Also, if you have "swarm" enabled, that will cut-down greatly on the Tentacle-monsters showing up ! (the RNG, seems to favor the Eels, more than the Tentacle-Monsters ! :( )
If u get eggs from the swarms, u need to get a cream pie in your ass by something else in order to fertilise the eggs. This is not required for the tentacles.

Thanks for the reply! I don't think i can remove the bottom there on the rocks, maybe MC needs more promiscuity to do so? but still i haven't got any parasites doing this method, it's why i am asking if the programmers leave this out the programing as it's simply not happening.

for anal pregnancy, it's still happening with the tentacle monster. i know as already suffer it on day 2 of game play tryng to get the urchill at the beach (yes i do this this early on the game) i encounter the tentacle monster only swimming a little further out "this waters seems dangerous" ...indeed! 0.0 I didn't thought was possible to get this so early in the game to be honest... maybe i was Lucky? or better say unlucky, was really sad to see MC so disturbed crying and in pain to be honest ...good thing I put the chasttity cage on at least. Oh, remember with the tentacles only the large and the thick one works to get anal pregnancy.
For the parasite on the rocks, if they become too common, they may end up being more annoying, u can technically save scum them if the rng luck is really bad tho, just leave the rock and get back on after loading to the point where u first got onto the rock
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Game Developer
Nov 9, 2018
cyan101 LTD yunasenna endme2331 ProductofLust Thank you!
I enjoyed this game for the few hours it took to finish a few playthroughs.
It's a great idea and the combat system, while it had me a little confused at first, quickly became a familiar and simple concept.
Great job! I am relieved there are still enjoyable adult RPG out there that has an expansive sandbox like this one.

With all that said, I do share the sentiment that the game can be grindy. However, the way to combat that challenge can be rather difficult when all enemies become a cakewalk if you progress too quickly. All it takes is to get one party to cum in order to win, and honestly that isn't a challenge once you have your characteristics up. It's a tough nut to crack since with the way the system is geared I can't say I know what's a good work around.

I wouldn't want to add new features to combat since it's already a bit time consuming as is. So adding even more depth might not be what to go for. Although I would say that maybe the game could do with some other forms of resolving combat. Combat and sex is fun, but if there's a way to incorporate other skills more often would be fun. For example, using English to persuade, History to find ways around the problem, et cetera.

Another suggestion I would add is about the Wilderness. In the forest, it is especially grindy in my experience because sometimes the encounter I want to happen just won't occur. Such as finding wolfshrooms near the wolf lair. Perhaps there could be a navigation skill that eventually lets you pick the encounter with a slight chance of harassment? It would level up the more you go around in the wilderness and such, maybe even incorporate the two trekkers to teach you some experience through interaction.

By the way, anyone know a way to increase the character's rump other than the parasite and getting fat? I have swimming up too high and it's hard to fail the skill check.
I'm glad you're enjoying it. Thanks for your thoughts as well.

I do think combat could use more depth, but you're right this needs to be added with care. The molestation side of encounters needs work. Some NPCs who accost you on the street should be content to grope the PC, and not necessarily try to escalate beyond that.
Quick ideas i don't wanna forget to mention later:

- gym class as an optional or alternate to swimming class
- school clubs and activities
- competitions
- shower room & shenanigans
- nurse office
- sports area in the rear playground, for sports

- playground for kids with swings, monkey bars, sand box and whatever else is usually found in a playground.
- dogs and dog lovers mini events (playing frisbee, shitting on the grass, knocking ppl down randomly... stuff like that)
- joggers at appropriate times
- secluded forested area for inappropriate events (never wander alone in isolated park areas, there's always a rapist there) or catch a couple going at it and choose to leave, stay or stay and masturbate
- weed smokers/dealer

- exorcism event (my take on it.. as a non-initiate exploring at night, you faintly hear some weird sounds from the deeper temple areas. peeking through a small window, you see a ritual of sorts with a moaning person tied in the middle in the room and a group of nuns/monks chanting at them. leave or stay.
.. as an initiate with enough grace, you are drafted to help the senior nuns/monks/Jordan with an exorcism ritual. the target in question manages to undo their restraints while the group is mid-chant and unable to stop and they pounce on you. distract the attacker long enough for the ritual to be finished or become the next one in need of it.)

- deep in the woods lies an ancient temple that can only be opened with a special key. find the key in some special location and open it. too bad the temple is guarded by ancient, horny undead. eh, that's life.

Thanks for the ideas.

Gym class is planned, along with after school clubs and activities. I agree the park needs something more.

The monks and nuns at the temple are certainly up to something, and future updates will let high-grace characters get more involved.

I'd planned a "dungeon" of sorts in the forest, some sort of ruin, way back. I've moved away from the idea though. It's still in the maybe pile.

This concerns version

There seems to be a "small" problem concerning one of the Clothing items, specifically, a Neck Accessory : The Cat Bell Collar, as described: "A fine and comfy cat bell collar. Jingles. " !

Yet after you purchase it, and wear it, the description reads this : " A collar with leash attached encases your neck " , in the text area, below the Character's "Doll" Display Area.

The image shown at the shop, matches the "Cat Collar with Bell " description, (and as seen on your character in the "character display area", upper left corner), it's just that the text description is incorrect there, and the image is wrong, (as described below) in a "combat scenario", while wearing that Neck Accessory !

The image, when seen in a "combat scenario" , is the "collar with leash", and NOT a "Cat Collar with Bell ", as it is supposed to be .

Apparently, an image "path" got linked to the wrong text, or something :oops:, ( I have no tech knowledge of any of this ), it's just a guess :rolleyes::unsure:.

PS - I hope my "description" of this, isn't too confusing, but it's hard to describe this with-out having the "images" to show what is happening :(, (I can't seem to be able to "capture" images with-in a game in progress, as I have seen other's have done ).
Thanks for the heads up. I'd marked the cat bell collar as a collar, forgetting all that entailed.
Actually, is swim-class shorter than the other classes? It feels like you get three or four turns in each class, except swim-class in which you only have two.

I didn't actually stop to count, but it definitely 'feels' shorter.
As Midge says, the classes should be the same length.
Thanks for the updates! i have been playing a old version and just update, i find out about the reward achievements by not cheating and is okay... it only delays the game and make us abuse the save feature but i got to ask something as i start a new game and finding out things that happen with ease now they don't happen at all.

Was the chances lower, or was the action removed to get the parasites from the sea weed cloth at the beach? I keep repeating the action and nothing... and no i don't want to cheat but seriously it's really hard now to the point i am starting to believe the action was removed. It's so hard to get because so many rapist dolphins and mask dudes, i really liked more when they ejaculate fast, now is more trauma and stress for OP... So Please make this action to get the parasites at least a 50% chance to happen because it's ridiculous hard now

Consider this: takes 10 min to get to the rocks, 2min to climb 20min to make the sea weed cloth, (nothing happens) ---32 minutes total--- on one attempt, now: 2 minute to get back in the water, 10 minutes to return to the shore and change to a towel, return to the rocks 10 minutes, get on the rocks 2 minutes, do another cloth 20 minutes 44 minutes to repeat and again NOTHING! 72 minutes in two attempts alone for nothing... you lose a lot of time doing this and is very frustrating... Please make it easier! or at least the trip to the rocks not so far or the time to make the garnet not so long either. i lose a day only for the chances!

make it a 60% chance to get them... or make MC find the weed with the bugs so this action is not so incredibly random, same for the butt parasite wich is EVEN HARDER. this shouldn't be so hard as this are literally BAD things to have and the effects on MC are handicap. so they should be easier. It's my opinion only..

Sorry for complaining about this, but as i said i started a new game and maybe this action was left out the programing?
You're welcome, and thanks for your thoughts.

The parasite chance wasn't changed. As lollipop scythe says, I'm afraid of bumping the chance up for fear of making it annoying for players who aren't looking for them.

A planned nearby area will make getting parasites much easier once implemented.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
Yeah, well, last version, I played for at least 30 days . On 2nd day , she got "tentacle-egged" at least 3 times, but 28 days later, she still hadn't birthed anything ! So feeling like that part is broken/bugged.

PS - I usually like to get the Breast-parasites, so even early, she'll be okay to keep removing her top, which is fine for me . :giggle:

PS2 - Also, if you have "swarm" enabled, that will cut-down greatly on the Tentacle-monsters showing up ! (the RNG, seems to favor the Eels, more than the Tentacle-Monsters ! :( )
Did you visit Harper? once you get the tummy rumblings you have to visit Harper or you wont pop.


Feb 10, 2019
EDIT because Vrelnir and lolipop actually answer my post 0.0u thanks!

It's nice you guys think on behalf of the people you think may get annoy because don't want getting the parasites, but it DOES annoys the people who want to get them , besides who will want to go to the rock to make sea weed cloth on a daily basis? can only think people will only want to go to the beach to get the squid deviancy points, but at that time exhibitionism will be so hi, the seaweed cloth wont be necessary. ... really! the lake is safer to practice swimming; in the beach there too many "enemies" : rape dolphins , masked divers and cathulu.

anyway! i don't know what nearby area search means, but do hope it's get implemented soon, please! in the meanwhile i am forgetting about the parasites as the chances to get them seem extremely low.

About the save and get back in the rock doesn't work either, spend 3 hours doing that and didn't work RNG is just way too low; besides is not like save on the rock and get back in the water, is save before getting on the rock and then get back in the water if that attpent didn't work. this because if you save on the rock and get back in the water you most probably get raped. so saving before getting on the rock is better if you know you will get attacked reentering the water you can swim to the beach and back to the rock and save to change that action. I do this because i want to stay in the pure rout. I spend 3 hours doing this action, and 9 hours doing this action in game time for 3 days straight, nothing happens, no urchille... but did get lots of dolphin rape, masked diver rape and even one cathulu rape. really annoying! And speaking of annoying... because now the divers take longer to cum and don't come instantly as before, you guys didn't think this will make the game more annoying for all, right? because it does! at least for me who just want the frigging bugs and get out of there ASAP! there just too many cool things to do in the game that wasting time doing this.

Another possible solution for the urchill parasites is make them available in the pet store for sale, in pet store they sell bugs to feed your pet fishes, so it's totally logic they sell urchill bugs or slimes to feed your pets. just make the seller sell them an make MC play with them or experiment putting them in their body , and to then find out they are not easy to take off. that will save time. because really the butt urchin is 10 times harder to get than the ones in the beach.

Yeah, well, last version, I played for at least 30 days . On 2nd day , she got "tentacle-egged" at least 3 times, but 28 days later, she still hadn't birthed anything ! So feeling like that part is broken/bugged.

PS - I usually like to get the Breast-parasites, so even early, she'll be okay to keep removing her top, which is fine for me . :giggle:

PS2 - Also, if you have "swarm" enabled, that will cut-down greatly on the Tentacle-monsters showing up ! (the RNG, seems to favor the Eels, more than the Tentacle-Monsters ! :( )
once you get the prompt that say something like "you feel something moving in you abdomen, maybe is best to go see the doctor" then inquire about parasites inside you, and then harper will teach you how to birth them, then you get the option to see fish tank and then you can start the process.

I don't have swarm enable, don't like that, i find it very annoying, but even if you have it disable there are fixed encounters that seems to ignore this, like in the orphanage bathroom and the junk yard.

Seriously, it's ridiculous the amount of fail on this new version to get them parasites. I did what you suggest with the top, and only the top, as it seems i need to have hi promiscuity or exhibitionism to take off my shorts. and lost 9 hours in game play doing only that... smh. don't even want to think of the butt parasite which is like 200% harder to get because you have to 1st find the elusive river and Jason Voorges and Cujo are hunting you, its an incredible hard task... PLEASE MAKE THIS EASIER! ^.^U
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
EDIT because Vrelnir and lolipop actually answer my post 0.0u thanks!

It's nice you guys think on behalf of the people you think may get annoy because don't want getting the parasites, but it DOES annoys the people who want to get them , besides who will want to go to the rock to make sea weed cloth on a daily basis? can only think people will only want to go to the beach to get the squid deviancy points, but at that time exhibitionism will be so hi, the seaweed cloth wont be necessary. ... really! the lake is safer to practice swimming; in the beach there too many "enemies" : rape dolphins , masked divers and cathulu.

anyway! i don't know what nearby area search means, but do hope it's get implemented soon, please! in the meanwhile i am forgetting about the parasites as the chances to get them seem extremely low.

About the save and get back in the rock doesn't work either, spend 3 hours doing that and didn't work RNG is just way too low; besides is not like save on the rock and get back in the water, is save before getting on the rock and then get back in the water if that attpent didn't work. this because if you save on the rock and get back in the water you most probably get raped. so saving before getting on the rock is better if you know you will get attacked reentering the water you can swim to the beach and back to the rock and save to change that action. I do this because i want to stay in the pure rout. I spend 3 hours doing this action, and 9 hours doing this action in game time for 3 days straight, nothing happens, no urchille... but did get lots of dolphin rape, masked diver rape and even one cathulu rape. really annoying! And speaking of annoying... because now the divers take longer to cum and don't come instantly as before, you guys didn't think this will make the game more annoying for all, right? because it does! at least for me who just want the frigging bugs and get out of there ASAP! there just too many cool things to do in the game that wasting time doing this.

Another possible solution for the urchill parasites is make them available in the pet store for sale, in pet store they sell bugs to feed your pet fishes, so it's totally logic they sell urchill bugs or slimes to feed your pets. just make the seller sell them an make MC play with them or experiment putting them in their body , and to then find out they are not easy to take off. that will save time. because really the butt urchin is 10 times harder to get than the ones in the beach.

once you get the prompt that say something like "you feel something moving in you abdomen, maybe is best to go see the doctor" then inquire about parasites inside you, and then harper will teach you how to birth them, then you get the option to see fish tank and then you can start the process.

I don't have swarm enable, don't like that, i find it very annoying, but even if you have it disable there are fixed encounters that seems to ignore this, like in the orphanage bathroom and the junk yard.

Seriously, it's ridiculous the amount of fail on this new version to get them parasites. I did what you suggest with the top, and only the top, as it seems i need to have hi promiscuity or exhibitionism to take off my shorts. and lost 9 hours in game play doing only that... smh. don't even want to think of the butt parasite which is like 200% harder to get because you have to 1st find the elusive river and Jason Voorges and Cujo are hunting you, its an incredible hard task... PLEASE MAKE THIS EASIER! ^.^U
You can get the urchin from the lake seaweed(lakeweed?) aswell and as you mentioned you don't play with swarms, your chances of rape event becomes nill. And the only reason i don't fully support the option to buy them at the pet store is like me (i'm guessing) your trying to use them to grow certian parts of your body, to which bypasses the hospital cost. Now if your doing that to just grow your ass, i can support that as it's not an enhancable option at the hospital yet and keeping a fat ass is neigh impossable(something i want my PC to have is a big booty and usually cheat to get it[damn new update]).
So i hear you but the devs have to cater to the many and not the few, Piss off one to not piss off the many, ya dig?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Did you visit Harper? once you get the tummy rumblings you have to visit Harper or you wont pop.
In answer to your reply:
It never got that far, after I got the "hint" that she was "tentacle-egged", the next day, ( and a few days following), several times, the hint was she was feeling "light-headed". So, I sent her to Doc Harper, but there was nothing to react with, once she got there . So apparently, that "hint / indicator", wasn't enough to "trigger" anything at that point.
Nothing else happened, "hint", or other-wise, after that , for the next 28 days, at which point I gave up, on that "feature".
Waiting instead, for the next version, in hopes that by a slim chance, it would be fixed, or at least the "RNG" would get better balancing.

and :

once you get the prompt that say something like "you feel something moving in you abdomen "
Yeah, as stated above, in my reply to "Midge's" reply, it never got to any of the other, hints / indicators, that a pregnancy was actually in progress .

I know how, or at least, I did know how it worked, in previous versions, right after it was initiated / activated in game, but the last few versions, seem to have more "phantom" pregnancy's, than actual, to-term pregnancy's :oops: , game-wise.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
In answer to your reply:
It never got that far, after I got the "hint" that she was "tentacle-egged", the next day, ( and a few days following), several times, the hint was she was feeling "light-headed". So, I sent her to Doc Harper, but there was nothing to react with, once she got there . So apparently, that "hint / indicator", wasn't enough to "trigger" anything at that point.
Nothing else happened, "hint", or other-wise, after that , for the next 28 days, at which point I gave up, on that "feature".
Waiting instead, for the next version, in hopes that by a slim chance, it would be fixed, or at least the "RNG" would get better balancing.

and :

Yeah, as stated above, in my reply to "Midge's" reply, it never got to any of the other, hints / indicators, that a pregnancy was actually in progress .

I know how, or at least, I did know how it worked, in previous versions, right after it was initiated / activated in game, but the last few versions, seem to have more "phantom" pregnancy's, than actual, to-term pregnancy's :oops: , game-wise.
What were you having sex with to get the eggs?, i will try it also when my PC gets to that point. Also it was mentioned that they might have to be fertilised by seman, so that could have been it. I've only birthed babies from the thing in the lake(Both times you can meet it) and the worms from science class. So i don't have many "partners" to compare to. Could very much still be a bug or glitch though.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
Just as a feeler, how are peeps liking these Acheivos? Is anyone else trying to collect them?
I've got 14 of them but it seems getting some of them leads to more of them, i couldn't rightly say how many there are of them. Like i got to 50 days without passing out but then a new one poped up saying to get to 150 days. Same with the money one as well. Anyone like/hate/couldn't careless about these?
I don't know if i like the feats themselves as i want to unlock as many as i can before starting again to get more Acheivos.


Feb 10, 2019
Well to tell you the truth i really don't care much about achievements after the urchill/ mushrrom incident... I did start a new game to get them, but because the parasite drop rate have been hinder to practically 0% (even though they say is not the case but it TRULY feels like it, unless there is something wrong the prevents them attaching to penis because using chastity belts)
In my opinion the game is not prefect to add the feats features, the game forces you to cheat at certain points or else the task ahead will be almost impossible to do depending on how you choose to play your game. it's why i choose to ignore them
Can only speak for my pure path with a beautiful MC:
.in pure path you can't complete Mushroom gathering, you be raped constantly by wolves and hunted by ended and black wolf, alternative NOT doing the mushroom project. you have to lower ALLURE to 0.2 for the search of mushroom is attainable.
.in pure you can't add lewd fluids to the cream as this imply masturbation and this lowers purity,. alternative not work as chef and you will clutter achievements and character growth in this path.
.you cant breast feed, and everyone forces you to so you have to cheat to lower replace lost of purity.
.you can't receive cum, you can't avoid Whitney's forced fellatio which lower purity, again cheat to replace lost.
.you will lose a GREAT amount of purity by being tentacle rape and anal pregnancy... cheat cheat cheat!
I guet you lose purity, is part of the game mechanics, BUT THERE SHOULD BE A WAY TO GAIN BACK YOUR PURITY AS FAST AS YOU LOSE IT for that day. Game doesn't offer you that so right there is broken for the pure path, what to do CHEAT till this path is fixed.
(i do go to the church and pray for 3 hours, hmmm... maybe get 10 minutes flogged by Jordan to gain back 5 points on purity will be good? i mean that will be great! no?¿ just me who things that? hmmm... ok.
IMHO As it is now pure path sucks, really doesn't offer anything other than a good looking avatar , but the cool looking avitar is worth it! xD.
I wont bash on the pure path and don't get a sugestion with a simple fix. and that is that there should be something to win your purity back as fast as you lose it so before bed your purity is back to the highest and so pass that day as one point of evolution into angel. At first i thought pray will do, but it doesn't work as like i said there should be something that gives back your purity as fast as its taken from you.

So now i keep playing the game as i was and forget about new games for now. thanks!

By the way! why don't beautiful initial traits give an add bonus to your character from start up wile other do? I mean, For example choosing beautiful should make MC seduction skills start up in B Rank, and maybe there could be an option base on this seduction rank, allow you to ask someone, like the one chopping trees, or the forest shop clerk to find the mushrooms for you. that will solve the problem if hiking cloth are not available. Please Devs make this happen! its only a suggestion.

You can get the urchin from the lake seaweed(lakeweed?) as-well and as you mentioned you don't play with swarms, your chances of rape event becomes nill. And the only reason i don't fully support the option to buy them at the pet store is like me (i'm guessing) your trying to use them to grow certian parts of your body, to which bypasses the hospital cost. Now if your doing that to just grow your ass, i can support that as it's not an enhancable option at the hospital yet and keeping a fat ass is neigh impossable(something i want my PC to have is a big booty and usually cheat to get it[damn new update]).
So i hear you but the devs have to cater to the many and not the few, Piss off one to not piss off the many, ya dig?
hmmm... in the lake you lose 24 minutes to reset events each time if the weed has not urchiles, SAVE, make cloth, no bugs, LOAD GAME, swim further out 12minutes, swim back to shore 12 min. SAVE. repeat. you lose almost half an hour in every attempt, and again the rate this happening are VERY LOW so you may pass days doing this till it happens. NOT FUN... Beach is better as you lose 4 minutes each time doing the save / load tedious annoying task. (i did this and spend all night with no sleep for MC and NEVER HAPPEN. so either the game has a bug here with the chastity belt or the rate where lower beyond belief.

Well like i said up there i like to play the game in hard mode and to even make it more hard y choose MC has hi sensibility on breast and penis, this together with the urchill parasite makes my MC suffer from hyper sensibility and spontaneous orgasm syndrome. this has a good side and a bad side, the good side is because MC seed and milk production will sky rocket, and also will greatly improve MC will power, the down side of course is MC lose control more often so its like a very tricky situation. Now because the drop rate on urchills is so low, the game now negate me from playing the game as I usually do >.<*
...and now that i say this the programmers will most probably do something to prevent this advantage, yes, i have seen every time i find something cool in the game and I comment it here, in later updates that great stuff is removed or changes so to make it non accessible anymore... no need yo, you already did that and i bet is the reason the parasites are not accessible or really astronomically hard to get.
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Aug 5, 2019
i would like 3 things:

1: With transformations, i would like the option of weather the transformation is real or not and if it is, you actually get the ears tail and fur or wings and horns and so on. That way, when you get back from like the wolf cave and people will have reactions to you suddenly being part wolf or turned into a succubus after spending time in the tentacle plains.

2: more transformations like a mermaid transformation, rabbit transformation, deer transformation, maybe even some mythical creaturs like dragons or something turning you to part lizard/dragon

3: Pregnancy. with the option to get pregnant from animals like dogs/wolves, cats, dolphins and so on along side the usual human pregnancy.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2016
i would like 3 things:

1: With transformations, i would like the option of weather the transformation is real or not and if it is, you actually get the ears tail and fur or wings and horns and so on. That way, when you get back from like the wolf cave and people will have reactions to you suddenly being part wolf or turned into a succubus after spending time in the tentacle plains.
They are real, and some NPCs acknowledge them in very few events. Transformation content is very lackluster overall though.
Vrelnir told me he's going to add more for it "soon"... about 6 months ago. :^)

3: Pregnancy. with the option to get pregnant from animals like dogs/wolves, cats, dolphins and so on along side the usual human pregnancy.
Never ever going to happen, except for what you have already, that is butt eels.
Aug 14, 2019
hmmm... in the lake you lose 24 minutes to reset events each time if the weed has not urchiles, SAVE, make cloth, no bugs, LOAD GAME, swim further out 12minutes, swim back to shore 12 min. SAVE. repeat. you lose almost half an hour in every attempt, and again the rate this happening are VERY LOW so you may pass days doing this till it happens. NOT FUN... Beach is better as you lose 4 minutes each time doing the save / load tedious annoying task. (i did this and spend all night with no sleep for MC and NEVER HAPPEN. so either the game has a bug here with the chastitiy belt or the rate where lower beyond belief.
I wonder if that is the issue your having, gone over the code just to check for issues and for both the clit and penis parasite, ur unable to get them if ur wearing a chastity belt/cage. Regarding the chance, its about 10% chance for the related events to occur. Looking at the changes over time, the chances havnt changed recently. I looked back to and it was still the same.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
This is in comment to my posts, about Anal Pregnancy ("Bug / Broken"), by Tentacle-Monster, on versions BEFORE ver. !

According to Vrelnir's Wiki, (thought I'd read it somewhere :rolleyes:) : (High-Lighted, in Parts, for Clarity)
(" copy-pasted", so cannot, edit more then, as have :(: wanted to double-space between Stages, for better reading comprehension ) :rolleyes:

Stages of Pregnancy

There are three different stages. These are listed in order below.

  1. Stage 1: "You feel a little lightheaded for a moment."
    This prompt may take up to a week of in-game time to appear after you have been impregnated.
  2. Stage 2: "Your stomach rumbles a little. You hope the noise hasn't attracted any attention."
    This prompt may take up to two or more(?) days after the first initial stage. (? = 3 to infinity days :eek:)
  3. Stage 3: "You feel something move around in your stomach. Might be best to go to the hospital."
    This prompt may take up to approximately three or more(?) days after the second stage. (? = 3 to infinity days, again :eek:)
    May also happen instantaneously the next day after reaching Stage 2.
SO, at an approximate minimum, 12 days, (or, never happening, as in "infinity" days :oops: :ROFLMAO: )

In my previous, play-throughs, as stated in my comments, STAGE 1, was ALL that happened !

(Go to that Wiki, for more precise information on preceding information concerning "Anal Pregnancy" from the Source = Vrelnir )


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
This is in comment to my posts, about Anal Pregnancy ("Bug / Broken"), by Tentacle-Monster, on versions BEFORE ver. !

According to Vrelnir's Wiki, (thought I'd read it somewhere :rolleyes:) : (High-Lighted, in Parts, for Clarity)
(" copy-pasted", so cannot, edit more then, as have :(: wanted to double-space between Stages, for better reading comprehension ) :rolleyes:

Stages of Pregnancy

There are three different stages. These are listed in order below.

  1. Stage 1: "You feel a little lightheaded for a moment."
    This prompt may take up to a week of in-game time to appear after you have been impregnated.
  2. Stage 2: "Your stomach rumbles a little. You hope the noise hasn't attracted any attention."
    This prompt may take up to two or more(?) days after the first initial stage. (? = 3 to infinity days :eek:)
  3. Stage 3: "You feel something move around in your stomach. Might be best to go to the hospital."
    This prompt may take up to approximately three or more(?) days after the second stage. (? = 3 to infinity days, again :eek:)
    May also happen instantaneously the next day after reaching Stage 2.
SO, at an approximate minimum, 12 days, (or, never happening, as in "infinity" days :oops: :ROFLMAO: )

In my previous, play-throughs, as stated in my comments, STAGE 1, was ALL that happened !

(Go to that Wiki, for more precise information on preceding information concerning "Anal Pregnancy" from the Source = Vrelnir )
Yes your probably bugged/glitched. I don't know if it's just you as i am not upto that part of my achievo grind.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
I'd started a NEW play-through for version, (which I usually do now, per each new version), and she has experienced "You feel a little lightheaded for a moment" , several times during the day, so I'll be watching / recording closely these events/hints.

Also, Still have NOT been successful getting the "nipple-parasites", for this version either, (really hate "cheating" to make it happen, and it ruins the immersion), and it's frustrating, how long it's taking, with each new version :oops:).

Also, NOT doing it this way, "to save $$$$, instead of getting surgery at hospital", which implies she wants "breast-enhancements" , and that's fine, if that's how YOU want to play it, but don't assume , that's how EVERYONE is playing it .

When this "feature" was introduced, it didn't take 10+(or MORE) attempts to happen, it was more "accidental/surprise", that the PC had to deal with the consequence of, (of course ,WE, the player(some of us) were delighted with her dilemma :devilish: ), at least that's my take/story on this feature.
SO, having to try, repeatedly, to achieve this feature, to happen, ad nauseam, is immersion-breaking and frustrating, and Not Fun !(n):(


Feb 10, 2019
I spot a lot of red screen bug text in pillory, (not the bugs i wanted to get in game this past few days xD) i don't like been send to the pillory but because it's so hard to get the black box for beautiful characters at the forest because wolves, Eden and black wolves , the pillory is safer. I got an achievement there ,so guess is a must thing to do at least once to get that achievement. but lots of red bug screens.

I wonder if that is the issue your having, gone over the code just to check for issues and for both the clit and penis parasite, ur unable to get them if ur wearing a chastity belt/cage. Regarding the chance, its about 10% chance for the related events to occur. Looking at the changes over time, the chances havnt changed recently. I looked back to and it was still the same.
IDK but SOMETHING is preventing the urchin parasite to attach penis, i could do it with breast in two occasions just to test, but there was NO WAY for penis, it just NEVER happen and i try for a VERY LONG TIME ...and the butt urchin one is almost impossible for me because the events trigger by allure just make rape scene priority over anything else, and this is the same with the mushroom gathering, very hard to find if the forest is a avalanche of wolf and being hunted, in resume, had to enable cheats to get them and so ruin my new game for feats, but again, this is how i play my game from the start, under this circumstances there is no need to start a new game so will be playing my current game isntead.

but if i decide to start a new game someday, there a way i could temper the 10% and make it a 50% or better a 100%? like a crack code thing in android? 10% is TOO LOW, also... a 10% rate in the event at the forest/river where you first need the % to find the river and then the 10% chance to trigger the butt urchill event, is practically a 1% chance in total if we add both events, really, chances are so astronomically low to even bother! to be honest, only did this ONCE in all my gameplays as the task is SO tedious and annoying, and also the fact harper removed all parasites at once back then ( i am glad you can be able to choose wich ones he may remove, so truly thank you for implementing this option, Thanks a ton!) But really, to make this even remotely repeatable as a task there has to be a bigger chance, because now there is a penalty for cheating. Please at least raise the chances for the butt parasite to 90% as IF YOU DON'T WANT THIS you can simply ignoring the river as i don't see why you will want to swim in it otherwise. Thanks!

on a side note:
I try again in the lake to get the urchiles parasite via "lakeweed" and you can save the 24 minutes by choosing to DIVE isntead of swiming to the shore and back, but every time you return to the surface you mostly get the annoying "something brush your leg" which increase +stress + trauma EVERY SINGLE TIME! (speaking of what is annoying in the game) getting the urchills at the lake is EVEN more annoyingbecause the stress trauma gain: in less then a hour of abusing the save load feature your MC will pass out because stress and you will lose another hour and a half afterwards and ALSO a penalty of -Status... REALLY ANNOYING!!!! ;;@o@;; please make the getting the urchills not a tedious task or al least raise the chances to 15% to 30%, thanks.

so in resume abut parasites:
- please raise the drop rate to at least 30% on seaweed
- please raise butt parasite by 60% or better 90% as you have to have a double chance for this to happen and there are just TOO MANY ENEMIES in the forest to do this task even remotely attainable by normal means, specially beautiful characters.
- If the above is not possible, please make the parasite attainable by other means, like a Shop.
- NPC can also add parasites! yay! i mean Whitney hallway school bulling, but please, please make MC have an option to ask Whitney to put it in the body part you wish to alter, Butt, penis or breast.

I repeat my question concerning your thought on annoying players because getting the urchills on seaweed swim suits: why will a player be doing seaweed swim suits on a regular basis? once exhibitionism is at a certain point there is no need to make such cloth, i believe this will only be a burden at the start of the game. and again, you can remove them easily at the hospital if you get them (for free!) so why you think this parasite thing will bother players? To be honest i think is the other way around, devs don't want players to get this and make the task almost impossible to discourage getting them, like me who simply gave up! (again i don't do this only because the expansion gain, i do it to make MC hyper sensitive as this will raise the difficulty of the game even more but will also bring benefits at the long run, what i mean is, playing the game like this is a double age sword for MC) also i guess this task is so freaking hard because getting the parasites makes the 5K quill operation unnecessary, though i don't think anyone will want to spend 5K quill on those operations as its 5K quill for each stage... forably 100K to get to the biggest size, because they are darn expensive and the way MC can make money is really slow and grinding, specially at the start of the game. this are my thoughts though. maybe someone will agree?

My suggestion on breast/penis surgery (and possible butt! which I guess be implemented sometime in the future)

-Payment should be a one time inversion, put the price don't make this a scaling progress.
-player may choose WHAT size will be, again no leveling up stage crap, if player want the giga size from the start, then it will be giga size! (however this size may be limited to MC promiscuity and/or exhibitionism scale, the greater the bigger)
-because will be a one time inversion breast and butt will block growth and shrink, meaning if Player choose moderate size, then breast will stay in the size for good, some for the penis and butt, block growth permanently if not reverted.
-Surgery can be reverted, you can ask Harper to remove implants so if you want the grows to be natural again, with parasite (haha... <.<) or natural growth, then so be it. you may lose the gains you get though, which it's may next point.
-Because they will be so perfect and symmetrical this surgery will boost greatly MC seduction by 1 stage. for example if MC seduction was D it will automatically raise to C (and like i said above, if you choose to remove them you will lose those points as well)
-ALSO seduction scaling may stack up by each body part 1 for Penis, 1 for breast and 1 for butt, add up to 3 stages of seduction MC seduction may boost up from F to B only doing this surgery, isn't that a good incentive to perform say surgeries?
-All surgery will add Allure stats to MC, this can be a burden for pure characters but a gain for devilish characters.
-in case of breast surgery ALONE, breast should block lactation. (this will help people who choose the pure rout, as if you don't cum or shear body fluids your purity wont drop, though i am not sure if MC lactation lowers purity, does it? ) I kind of like this as this is a double age sword for pure path MC as it will block lactation to stay pure but it will raise allure.
...anyway this are my 2 cents on that matter, hope you like them and agree with me!

honestly, like it's now, Harpers surgery has no meaning in the game. (Please let me know if anyone have opt to get this surgery done)

p.s sorry for my bad grammar and misspelled words, English not my main language.
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Nov 5, 2019
Bullshit! All my save files from 2.6 got corrupted and I didnt do anything to them since last opened them like 2 months ago
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
Look i can see your and DD2s frustration here, and i brought up the growth aspect(regardless of if your using them for this feature or not) because it is a part of having the urchin even if you use it for other means. It does bypass the cost of the pills/surgery so that aspect shouldn't be overlooked. And it seems that having a chastity item might effect chances of getting them, unsure if that was your or DD2s problem but it might be effecting you as well(i don't know you haven't mentioned if you're using one or not) but i got the breast ones first dip in the lake as i went for the litchen(damn fish always eat my cloaths) and Whitney just cant stop putting the buggers on me, so the chances are still there, but this game loads/ques up "rng" so the constant resetting might not be the way to go(from my opinion[not a dev]),i did school got raped in an ally at 3;30pm reset and had the whole day play out EXACTLY the way it did before as long as i made the same choices . Maybe try the beach one day and the lake the next to see if that helps as it seems whatever your doing now just aint happing for you.
I agree the cost of the surgerys are way overpriced and should be lowered to probably $1000 per surgery as they are mostly cosmetic(new dialogue from NPCs and some sprite work) and i guess how much milk/lewd fluid you can produce, but also maybe try what i suggested above or at the very least ditch the C-belt before trying again.

And so it's clear i'm not trying to be a dick to either of you, i'm trying to help and rationalise some of the Devs choises.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
My previous post:

"I'd started a NEW play-through for version, (which I usually do now, per each new version), and she has experienced "You feel a little lightheaded for a moment" , several times during the day, so I'll be watching / recording closely these events/hints. "

Day 2 (of believed impregnation :whistle:): She's still getting the, "You feel a little lightheaded for a moment" prompt , so , so far it's proceeding as stated in Vrelnir's Wiki . :)

Also, finally got the "nipple-parasites", was on the eighth attempt, (had planned to try up to 10 times, and if fail, wait til next day to try again).
Version before this one, I had to finally "cheat" to get those parasites,(was not,fun at all, :().
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