Feb 10, 2019
I like, but think in how complicated may be to add a event in the game related to books and what not to balance MC mental state... I really like that to be honest, But i also consider in how complicated must be to code all this in game, so guess by simply increasing the rates of "acceptances" per hour of meditation seems less problem to code in game...? not a programmer so only speaking form a logical point of view.


May 28, 2017
The only way to ignore the stress gain because insecurity is meditating in the rock at the lake for acceptance. In the church you can only pray for smaller boobs and penis as far as i can tell.

Wait! I do get the insecurity thing! i don't consider this a shitty mechanic or a punishment for players who want their MC with a lewd body.
I mean, who have not suffer bulling for having a big bulge in their pants (i know in school of this boy who class mates constantly hit, laugh, grope and pull down their pants on the hallways because had a big bulge who could not hide, specially in gym class this was specially stressful) or big tits at school (I know of this girl who had big tits for her age and was constantly mocked by their classmates with all sort of nicknames, cow was the most commune) and felt embarrassed for being different in a very lewd way? Or... who haven't mock in school girls and/or boys for having and obvious lewd body? this is totally true to RL expectations and a cause of stress for young people and i love this mechanic being implemented!

But for people who want to get rid of this trait there is work to be done, and for those who want to keep it the alternative is not doing this meditation grinding and keep true to what RL expectations it is.

I do agree however its too much of a grinding to do for those who want to get rid of this "punishment" having so many things to do in the game already.

My suggestions:

A) Make a meditation yoga class in the studio dance and invest 1 hour daily to the grinding, the hour you lose to get to the lake and back that is.
B) Make the meditation 30 minutes isntead 1 hour?
C) Double the rates of "acceptance" for each hour of meditation

I didn't know will power drop, that is sad and unrealistic, will power is something you win over time, for it to drop has really no sense what so ever...
I do get it too. But it's still shitty.

The only real question that should be asked when introducing a new mechanic to a game is, what does it bring? And here, the answer is absolutely nothing.

It makes you sit your ass on a rock near the lake for a month. That's it. Period.

There's not even an interesting alternative. You want to play a character with small or huge boobs? Go sit your ass on that rock for a month, or get free Stress. That's it. It's not a trade, it's not interesting, it's just grinding that brings absolutely nothing.

(Edited to tone down language. Sorry, it was late, I was a bit drunk, and perceived wastes of my time like this mechanic always set me off big time.)
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New Member
Oct 18, 2018
The only way to ignore the stress gain because insecurity is meditating in the rock at the lake for acceptance.

lol, that reminds me of why I used to meditate for acceptance until I was stressed out, then go to the brothel and dance away my stress while being mocked for my inadequacies.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
I do get it too. But it's still shitty.
The only real question that should be asked when introducing a new mechanic to a game, is, what does it bring? And here, the answer is, absolutely nothing.
I would have to disagree. Not with its shittiness, that i agree with, but with how you say that it adds "nothing" to the game. I think in this depression based psychosis simulater it adds flavor. As the game is all about having to manage all the little things that eat away at your PCs mental health. And body shaming is one of those ways. Could it be better managed? Yes. Like you said and i've mentioned above somewhere it needs to be better handled then "meditate at the waterfall for X amount of hours". I don't think it warrents being pulled from the game though, just a few more thematic and better ways of dealing with it.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
I like, but think in how complicated may be to add a event in the game related to books and what not to balance MC mental state... I really like that to be honest, But i also consider in how complicated must be to code all this in game, so guess by simply increasing the rates of "acceptances" per hour of meditation seems less problem to code in game...? not a programmer so only speaking form a logical point of view.
I tend not to worry about the programming logistics of the ideas i put forth because like you i'm not a programmer, so my attitude towards it are that it's probably as easy or hard as anything else to add in the game. And untill Vrel or Scythe says it can't be done then i'm not going to worry about it as if it can't be done then it can't be done, but if it could be done then thats all the go ahead i need. I'm just here to put forth ideas i think might add to the game(in a good way ;)) and talk about other ideas others put forth including what has already been added to it. And to help noobs i suppose.
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Active Member
Oct 18, 2018
I like, but think in how complicated may be to add a event in the game related to books and what not to balance MC mental state... I really like that to be honest, But i also consider in how complicated must be to code all this in game, so guess by simply increasing the rates of "acceptances" per hour of meditation seems less problem to code in game...? not a programmer so only speaking form a logical point of view.
I agree, boosting meditation should easy. It's way too grindy right now.
Having more options to gain "acceptance" (like yoga, e.g.), would be better, of course. But this takes scenes and text to be written.

Another thought:
Having very high promiscuity and exhibitionism and being at the same time ashamed of the size of whatsoever makes not much sense.
Combining these mechanics might be tricky in detail, but it is also a chance to integrate insecurity/acceptance better into the game.

High insecurity might prevent some lewd acts. Or they might "fail". Or cause high stress. On success you might gain acceptance.
High exhibitionism on the other hand could boost an acceptance-gain. E.g. to adapt after a change in size.
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Apr 10, 2019
The bad trait here is insomnia and you have negated the bad effects by having it controlled. I think the way sleep is handled needs some adjustments, the way that the max time you can sleep shifts from 8-10 is problematic as at the start of the game it starts at 8h max meaning you have to sleep at 11pmish to get the right amount of time to get to 7am(school hours for Robin). Which for me means bathing 4-5 times in a row as i get home around 9pm to avoid the night badness.
As for removing bad traits i think it would make sence for Harper to offer therapy(hypno) that could also remove or other wise manage them. Maybe have them cost money and take 2h/ trait you want removed/managed.
I now have full blown insomnia and nightmares. I think it's because of my lack of control as control. I had anxiety as well but I lost it somehow. I would absolutely love for you to have to ability to be the aggressor in some situations or at least more proactive when it comes to having consensual sex but the focus of the game seems to be from the perspective of the victim so I'm assuming adding that will be a lot of work.


Dec 23, 2018
It doesn't grow breast or penis sizes despite saying that you pray for it, it only raises acceptance. I know because I usually overcome my MC's insecurities by praying at the church since purity is easier to maintain than willpower. Only downside is you get harassed quite often.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
When it says "your virginity might be worth something," is there a way to sell it yet?
Kind of... You can get a virginity check at the Temple if you join and if you keep it for a whole month they'll give you cash depending on your grace levels(upto $4000 a month for max grace).
But they want you to keep it, not sell it.
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Feb 10, 2019
4K a month? that is nothing! should be 16K or more! because Baily takes 4K every week...
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: atur


Oct 20, 2018
I've gotten all 17 antiques ( even two golden chastity belts : one being on myself ) and when i went to the Museum to sell the last item I hadn't found yet, I didn't got the Museum feat. Also, I can't get the Living Canvas feat ( I've inked each single parts of my character, left the commercial center and walked around and nothing happened ) and I can't get the Billboard feat either ( I don't gain any achievement after writing something on my character ). It seems like the Fully Drenched feat doesn't work with the Snake Vore event ( with Robin ) as shown in the wiki either. The Bailey's Trouble Maker feat now works perfectly tho.

Update : Got the It Belongs in a Museum! feat by passing the day. Dunno if this method works for the other feats here, I just know it doesn't work with the Snake Vore ( with Robin ) event for the Fully Drenched feat.
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Oct 20, 2018
Also, how can I get the golden chastity cage off my character ? Do I need to make so many encounters and have NPCs try to tug on it until it comes off ?


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2018
Two suggestions for the writing features.

1/ Give the MC a way to allow and encourage consensual partners to write on her/his body, for the players who like it. Maybe this way we'll see the less rapey ones. Ideally, being able to choose what kind of writing you ask for would be great.

2/ Give the player a way to write what they want on their character, with an entry field and a box to check to set what type of writing it is (rape, beauty, beasty, etc.).

And if possible, disable the 'Walking Dildo' for female characters, it just bugs me. :p
Wasn't sure how best incorporate body-writing in consensual encounters, but having a way to ask for it would be good. I'd planned to allow players to choose from any existing line when writing on themselves, but had trouble getting it to work. Letting people write their own is a good alternative.

Whether NPCs write "Walking dildo" or "Cum rag" depends on their genitals. Cum rag is more flexible.
First thing thanks for the wonderfull game, its been a really fun game so far! Then I think I found a bug. Im around like 60 days in game and im unable to buy/wear/try on Upper clothes this happens at the shops and all the dress rooms, I can change upper clothes with the outfits presets and can see them like normal, this didnt happened at first and if I start a new game the new character dont have any problem. here some of the errors.

'one_piece' of null; Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read property Error: <<wardrobeList>>: errors within widget contents ( Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read property 'outfitSecondary' of null; Error: <<for>>: bad conditional expression: Cannot read property 'name_cap' of null) Error: <<uppershop>>: error within widget contents ( Error: <<shopBuyItemStatus>>: errors within widget contents ( Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read property 'name' of null; Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read property 'name' of null; Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read property 'name' of null; Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read property 'name' of null; Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: Cannot read property 'name' of null))
You're very welcome. I'm glad you're enjoying it, and thanks for the bug report.
Playing on version and it looks like advertisements written on your body slightly pisses off people when they see it? Kinda gets annoying in group encounters because they get more and more pissed without you really being able to stop them. I did the boys locker room group sex thing with an advertisement on the PC and it took around 2 turns before they went to 'incredibly pissed off' without me doing anything.
Also I think NPCs can sometimes see it multiple times a scene and toss you cash+get pissed multiple times, though it might have been a group encounter I mistook for a solo encounter.
I want being covered in lewd bodywriting to be dangerous, but adjustments might be needed. Stick to the £5 or unmarked advertisements unless your character is very attractive. The £100 one might be too much even then. Meek and submissive acts make NPCs more amenable to adverts as well.

NPCs should only respond to adverts once each per encounter, so that sounds like a bug. I'll look into it.
Minor bugs:
- hands sometimes show 'cover your penis' on a girl during sex, instead or in addition of 'cover your pussy';
- in a gangrape, two people retired the surgical mask in the same round, and then in the next round somebody retired the 'naked' off her face;
- wearing a kimono over the golden chastity belt makes broken kimono skirts appear in the wardrobe after changing clothes.

Also, not a bug, but the Cross tattoo should have its own set of reactions, it's a bit strange to read comments about how lewd it is even in innocent locations.
Thanks for the heads up.

I agree the cross should have its own set of reactions. It has its own category already, but developing it was pushed back for time.
How do I increase the amount of cum I produce?

Edit: in game not irl. I know how for irl.

Edit: Also I seem to be crying during consensual sex (also irl but that's not the type of realism I look for in a game). Like when I pick someone up at the canteen.

Edit: I found the answer. Being aroused while full of cum increases your capacity.
Aphrodisiacs also increase capacity.
Thanks for the updates and all, game seems to be getting really interesting!

One question though:
How many hours it takes for mediating "acceptances" on big body parts? it's taking forever and cant dance before completing that task or MC will be fainting because insecurity stress increase penalty... >.<*

Can we make this acceptance meditation also happen as a yoga class in the dance studio?

It takes one hour to get to the meditation stone and back plus the hour for one little boost on acceptances. At least in town that hour can be invested in acceptance isntead on a trip to the lake every time. Just saying.
You're welcome, and thanks!

Praying for acceptance at the temple is generally faster than meditating, unless your character's purity is low, or willpower high. You do need to put up with harassment though.
Insecurity is a shitty mechanic that brings nothing to the game. It should be taken out. All it does is force us to either play a character with average attributes, or spend a fucking month meditating the ass stuck on a frozen rock. Fuck that.

And the Willpower drop each day is too big. We need an easier way to raise this stat for defiant or chaste characters that don't get gangbanged all day long but still want to have more mental fortitude than a newt.

These two mechanics punish players for not playing average-boobed sluts, and it sucks.
I agree insecurity isn't working in its current form. I have confidence in what it's trying to achieve, but it missed the mark.
My suggestions:

A) Make a meditation yoga class in the studio dance and invest 1 hour daily to the grinding, the hour you lose to get to the lake and back that is.
B) Make the meditation 30 minutes isntead 1 hour?
C) Double the rates of "acceptance" for each hour of meditation

I didn't know will power drop, that is sad and unrealistic, will power is something you win over time, for it to drop has really no sense what so ever...
Thanks for the ideas. More involved improvements are taking a while to get to, and changes like this would help in the meantime.
Great game and cute artwork!
Thank you!
I have a couple of bugs to report.
i don’t have the "illicit science" feat even through I have discovered, infiltrated many times, and even gained the "mouth sealed shut" feat.
the side door for the police station is available during the day but warns I have to wait until night. However the side door is not available during the night. I have completed the hacker’s task but I cannot collect the reward because of this.
Thanks for informing me. "Billboard" was bugged, but should be fixed in the most recent version.
I now have full blown insomnia and nightmares. I think it's because of my lack of control as control. I had anxiety as well but I lost it somehow. I would absolutely love for you to have to ability to be the aggressor in some situations or at least more proactive when it comes to having consensual sex but the focus of the game seems to be from the perspective of the victim so I'm assuming adding that will be a lot of work.
Letting you be the aggressor is on the maybe pile for the distant future. It would indeed take a lot of work, as the current systems are built with the assumption that the PC is a victim. Even consensual encounters don't feel consensual enough.

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
While checking out the wolf pack content I ended up earning the teacher's pet feat by never showing up to class. While it's kind of funny that their ideal student is the kind they never have to deal with I'd think being truant should probably contribute to delinquency.


Jan 16, 2018
A couple of little suggestions:

1) Make it easy for a boy to get a cock between his tights. As of now i'm S in all body parts, but still F in tights :(

2) Make it possible for a character to either direct a tentacle tor theis butt or to straddle a tentacle. Because i can't, for the love of lewd, get a tentacle pregnancy in this game!

3) Make so NPCs, when trying to writte on your body, prioritize body parts that doesn't have anything in them yet. I have something written all over myself except my right leg. And no NPC seems to want to writte there. Ever.

4) I have said that, but will say again xD Have a priority system for tails. Like, if you have dog or cat transformations, then have the demon one don't show a tail, or vice-versa. Two tails, particularly two very different ones, looks a bit silly.
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