
New Member
Apr 2, 2020
does size actually matter? it says that it affects combat if your tall but by how much? 5% or 50% is a big difference. Maybe als have a drawback when your tall and an advantage if you play as tiny. Maybe like people get less angry at you because your so small or a fetish bonus because guys dig tiny girls with big titties the gap is were it lays :D


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
OK Vrel i think we need to discuss this "pure" thing. I'll use Dorian as examples for this but it should apply to ALL NPCs. I'll state my goal and intention first that i think all named NPCs should have lewed content in some way but i'll focus on the "pure" ones for this and why/how it could(and can) be done. Before i start i will say i have no ill will or intentions toward you or your work and ideas, it is in fact the opposite and i just want to show you my complete support in helping to make this game wonderfull.
Now i'll start with the how you say that Dorian is a pure character and as such wouldn't do lewed things with the PC. Now without going into a corruption/seduction angle(i'll save that for later) in Dorians mind pure could also mean genuine, and if you build a genuine connection with Dorian by first admitting to the truma, Dorian taking you to Police and finding out how useless they are in helping you and then taking it apon (i'll just use the him/he pronouns for this as in my playthroughs he is usually a him) himself to help console you and make you well by inviting you back to his place to talk/cry. In this way Dorian has connected you to him in a positive manner and from here he furthers the connection by offering for you to go jogging with them and with the rare occasion of seeing how you still get targeted with abuse when an NPC trys to drag you into the toilets to have their way with you only to be thwarted by Dorian himself. Now with this and the following shower event(the exhabitionist asking for a fresh towel) you confide that you feel safe around him. Now this part can be taken in 2 ways, that you trust that he will not try anything with you even seeing how vulnerable you are OR that you trust him enough that if he were to try anything you would accept it as wanted and even as "healing" basicaly giving him "the green light" to procede further. And so if Dorians thoughts toward you are genuine i see no reason why he couldn't then procede to help the PC with the pure and genuine feelings towards you by having "lewd" interactions with you with the intent on helping the PC "heal"(already apart of the attitude system on the way the PC sees consential sex to be) their state of mind and by showing you that not all sex is bad but can be good(even great) if there is a genuine connection.
And in this example Dorian remains "pure" of conscience and heart.
Now i'm going to go off on a slight tangent but i think the image will help in getting my message across for the next bit and that is of the Sith and Jedi and the Corruption/seduction of "pure" characters. Starwars is the primo example of how through lies and manipulation a pure character can be seduced into doing "immoral" acts. Just look at how pappa Palps turned Anakin(a pure Jedi) to the darkside through subtle use of lies and manipulation. Now how does this relate and be relatable to Degrees of lewdity? In many ways. Through use of seduction and skulldurgery skill checks(already a thing that is done) you can get NPCs to do a variety of stuff and so being able to corrupt a pure NPC should be no different, the concept is the same as above but the feelings the PC will have is impure which has no bearing on how Dorian might feel and then may be manipulated into doing lewd things while believing he is still "pure". And with this both outcomes will be met with ruffly the same "pureness" being kept on Dorians end.
I should mention that these are greatly enjoyed angles used to great storytelling effect in KOTOR and other games of similar RPG nature(any game with a romance throughline for the NNPCs) and one i think would fit the game well. Now i'll state again that my goal is to have ALL named NPCs romancable in some way even if it's their lust for you boils over and they rape you(kylar) but all of them should be lewdable in some form or another as everyone who plays this game hopes to get with certain characters and it sucks to be cockblocked when it doesn't have to be that way.
Now if it's a matter of getting the senario right so that the magic can happen that's fine, that can be worked on. But if it's a stubborn "this character can't be sexed no matter what!" then i'm more dissapointed. And if it's ideas about how to go about adding/doing the scene in a way that it doesn't compromise the NPCs nature/head space then that also can be worked on. And on that front i'm sure you can just drop a post on the various boards and rake in what ever helps to get the idea sorted.
As the great Ian Malcolm said "Life uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh finds a way"
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
HE AWOKE--and wanted Mars. The valleys, he thought. What would it be like to trudge among them? Great and greater yet: the dream grew as he became fully conscious, the dream and the yearning. He could almost feel the enveloping presence of the other world, which only Government agents and high officials had seen. A clerk like himself? Not likely.

"Are you getting up or not?" his wife Kirsten asked drowsily, with her usual hint of fierce crossness. "If you are, push the hot coffee button on the darn stove."

"Okay," Douglas Quail said, and made his way barefoot from the bedroom of their conapt to the kitchen. There; having dutifully pressed the hot coffee button, he seated himself at the kitchen table, brought out a yellow, small tin of fine Dean Swift snuff. He inhaled briskly, and the Beau Nash mixture stung his nose, burned the roof of his mouth. But still he inhaled; it woke him up and allowed his dreams, his nocturnal desires and random wishes, to condense into a semblance of rationality.

I will go, he said to himself. Before I die I'll see Mars.

It was, of course, impossible, and he knew this even as he dreamed. But the daylight, the mundane noise of his wife now brushing her hair before the bedroom mirror--everything conspired to remind him of what he was. A miserable little salaried employee, he said to himself with bitterness. Kirsten reminded him of this at least once a day and he did not blame her; it was a wife's job to bring her husband down to Earth. Down to Earth, he thought, and laughed. The figure of speech in this was literally apt.

"What are you sniggering about?" his wife asked as she swept into the kitchen, her long busy-pink robe wagging after her. "A dream, I bet. You're always full of them."

"Yes," he said
Total Recall? I like the old movie but what's the relevence to this game?


Active Member
Oct 18, 2018
umm, that's the biggest error I've seen so far... And it seems to be a bad one.
MC was dancing in the brothel and the ear slime forced him to continue.
That lead to inevitable gang rape.
It went on for a few rounds. Fairly normal. MC was still somewhat in control. But then this error happened.
And it did not get better.
The error messages became interspersed with normal text, but did not disappear. No options to control the 'battle'.
After fading away it behaved as if MC was blindfolded.
On the way home MC was attacked. Again no 'battle options'. Only errors and 'Next'.
Even back home everything was still broken.
But saving and loading seems to repair it.

Maybe that helps? Vrelnir, lollipop scythe ?


Mar 4, 2020
For future purposes, I'll tell you that usage of "they" is perfectly valid alternative to gender based pronouns over course of centuries. Even disregarding cases such as uncertainty over someone's gender, there are some other historical uses for it. For example the "Royal We"

So yeah. This isn't invention of the gender declaring people as you probably assumed it to be. After all I'm doubtful of you not hearing of using it like that at all; meanwhile it's convenient for writing something like you just did
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
For future purposes, I'll tell you that usage of "they" is perfectly valid alternative to gender based pronouns over course of centuries. Even disregarding cases such as uncertainty over someone's gender, there are some other historical uses for it. For example the "Royal We"

So yeah. This isn't invention of the gender declaring people as you probably assumed it to be. After all I'm doubtful of you not hearing of using it like that at all; meanwhile it's convenient for writing something like you just did
And like i said Dorian in "my" version of the game has a penis and is designated as a Male and so i refer to "them" as he/him. Is this acceptable? I mean untill Dorian tells me otherwise of course.


Mar 4, 2020
And like i said Dorian in "my" version of the game has a penis and is designated as a Male and so i refer to "them" as he/him. Is this acceptable? I mean untill Dorian tells me otherwise of course.
Of course it's acceptable but your message I referred to had a peculiar sentence suggestive of you not knowing about there being a word perfect just for that situation while having a short thought about what to use
(i'll just use the him/he pronouns for this as in my playthroughs he is usually a him)
So I thought I'll be helpful and tell you about it. As simple as that

Anyway, switching topics:

Was the text wall serious, or a next level shitpost?
Yes, Midge's message was serious. I'll try to shorten it as much as possible while keeping the general meaning:

How pure characters can have sexual relationship with the player character. How in spite of it they can keep being genuine and pure, at least in their mind. Even if the players themselves might just be manipulating them and making them lewder.

Midge elaborated on it using mostly Dorian and gave plenty of examples of how it could work, including similar things in other places, so if you're interested you may want to read the wall
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Jan 16, 2018
I would like to suggest a bit of change to cumming in public. I find it really hot when the character loses control and just starts cumming, and they running away from the scene makes sense... until i'm max exhibitionism. I feel that at this point there should be something more.

Maybe you could go to a more "hiden pleasure" rout, where the PC does their best to cum and not cause a scene, enjoing the lewd trill of cumming in public. Or you could go to a total exhibitionist path, making the pc strip (maybe just pulling down shorts / lifting up skirt) and cum very loudly, calling attention to themselves. Both could, in turn, lead the people around to decide to rape the PC.

Also, i have another suggestion.

People have been asking to be able to walk around naked during the day for a LONG time, and i understand why it was not done yet. But how if something like that was implemented little by little?

For instance: have an event to a portion of the beach to be a nudist beach, maybe with one or two events tied in. This could be a first step. Then, maybe work on the school, having an event that end up with Layton letting the PC attend school naked (they can alreadly swim naked anyway!). A couple areas could remain 100% non-nudist, like the caffe, the mall and others. But having a little more areas where you can go naked even during the day would be great!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
Does this game end when the school close?
It depends on what you mean by "ends". After halloween there are no big events untill they repeat the following year but as this is a sandbox game there is always something around to do so on that note it doesn't really "end" untill you find all the content.
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New Member
Sep 19, 2018
Can only be a sub in game, you either take it or fight back and get knocked out and get raped; Even if you win against one rapist there are three more waiting in a line like their job is hunting you down and raping you. After a while it gets tedious


Jun 3, 2018
Can only be a sub in game, you either take it or fight back and get knocked out and get raped; Even if you win against one rapist there are three more waiting in a line like their job is hunting you down and raping you. After a while it gets tedious
What did you expect? Literally the first comments in this thread talk about how much you get raped in this game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2018
To be fair, unlike in many other games you can get to a point of reliably fighting off most attackers, but it's definitely a (quite grindy) uphill battle.
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Anita Deek

Feb 14, 2018
Can only be a sub in game, you either take it or fight back and get knocked out and get raped; Even if you win against one rapist there are three more waiting in a line like their job is hunting you down and raping you. After a while it gets tedious
RNGeezus doesn't smile upon you.
4.50 star(s) 194 Votes