
Feb 20, 2018
Question about HTML games on here im having a save problem and im not sure on how to fix it. Its not just this game but any of these similar text games
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sorry for it being chopped up like this but it wont let me copy the text
I've also had problems saving with these sorts of games. Though, what browser are you using? I noticed that I stopped getting errors trying to save when I switched from Chrome to Firefox


Aug 27, 2017
I've also had problems saving with these sorts of games. Though, what browser are you using? I noticed that I stopped getting errors trying to save when I switched from Chrome to Firefox
Chrome for me too, man id really like to not change browsers


Feb 10, 2019
Yeah and it could add up to other sceniarios with the infamous walk with the remote controlled bullet vibrator or even train your char to be better in what they do up to a degree.

I also wouldnt mind a full blown sex machine what later on leads into an actual sex robot sceniario.
Another advantage of toys is that you can use toys to stimulate parts that are hardly ever stimulate in game, like the "tight" zone, got "S" rank in all body parts (even penis in the pure path) , but tight is STILL in "35% D" really annoying not able to "train" that part in any means, you got to be VERY lucky a dog or a wolf licks MC there, as in my experience only dogs and wolfs seems to pay any attention to that area. the alternative is enter a gang bang and cross your fingers someone touch that zone, but you have more luck with dogs and wolfs still... also Gangbangs Orgies are too dangerous if you are in the pure path and want to preserve MC virginity.

animal idiot

Jul 6, 2018
I had an idea for a robin thing. If your exhibitionism is high enough to walk outside naked, you could go to Robin's room. they'd react or something but let you in anyways. From there the longer you stay the more their lust increases.
Aug 5, 2019
I need to present one ption: Killing people. I've been trying to get to the wolves on a no-cheats playthrough and i'm only getting eden. He's raped the me and i want his blood on my hands. Or rather fangs. I want to bite his jugular and make him bleed out till he's dead.


Feb 10, 2019
well... the moment MC start killing people i guess is the moment he may get kill as well... the good thing about DOL is most of the crimes here are only sexual related and and maybe drug related... nothing like murder or violent tortures that may scar MC for ever. Beside just imagine how many weeks you will be put in a pillory for killing someone.

in the meanwhile, just have patience and a little strategy, like everything in life. i suggest using my strategy to get the butt parasite may work: enter the forest with 3 or 4 pepper spray canisters. go to the lake via short cut, save go to the deep woods , search area, get hunted, if its Eden reset, load game, enter lake or put cloth on or off, save, enter deep woods and so on, if its Eden again use the all canisters of pepper spray, make him/her run away, repeat using another save slot, if its Eden again load first save go out the forest and enter again and save in same spot, eventually you will get the black wolf. think its 3 canister what it takes to lure him away if you don't want to fuck his brains out as that is the alternative. We all have discuss how in fun ways to get rid of the hunters, and all we got the fuck again after rape.
I personally suggest other ways some time ago... can't remember but was something like:

a) pointing in the direction behind Eden/B.wolf and saying "look! a naked woman!" Eden/B.wolf will turn and MC will escape (hilarious if MC is already naked)
b) MC escape and hides in a bed of flowers, Eden/B.wolf wont give chase because flowers cause hallucinogens which will , after Eden is gone make MC go on a wild trip making them end in a gang bang, bounded gangbang, rape gangbang, hospital (not passed out but just being treated) or raped by wolf or tentacles. the best of all this options is to regain consciousness in the hospital, again no pass out penalty as MC never pass out he/she was only on a bad trip.
c) MC runs away jumping over a bear trap, which will isntead catch Eden/B.wolf, MC will then have two options, help them or leave them, (help will raise affection to MC ) (leave them will raise lust to MC) they will then ask MC to come with them. MC will decide to go or not (not go will raise lust, go affection) but if they agree on going with the hunter they wont let MC go afterward, of course. so this last one will be a decision for MC to go or not. if MC won't go Eden/B.wolf will let them leave but warn them next time they will take them by force (unless next time they fall in another bear trap that is)

but guess all this will be too hard to code so all we got is sex after Rape.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2018
Question about HTML games on here im having a save problem and im not sure on how to fix it. Its not just this game but any of these similar text games
View attachment 633016
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View attachment 633018
sorry for it being chopped up like this but it wont let me copy the text
It's a common issue with html games, yes. Your browser gives each website a certain amount of conveniently accessible storage, usually intended for tiny things like preferences. Any decently complex game will eventually want to store more data than that in its saves, if not individually, then certainly in a batch of 5-10 of them. So if you don't want to switch, your main options are using less save slots and saving to file.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
I expected more the farm to run the PC, like a beasty brothel slash breeding operation using voodoo genetic manipulations courtesy of the totally-not-fucked-up-in-the-head good doctor Harper.

Suggestion: more submissive actions for submissive characters. I usually play Defiant, and they seem to have more special actions in different situations (I may be wrong). The only interesting submissive action that comes to mind is the one with the ear slime, and not everybody likes mind control.

Out of the top of my head:
- the character could spread their legs when groped in the bus to offer better access, with enough Promiscuity;
- they could choose to thank their molesters/rapists for using them, and in exchange get the encounter to become less traumatic or even consensual.

That's all I got for now, but this kind of well-trained fucktoy behaviour could be expanded. It could increase the relevant fames faster, to balance the risks/rewards: less traumatic rapes, but greater odds to be raped.

Also, to raise Deviancy and Bestiality fame faster….
Very interesting suggestions, to say the least.

As regards Athleticism, does running naked in the park increase this Stat faster? It would be great if the skill improved every time a successful (or semi-successful) relevant action is performed (going over the fence, crawling in the Sewers, running from attackers, fighting). It would also be interesting to see a PE lesson every other day in School, instead of just swimming 5 days a week. Thus we'd have more options to make the PC stronger, healthier, faster and... lewder if a perverted twist was added to these lessons.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
I need to present one ption: Killing people.
No no no no! That would absolutely kill the mood of this game for me.

The way I see it, it's supposed to be about an orphan on the threshold of their adult life that is both challenging and scary at first, but depending on your choices you can either try to avoid the dark side or grin and bear (and wolf), or embrace it and own all the depravity thrown at you and come out on the other side of your travails alive… which should also apply to everybody else in the story. I mean come on! It's set in a world where you can get devoured by a bear or a whale and acquire a taste for it, faint and end up washed ashore instead of drowning, get down and slimy with giant octopuses, become pregnant and deliver their offspring anally, bake buns using your bodily secretions as ingredients, transform into a cat or an angel, swim naked in the school's swimming pool with other students, yet still be too prudish to walk out of a forest lake stark naked even if you had no qualms about getting into the lake nude in the first place. It's an almost completely care-free erotic fantasy with enough absurdist elements for the player to realise that the author is winking at them and their frustrations all the time. I don't know about the other people, but my care-free erotic fantasies do not involve killing people or animals.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
I need to present one ption: Killing people. I've been trying to get to the wolves on a no-cheats playthrough and i'm only getting eden. He's raped the me and i want his blood on my hands. Or rather fangs. I want to bite his jugular and make him bleed out till he's dead.
I feel that anything Guro wouldn't fit this game. And i would probably like this game alot less if anything beyond minor(or even major) injuries or anything too horrific(body horror wise) were added. I'd be willing to discuss it's inclusion though.

well... the moment MC start killing people i guess is the moment he may get kill as well... the good thing about DOL is most of the crimes here are only sexual related and and maybe drug related... nothing like murder or violent tortures that may scar MC for ever. Beside just imagine how many weeks you will be put in a pillory for killing someone.

a) pointing in the direction behind Eden/B.wolf and saying "look! a naked woman!" Eden/B.wolf will turn and MC will escape (hilarious if MC is already naked)
b) MC escape and hides in a bed of flowers, Eden/B.wolf wont give chase because flowers cause hallucinogens which will , after Eden is gone make MC go on a wild trip making them end in a gang bang, bounded gangbang, rape gangbang, hospital (not passed out but just being treated) or raped by wolf or tentacles. the best of all this options is to regain consciousness in the hospital, again no pass out penalty as MC never pass out he/she was only on a bad trip.
c) MC runs away jumping over a bear trap, which will isntead catch Eden/B.wolf, MC will then have two options, help them or leave them, (help will raise affection to MC ) (leave them will raise lust to MC) they will then ask MC to come with them. MC will decide to go or not (not go will raise lust, go affection) but if they agree on going with the hunter they wont let MC go afterward, of course. so this last one will be a decision for MC to go or not. if MC won't go Eden/B.wolf will let them leave but warn them next time they will take them by force (unless next time they fall in another bear trap that is)

but guess all this will be too hard to code so all we got is sex after Rape.
There is also a Prison coming at some stage so it wont be just "go to the pilary" after that rolls around. And Eden and the Blackwolf are, i think, ment to be replacements for the hospital when you pass out in the forrest as i don't think paramedics get to the badparts of the forrest. The Wolf can be dodged pretty easly but Edens a bitch to get around and i usually have them set as female(and morgan the sewer dweller) so thy don't rape my holes if they catch me. But yeah as i think they are replacements for the hospital it makes sence that they are hard to dodge but i agree more options are needed. Oh and in case you peeps weren't aware you can swim across the streams you find to get rid of being "hunted".
No no no no! That would absolutely kill the mood of this game for me.
I don't know about the other people, but my care-free erotic fantasies do not involve killing people or animals.
I agree but you can "hunt" with the Wolf pack though killing a bear, would you remove that/are ok with that? I'm curious.
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Feb 10, 2019
i think, ment to be replacements for the hospital when you pass out in the forrest as i don't think paramedics get to the badparts of the forrest. The Wolf can be dodged pretty easly but Edens a bitch to get around and i usually have them set as female(and morgan the sewer dweller) so thy don't rape my holes if they catch me. But yeah as i think they are replacements for the hospital it makes sence that they are hard to dodge but i agree more options are needed. Oh and in case you peeps weren't aware you can swim across the streams you find to get rid of being "hunted".
I don't understand what you mean the hunters are replacements for the hospital... that makes no sense to me, they don't work there or anything.

I mean MC in this bad trip an hallucinogen state can walk out the forest on his own , not aware of what he/she is doing, and was found by someone who call the paramedic and in that state he was taken to the hospital to maybe get an antidote to recover from that state, I don't like the idea of MC passing out on that example i made because that will affect your feats, one is not passing out for 150 days. He can also end in any other place in the map.

Already say it, EDEN takes 4 canisters of peeper spray to relent on his attack and run away in pain, i thought was 3 but no, it's 4 don't remember if you can use two pepper preys at the same time for 2 turns or one each tme for 4 turns, but if i remember correctly think can use 2 at the same time for only two turns of fighting time, but at the end its always 4 canisters he takes, Why you think i start calling him Jason Voorhees? ...so if you are going to fight EDEN "a lo macho" you need 4 canisters of peeper spray. (I picture Eden looking like pick attach)

we are not talking about Morgan, she is easily avoidable after your thief powers are on A to escape the traps she lays around and you can hide anywhere effectively.
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Oct 6, 2019
I feel that anything Guro wouldn't fit this game. And i would probably like this game alot less if anything beyond minor(or even major) injuries or anything too horrific(body horror wise) were added. I'd be willing to discuss it's inclusion though.
I agree.
It might work if wounds could somehow (magically?) heal, but that might also cause injury to lose its impact.
Incorporating it in a way similar to the body writing wouldn't work for a serious injury (e.g. amputation). If it occurred too often, it would quickly be dulled by repetition, which is especially problematic for something that's supposed to be shocking/traumatic. The best scenario I can come up with is if it were a rare event that could only occur after passing out in certain locations (the forest and landfill spring to mind) or under other specific conditions.
For any severe injuries to the main character, you would ideally want NPC reactions to your character's physical changes, altered sprites, and extra events. Including this would likely be a huge pain, especially considering that it would have to be a completely optional (if quite underserved) fetish.
For minor injuries like cuts and bruises, it could be implemented almost exactly like the body writing. NPCs could pulling out a knife and cut you (or carve a message), causing extra pain and bleeding. Blood could then cover you just like semen/slime based on injury location, and maybe increase the chance of encounters with predatory animals. Bruises could form when NPCs hit you normally, and cause increased pain when hit again in the future. Both blood and bruises could decrease beauty but increase allure (as it indicates you are easy prey) as well as make all sexual encounters a bit more violent/dominating in nature. Maybe to counter this, you could use bandages and makeup to hide the cuts and bruises. Maybe there should also be a setting to adjust how often this sort of violence occurs for people who are okay with violence but don't want excessive guro.
This is all just spitballing, but as I reread it, two things occur to me; 1) this is more doable than I originally thought, and 2) there might be something seriously wrong with me...
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
I don't understand what you mean the hunters are replacements for the hospital... that makes no sense to me, they don't work there or anything.

I mean MC in this bad trip an hallucinogen state can walk out the forest on his own , not aware of what he/she is doing, and was found by someone who call the paramedic and in that state he was taken to the hospital to maybe get an antidote to recover from that state, I don't like the idea of MC passing out on that example i made because that will affect your feats, one is not passing out for 150 days. He can also end in any other place in the map.

Already say it, EDEN takes 4 canisters of peeper spray to relent on his attack and run away in pain, i thought was 3 but no, it's 4 don't remember if you can use two pepper preys at the same time for 2 turns or one each tme for 4 turns, but if i remember correctly think can use 2 at the same time for only two turns of fighting time, but at the end its always 4 canisters he takes, Why you think i start calling him Jason Voorhees? ...so if you are going to fight EDEN "a lo macho" you need 4 canisters of peeper spray. (I picture Eden looking like pick attach)

we are not talking about Morgan, she is easily avoidable after your thief powers are on A to escape the traps she lays around and you can hide anywhere effectively.
So what i ment as a "replacement" i mean "instead of"as the hospital is for when you passout in the city, most of the time you get taken to the hospital to "heal" and then are released or taken to the Asylum(a dungeon) to "heal" or escape from. But this doesn't happen in the forrest, instead of passing out you fight either Eden or The Wolf and if you lose you are dragged either to Eden's cabbin or the Wolfcave(also dungeons) so that you can "heal" and escape from. So not as literal Hospitals or workers but more of figuratively.

I included Morgan in my OP as to show the methord i use to mitigate the damage done by BOTH Eden and Morgan, and i know you were talking about just Eden and the Wolf specificaly which is why i used the brackets to show that it was related to what we were talking about but also not the thing we were talking about(like this).
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
I agree.
It might work if wounds could somehow (magically?) heal, but that might also cause injury to lose its impact.
Incorporating it in a way similar to the body writing wouldn't work for a serious injury (e.g. amputation). If it occurred too often, it would quickly be dulled by repetition, which is especially problematic for something that's supposed to be shocking/traumatic. The best scenario I can come up with is if it were a rare event that could only occur after passing out in certain locations (the forest and landfill spring to mind) or under other specific conditions.
For any severe injuries to the main character, you would ideally want NPC reactions to your character's physical changes, altered sprites, and extra events. Including this would likely be a huge pain, especially considering that it would have to be a completely optional (if quite underserved) fetish.
For minor injuries like cuts and bruises, it could be implemented almost exactly like the body writing. NPCs could pulling out a knife and cut you (or carve a message), causing extra pain and bleeding. Blood could then cover you just like semen/slime based on injury location, and maybe increase the chance of encounters with predatory animals. Bruises could form when NPCs hit you normally, and cause increased pain when hit again in the future. Both blood and bruises could decrease beauty but increase allure (as it indicates you are easy prey) as well as make all sexual encounters a bit more violent/dominating in nature. Maybe to counter this, you could use bandages and makeup to hide the cuts and bruises. Maybe there should also be a setting to adjust how often this sort of violence occurs for people who are okay with violence but don't want excessive guro.
This is all just spitballing, but as I reread it, two things occur to me; 1) this is more doable than I originally thought, and 2) there might be something seriously wrong with me...
I can deal with scrapes and brusing(the game is tracking brusing but is not doing anything with it ATM) and even cuts and blood, possably with broken bones and fractures and dislocations. But i'd draw the line at amputations and other serious injuries and guro. I wouldn't want "permanent" injury or scarring added. And as this game deals with a supernatural element i wouldn't mind some kind of "magical" heals as long as the explanation fits.

One of the reasons i don't think we'd get something like this is the lack of Sprite work that gets added to this game. And i know it's a HUGE pain to work on and add artwork but i'd like to see it done even if it takes a while and covers afew updates. I can only take so much of my Cats/lizards turning into dogs when they lick your genitals, and the same cock for all animals(which should be different) and hight/body frame not being represented etc.

Sorry about the tangent but that's why i think we won't get anything thats too hard to art.
I know we just got the Bodywriting system which does add some sprite work to the game but there is still alot left unadded that probably wont get sorted is my point.
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