
Jan 14, 2018
Probably because porn games have a largely male audience and dominance is a generally masculine trait and instinctual.

But, you have a lot of fetishes, some conflicting, some not, and it is only natural for everyone to champion their desires. And as games becomes more complex and modular, it is also natural for people to discuss it and want expansions to games.
It is natural for people to want games to cater to them, sure, but there's a significant difference between asking for a fetish that integrates will with current content or is limited to its own avoidable scenes vs one that changes the nature of the game. It's like complaining an RTS game isn't an FPS, or that a rom-com isn't an action move. It's kinda a dick move to people who are here for the aspects you want to remove.

That said, I don't think popularity alone explains the trend. People wanting games to be fundamentally different things should be proportional with popularity, but it's not, even if going by the most favourable numbers given in studies on who engages with porn content. Even accounting for selection bias (i.e. I'm not in dom-male-protag-harem topics much), there's basically nobody complaining in the threads of good games that they aren't sub-fem-protag-rapefests or w/e. And it's not because that market is saturated or the other is starved, either - you only have to look at the the most popular games list to see that. It does just feel like certain people feel entitled.


Jun 3, 2018
If only people could be bothered to search before asking for things. Keyword "dominant" gives 6 pages of results, and looking through Vrels posts in this shows that it is considered as a possibility in the far-off future, but not anytime soon as it would be a huge undertaking that Vrel does not want to commit to right now.


Jun 10, 2020
Even accounting for selection bias (i.e. I'm not in dom-male-protag-harem topics much), there's basically nobody complaining in the threads of good games that they aren't sub-fem-protag-rapefests or w/e. And it's not because that market is saturated or the other is starved, either - you only have to look at the the most popular games list to see that. It does just feel like certain people feel entitled.
It involves some generalization, but here's what I think usually happens:

If you're interested in a (relatively) niche fetish, you're already used to having to rummage around to find a game that features it in a decent capacity (let alone one that makes it the core mechanic of the entire game, which is like finding the holy grail).
As a result, you're well aware that you like something obscure, so unless you were completely shameless, you'd probably find it embarrassingly overbearing to go around demanding your tastes were catered to in every game you laid eyes on.

You're generally also aware that, the more extreme your fetish is, the more likely it is to be a major turn-off for someone not interested in it, which makes it even harder to ask for it to be added (again, unless you're completely shameless).
This is especially true if the developer(s) show little intent to expand the fetish list that their game started off with - if the devs themselves aren't interested in a specific obscure fetish, how do you expect them to make quality content catering to it?

On the other hand, "dominant male that fucks every female that moves" is overwhelmingly common and is also the most vanilla/generic option out there, so there are far fewer mental barriers in the way of someone wanting to request content of this type.
Additionally, someone who prefers this playstyle over all others would very easily become conditioned to a dominant male option being available, since you actually need to put some effort in to find a game that doesn't offer it at all.
As a result, they would feel those rare games that didn't allow for this playstyle were somehow deficient and in need of correction. Some might even legitimately feel that their request was "for the good of the game" since it would make it more palatable to a wider range of players (setting aside whether the dev only intended to cater to a certain subset of players from the start).


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2017
It's kinda a dick move to people who are here for the aspects you want to remove.
No one has - to my knowledge - ever asked for that.
But I get it. You are afraid that adding content that is less doormat-y/pathetic/submissive (I wont even call it dominant content) means less for you. Or that it will magically make submissive content dissapear. It would not.
Even if if full-on dominant content was added, that would not prevent you from doing your own submissive run. DoL has a good core system that can be exapnded upon. Potential.

oragon - I'm not DEMANDING anything and trying to guilt trip me or shame me won't work. You'd have to be completely shameless to even try.

And no. There's TON of games were the MC gets raped to oblivon. There's nothing niche about it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2017
What you want is actively debasing what the game describes itself to be, and for it to be this far along in it's development, to try to make it turn ship like you want now? That would only create problems for the developer either way as far as feature creep and bloat features go in the first place. This is not a sibling rivalry, and this is, to me, almost ENTIRELY not even up for debate. Never was, never will be.
Funnily enough, nothing in the description you posted is contradictory to what is discussed.
Read the description you posted again, slowly.
And thanks for the laugh.


Jan 14, 2018
It involves some generalization, but here's what I think usually happens:

If you're interested in a (relatively) niche fetish, you're already used to having to rummage around to find a game that features it in a decent capacity (let alone one that makes it the core mechanic of the entire game, which is like finding the holy grail).
As a result, you're well aware that you like something obscure, so unless you were completely shameless, you'd probably find it embarrassingly overbearing to go around demanding your tastes were catered to in every game you laid eyes on.

You're generally also aware that, the more extreme your fetish is, the more likely it is to be a major turn-off for someone not interested in it, which makes it even harder to ask for it to be added (again, unless you're completely shameless).
This is especially true if the developer(s) show little intent to expand the fetish list that their game started off with - if the devs themselves aren't interested in a specific obscure fetish, how do you expect them to make quality content catering to it?

On the other hand, "dominant male that fucks every female that moves" is overwhelmingly common and is also the most vanilla/generic option out there, so there are far fewer mental barriers in the way of someone wanting to request content of this type.
Additionally, someone who prefers this playstyle over all others would very easily become conditioned to a dominant male option being available, since you actually need to put some effort in to find a game that doesn't offer it at all.
As a result, they would feel those rare games that didn't allow for this playstyle were somehow deficient and in need of correction. Some might even legitimately feel that their request was "for the good of the game" since it would make it more palatable to a wider range of players (setting aside whether the dev only intended to cater to a certain subset of players from the start).
I think you're half-right, but I might not have explained myself too well: I'm not necessarily talking about super specific fetishes being demanded, but relatively high-level/foundational concepts:
  • If the main character is Female, there's usually a request for a Male character instead.
  • If the main character is subby/reluctant/receiving, there's usually a request for them to be dominant/proactive.
  • If the main character isn't a complete ho, there's usually someone requesting they become one.
I don't think any of these things are particularly niche? Gender, there's 141 pages of male protag games here, 74 of female protag games, and 14 of both; Easily enough that Female isn't weird but Male isn't underserved. The character's attitude and promiscuity is harder to tell at-a-glance, but I know from experience there's a decent variety of both, although I guess the latter is better described as wanting a story-heavy game rather than a "less sex" game.

In this case, I get why people aren't begging for the incorporation of piss slave content in DMD or w/e (although considering how popular that thing is, I wouldn't be surprised if there's request in there somewhere). But I would expect there to be a significant contingent of people asking to have the game from the daughter's perspective & wanting to be the one dealing with a graually-more-letchy dad.

No one has - to my knowledge - ever asked for that.
But I get it. You are afraid that adding content that is less doormat-y/pathetic/submissive (I wont even call it dominant content) means less for you. Or that it will magically make submissive content dissapear. It would not.
Even if if full-on dominant content was added, that would not prevent you from doing your own submissive run. DoL has a good core system that can be exapnded upon. Potential.
You are asking for that though. I already addressed why that is in my previous posts and the parts of that post you omitted. You're asking to make the MC fundamentally a different character and give the game an entirely different tone. I'm all for adding content where the MC is an active and willing participant, but pushing them into the predator changes the tone of the game. I'm not going to entertain any further discussion if you're going to take snippets what I say and act like it's the entire argument.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
Funnily enough, nothing in the description you posted is contradictory to what is discussed.
Read the description you posted again, slowly.
And thanks for the laugh.
The audacity you have to say you laughed. Shameless was an understatement as the term went previously used, and is exactly why I said I just mainly lurked. Condescension is ugly, and doesn't help your argument in the least in any way other than deliberately trying to look like an asshole. There is no excuse.

As I thought and implied previously, these discussions go nowhere, and then I get the brunt of trying to actually get somewhere with these points. Someone else do it if they wish, it won't be me, not again. I personally believe that all of this discussion is literally asinine to begin with, as it's not going to change anything as far as Vrelnir's plans to develop the game further more than likely. If he intends to listen to these sorts of requests in any way, time will tell.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
Look, if anyone seriously feels the game lacks something it should have, then do the work: come up with a compelling statement and pitch the idea to the dev on the blog site. Vrel replies constantly to comments and suggestions there despite there often being hundreds pert post by the next one. Arguing about it here among players does no one any real good, especially anyone up for changes. It wouldn't be the first time it's been suggested. People have been asking for herms and preg content as well for quite a awhile and both are at least already making initial entry with plans for both to have more in the future.

Obviously, there are those who feel the game's established template of who the main is mentally is important, especially given the context of much of the management systems built in, and there are those who feel it's neither vital nor enough to satisfy them and the game should be more open to versatility. Given opinion, no one's any more right or wrong here, but ultimately it falls on Vrel to decide anyways if the game needs to stay the course it has or add on something different. He's the one doing much of the grunt work, assuming there isn't substantial contributions from others. Even then, his name is on the damn thing. It is what it is and you should never be afraid to suggest ideas or give feedback in cases like this, but discussing it here offers little if at all beyond merely discussion for sake of. All it's doing creating divisive friction between commenters.


New Member
Sep 23, 2019
Hey folks just wondering, is there any sense of further provoking any anal pregnancies when one has already started? Like, does it increase the number of offspring etc or am I just wasting my time and I should rather wait until the pregnancy is already over?


Jun 10, 2020
I'm not DEMANDING anything and trying to guilt trip me or shame me won't work. You'd have to be completely shameless to even try.
The line where I used the terms "demanding" and "completely shameless" was not targeted at you. It wasn't even targeted at players requesting more dominant MC interactions in games that didn't contain them.
Responding to it with a defensive counter is a kneejerk reaction based entirely on misinterpretation.

To reiterate, a player who was well aware that their obscure/niche fetish had limited appeal, yet demanded for it to be added to any game they laid eyes upon, would have to be completely shameless. If they had a sense of shame, it would have held them back from asking, at least some of the time.
It's a hypothetical statement with no specific poster being called out, and doesn't apply to you because what you want to be added to DoL is not the sort of niche or objectionable content that would fall under this statement.

And no. There's TON of games were the MC gets raped to oblivon. There's nothing niche about it.
I did say "relatively" niche, and I refrained from specifying any single fetish because I was referring to all fetishes in general.

Simply put, the more niche a fetish is, the less likely someone would feel comfortable requesting for it to be added to a game.
Someone who knows their fetish is very niche will be aware that a developer is quite likely to turn down their request - a niche fetish may alienate existing fans, require too many asset modifications to be feasible (and necessitate a content toggle system too), or be too mechanically/conceptually difficult to integrate into the gameplay/setting to be worth the niche appeal.

Conversely, asking for a relatively vanilla/mainstream addition has no such baggage; you only have to consider whether the dev is open to requests, and why they didn't include that specific type of vanilla content in their game from the very start.
This is the scenario you currently face, by the way. It's all up to Vrelnir's whims, since DoL's relative lack of dominant-MC options is currently that way by design, not oversight. They have mentioned that more dominant PC options are on the table, but there's no timeframe and it's quite clearly not their highest priority. So uh, just be patient and you'll eventually get what you want... probably.


Oct 29, 2018
Hey folks just wondering, is there any sense of further provoking any anal pregnancies when one has already started? Like, does it increase the number of offspring etc or am I just wasting my time and I should rather wait until the pregnancy is already over?
If you're already "anal pregnant", then you cannot get double pregnant. You've gotta finish the one you have before you can start another.
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New Member
Oct 7, 2019
Another opinion/request I have for the game here for those who like running through a single character. (hear me out). The game is focused on replay-ability where you just drop a character once you get as far as you can with it, and personally I find it hard to drop a character in the middle of the story (even if its an infinitely repeating one). So to facilitate this to a point where you can effectively solve both (one character types) and (multi character types) I want to propose a way to solve the issues the characters have at the setting location (basically a choice to end a characters run in the (IMO) best way).

Firstly, the Orphanage debt. having the ability to ask bailey how much debt you have to pay back (unreasonably high but still possible to do with a lot of time time (say around $750850 (not as much as the millionaire feat) to start with and raises by 1200-what you must pay to Bailey a week (Robins half goes towards robins debt).)

Secondly their history (which would leave them in a ditch for the next steps dependent on fame). so for this step I am thinking that you go to Landry and get a fake id and set up a alibi with a couple of skulduggery related missions to cleanse the records of anything bad happening to you or any crimes you have committed following you. ie Police database, city halls office (the setting is currently only for the competitions so trying to give it more depth i guess), Bailey's Orphanage records, and finally all of your school records from the headmasters office.
Dependent on where you worked you may also need to break into/talk to the managers of (cafe, strip club, brothel, and docks). Dependent on relationship the managers may just give you the documents and wipe you from the system (cafe/docks/strip club) or they may not to try to keep you stuck here or to make it so you don't leave (cafe if your cream buns are too famous/lucrative, docks and strip club if they don't have a high opinion of you(they don't trust you enough to follow through with it since its against the law)). The brothel is an illegal institute which creates fake ID's and is supposedly a secret(?) to the main populace. They will keep your information should you have performed even once in a sexual act in the establishment (choice or no) because your more profitable there and more dangerous away from them (at least should be if you treat the rest of the world this is set in as a more decent on like ours). The only way to remove the brothel info is to break into the office and wipe the system of your info.

Third and finally is the escape from the region. Money for various transports (ship, plane, trains, bus fairs, etc) and to get a house and start up a new life else where. Basically the weekly debt will drop to about 600 dollars a week for the PC alone (after paying off the debt) (2600 for both robin and PC.). Since i don't really know the backgrounds of other characters I can't say anything about giving endings with love interests except robin. (basically pay off his debt too during step 1 I guess and double all monetary and time requirements, he doesn't work for any location as far as i am aware since he runs a lemonade stand). You can run away from the town (with or without robin) and the character(s) starts of a better life elsewhere under a different guise.

There can even be feat tokens for it and an unlocked feat spending (may already exist though i haven't unlocked all of the feat boosts cause i am a single character type :p) that allows you to increase the basic love+lust stats of love interests from the start (in the text box when you first meet them it could say "you feel somewhat connected to them" or something along those lines) balance wise it shortens the time to make a character fall for you in the next characters run so it should be pretty expensive but I was thinking only +3 love hearts +3 lust bottles max. (<-- still a decent amount of time for some NPC's)

Again, would be lots of code (like my last suggestion), I don't expect it to be added, just thought it could be a way to give the game an ending that is difficult and painful (the debt could become an insecurity should you ask how much it is and then buy items like multiple clothes bundles, the console for robin, etc?) and optional ending to help those who like wrapping up their characters story before starting a new one. Sadly I don't have any idea for any other love interests endings but Robins so it leaves little for those interested in an ending down other routes. Maybe Kylar might elope with the PC as a love interest as well but I don't know if Kylar would cause it sounds like they have family there that they would be leaving behind (and Kylar also is a yandere character type who might just kidnap and confine the character in their living location so they can't leave and basically makes the PC all theirs.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2019
Holy Shit of Walls of Text
tl;dr - add different end game objectives or "goals" that would function as a story completion kinda of thing. Examples: pay entire debt, save the orphanage, elope with certain characters, become the town's ultimate slut, etc

Yeah the concept of long term goals like these is nice and with enough variation there could be different endings to appease to different types of characters, from pure angels to deviant bastards. Also it would give a good incentive to people who prefer games with a clear end as opposed to infinite sandboxes like it currently is.

But it would be a lot of work to add such feature I think, so I imagine this will be something that Vrel would leave for later in development, but yeah it's a good idea all around.
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Jul 1, 2017
One doubt, the event of the special clothes that is obtained randomly in the city, the one that gives you high heels and the rest for the demon set, is released from a specific week or is totally random, I wear trying to find him to get the clothes but nothing. Oh is it possible to alter a save to add said clothes?


Active Member
Oct 18, 2018
One doubt, the event of the special clothes that is obtained randomly in the city, the one that gives you high heels and the rest for the demon set, is released from a specific week or is totally random, I wear trying to find him to get the clothes but nothing. Oh is it possible to alter a save to add said clothes?
One of the lewd fame (sex, rape, exhibitionism, prostitution) must be high enough. The description must be purple, pink or red.
Then it happens randomly during day in a main street.
The event is not so rare. I have now 12 sets after 4 game months.
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Oct 29, 2018
One doubt, the event of the special clothes that is obtained randomly in the city, the one that gives you high heels and the rest for the demon set, is released from a specific week or is totally random, I wear trying to find him to get the clothes but nothing. Oh is it possible to alter a save to add said clothes?

You dont find him, H̶̨̙̯̼̝̩̱̼͎̟͉͇̼̓̎̓́́̑̀̅̈͝͝͝e̵̲͕͔̳̲̥͊̓̊̒̈̑͑͐͌̈̍͗̐̄̄ ̴̡̡̛͖͈̼͍̺̥͈̘̼̟̋̔͊͆̍͋̆͑͛̉ͅF̵̨̖͑̂̔̔̃̔͌̚̕͠ȋ̵̛̪̥̳͔͈͇̼̩̬̬̘̊͒̕̚͜ͅn̸̛̗̩̫̓͐̿̒͐͂́̔̀d̷̢̼̘͚̙͍̮̞͓̳̖̘̳̋͋̐́s̵̫͈͙͓͎̤̖̼̻̆̐̍̀̾̍̀͝ ̶̬͛̈͂̅̀́̓̐͆̌̈́͝Y̷̡̖͖̝̘̯̳̕o̸̢̻̺̩̟̜̬͔̺͕͕̠̾̇͐̋̆͐͐͊̈̕͝ǘ̶͙͇̞͗

I dont think theres any actual way other than being lucky enough for the event to trigger. I've started hoarding all my slut clothes I got from him and repairing them constantly to make sure they dont break on me and I'm stuck without a way to obtain them. I've said this before but I think a really good feature to add is once he's been encountered, he gives the PC a note telling them of a location where they could come by and buy some more (since youre not able to choose the color either). It could be a nice little addition to get into incredibly more skimpy clothing choices for players.
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Qazex Saw

Feb 6, 2018
So uh, my totally female character who is most definitely seen as female had someone scribble 'walking dildo' on her.
Should probably be a gender check on NPCs writing that or something.


New Member
Oct 7, 2019
tl;dr - add different end game objectives or "goals" that would function as a story completion kinda of thing. Examples: pay entire debt, save the orphanage, elope with certain characters, become the town's ultimate slut, etc

Yeah the concept of long term goals like these is nice and with enough variation there could be different endings to appease to different types of characters, from pure angels to deviant bastards. Also it would give a good incentive to people who prefer games with a clear end as opposed to infinite sandboxes like it currently is.

But it would be a lot of work to add such feature I think, so I imagine this will be something that Vrel would leave for later in development, but yeah it's a good idea all around.
I did say would be a lot of code and I don't expect it to be implemented for a long time, and my last idea which was also a large wall of text would be a lot of code as well, of which im pretty sure Vrelnir also said would be a lot of work and code when he replied to the last one I made.
I actually have a feeling this was already a plan for the game already, but having no optional end to the characters journey other than dropping the character when its this well made makes me want to know something about how he plans to have characters finish their life in the town for good (not a soft ending). Since its kinda set up that you replay it multiple times for the feat boosts I am 80% sure there will eventually be hard endings in the distant future. Kinda just want a hint towards how he plans a hard ending so I have something to look forward to putting my first character through (if i can use it in that future update).


New Member
Oct 7, 2019
You dont find him, H̶̨̙̯̼̝̩̱̼͎̟͉͇̼̓̎̓́́̑̀̅̈͝͝͝e̵̲͕͔̳̲̥͊̓̊̒̈̑͑͐͌̈̍͗̐̄̄ ̴̡̡̛͖͈̼͍̺̥͈̘̼̟̋̔͊͆̍͋̆͑͛̉ͅF̵̨̖͑̂̔̔̃̔͌̚̕͠ȋ̵̛̪̥̳͔͈͇̼̩̬̬̘̊͒̕̚͜ͅn̸̛̗̩̫̓͐̿̒͐͂́̔̀d̷̢̼̘͚̙͍̮̞͓̳̖̘̳̋͋̐́s̵̫͈͙͓͎̤̖̼̻̆̐̍̀̾̍̀͝ ̶̬͛̈͂̅̀́̓̐͆̌̈́͝Y̷̡̖͖̝̘̯̳̕o̸̢̻̺̩̟̜̬͔̺͕͕̠̾̇͐̋̆͐͐͊̈̕͝ǘ̶͙͇̞͗

I dont think theres any actual way other than being lucky enough for the event to trigger. I've started hoarding all my slut clothes I got from him and repairing them constantly to make sure they dont break on me and I'm stuck without a way to obtain them. I've said this before but I think a really good feature to add is once he's been encountered, he gives the PC a note telling them of a location where they could come by and buy some more (since youre not able to choose the color either). It could be a nice little addition to get into incredibly more skimpy clothing choices for players.
Maybe the empty shop in the commercial district shopping mall or the forest shop will eventually have it but if you activate clothing rebuy, it also re fills the tie front top and micro pleated skirt of the bimbo-ification sets when you lose them. Haven't noticed how much it costs but it does.
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