
Sep 6, 2017
Is it a bug, after the swimming lesson when I dress back up, it won't remember I wasn't wearing underwear and won't remove the swimwear


Oct 29, 2018
Is it a bug, after the swimming lesson when I dress back up, it won't remember I wasn't wearing underwear and won't remove the swimwear
It's not anything new, I've encountered this for quite a while now. Either it's a long standing bug that hasn't been fixed for a while or a feature


Sep 6, 2017

  • Locker-Rooms. For the Cafe, Spa, Park, Docks, Farm/Riding School and an actual one for the Dance Studio. - Not just being able to strip down.
I thought the same before, but I realized it would reduce the difficulty of the game.(Some events or assaults result in you losing some pieces of clothes, which result in very high chance to get assaulted. If you have a locker nearby you don't have to struggle going back home which reduce the difficulty). If this game was easy it wouldn't be this good.

  • Stop the decrease of Promiscuity, Deviancy and Exhibitionism. It makes no sense for them to regress. It's really irritating, too.
It's possible if you set the game to Hard mode

Other than that I agree with most of what you said :)
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New Member
Nov 22, 2018
You're not entirely wrong but in this case I doubt that it would have as far reaching consequences as you imply, though of course this is merely conjecture.

However you also imply that future plans might be harder to implement given a change like this and thus this change might not be worth it, and I'd argue that something that makes people who already live a hard life feel just a little bit more welcome is worth a game dev having to do a bit more back end work because of it.
From what I have seen of the game's code it shouldn't be hugely difficult. It's just a matter of if V will do it or not, which I really hope they will because this has been my favorite h game for quite awhile, still pimp it out to new people every now and then, and this is my only real hang-up with it! I could be wrong, of course. It just seems to me that there's always a call for gender, so letting the player choose gender irresponsive of genitals should fix it.


If you just want to have a penis for example and still get people to call you a girl when they see it :
- Make sure you selected "Female" in Gender when you created your character
- Edit the html file, press CTRL + F to open the search bar and write : "Penis visible"
The line should look like this <<addfemininityfromfactor -100000 "Penis visible">>
And instead of -100000 write 100000

Above was in the case people see your genitals. (For example you look like a girl, people call you a girl, but then they see you have a penis during sexual intercourse and then go on calling you a boy)

But if your gender is Female, but look like a male(without considering the genitals) and want the NPCs to call you a Femaleyou can additionally do this :

Search for "Math.trunc(($hairlength - 200) / 2)"
The line should look like this <<addfemininityfromfactor `Math.trunc(($hairlength - 200) / 2)` "Hair length">>
And instead of `Math.trunc(($hairlength - 200) / 2)` write 200000 (any random big number will do it)

I tried it, it *seems* to work as people referred to my female character as male.
Fire. I'll try this, thanks.
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May 7, 2019
After finding this incredible game, - and playing it for quite a few hours, I decided to make a list of things that I think would make the game even better/fix some stuff/and add some more to existing game mechanics without completely changing/breaking them or the game itself. Please, let me know what you think about them.

Now, with this out of the way...

Bugs (?)
  • I have Anal disabled, - yet dogs/wolfs will still lick/tongue fuck me in the butt...
  • Swimming/Diving Goggles and Flippers will stay on after getting dressed
  • Having controlled normal and severe Hallucinations at transcendental Awareness

Quality of Life
  • (more sturdy) Clothes for rainy days/going out at night/working (farm)/searching the forest
  • Locker-Rooms. For the Cafe, Spa, Park, Docks, Farm/Riding School and an actual one for the Dance Studio. - Not just being able to strip down.
  • The right colour for the Denim Shorts in sex scenes. - Wait. Before you tell me; I know. It will be added down the line. I can be patient. I will be patient. I... I... I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Quality of Life (Changes)
  • My (Male) Character is wearing a turtleneck jumper, school trousers and combat boots, - with fitting underwear beneath. ...Apparently that makes me look lewd. I should mention that I have max./divine Beauty. ...My point is; I should not look lewd. - Even with max. Beauty.
Suggestion: Have Allure cap out at 'You stand out', if are indeed wearing normal/perfectly fine clothes. Once you start showing more skin than is necessary however/or wear more exotic stuff; remove the cap.

  • Using Pepper Spray against Rapists,... should not make me a wanted crime lord. It should be handled different all together, but I digress.
...Just imagine two police officers in this game be like:

Officer 1: Oh? Who is that on the wanted poster? Didn't see him/her before.
Officer 2: Some nasty school delinquent.
Officer 1: What did he/she do? The bounty seems way to high for a simple student.
Officer 2: He/She pepper-sprayed my cousin Timmy, while he/she tried to rape him/her.
Officer 1: That bitch!

But seriously. To be able to play through the game normally, (without save/RNG scumming at every turn) or more or less pure, should require the use of Pepper Spray. But the way it works at the moment... you just don't. - It's not worth it. In every way possible. ...Which brings me to:

  • Pepper Spray Price: 2500. ...2500... ...Right. ...This might be a bit late to ask, but; are we supposed to play with cheats? I think we are supposed to play with cheats. ...
Suggestion: Make it 500-1000 max., not more. Make it affordable and a reliable asset in combat. - Without boosting crime.
You won't be able to pay Bailey, if you rely on it too much though.

  • Slapping should not give me detention.
Suggestion: Slapping should not give me detention.

  • Cats. I have not met a single cat in all my hours playing the game. How? Do they even exist? - Yes, they do.
Suggestion: Make it possible to stumble over some cats normally.

  • After school you are able to go with some students to the lake to hang out with them, and once your School Status is high enough you will be able to trigger a certain scene there. The 'Can you please kiss me' one. Problem here is: Either that is the only event that will trigger with high enough status or I am extremely, extremely unlucky.
Suggestion: Let other events like groping also happen, - but with no or almost no chance of rape depending on status.

  • The School Status decreases far too quick. You can go from being loved and adored to being hated and avoided in a day, but not vice versa.
Suggestion: Even out the Increase and Decrease %.

  • Stop the decrease of Promiscuity, Deviancy and Exhibitionism. It makes no sense for them to regress. It's really irritating, too.
Suggestion: Stop the decrease of Promiscuity, Deviancy and Exhibitionism. Also have the decrease of School-Grades end at 0%.

  • Willpower is far too hard to level up and maintain.
Suggestion: Either give us more ways to increase Willpower and more options to maintain it, or just outright give it a growth rate akin to Beauty. It should only decrease through traumatic events and by being absolutely submissive.

  • Obtaining an Attractiveness S Rating is far more work than it should be. Even with max. Beauty.
Suggestion: Let Beauty have more weight in that regard. Not a lot more, but more.

  • Promiscuity.

Suggestion: None. Hmm... how should I put this... I don't think that one's gonna be easy, so I'm just gonna leave this one to Vrel. - But it would be incredibly nice if I was able to take the initiative with lovers like Robin and Kylar without having to max this stat, you know...

Quality of Life (Additions)
  • A Student Status Overhaul.
Depending on your status you/other students should be able to;

- study with other students. (Increasing your grades faster)
- help you at projects like the Math Competition and Science Fair. (Giving you Insight or a Mushroom for example)
- save you from Rapists/Other Students/Animals...
- go running/swimming with you. (Increasing your stats faster)
- tug on your shirt to ask for intimate time like Kylar does. (You can decide to go along, ignore or respectfully reject their advances.)
- have a follow-up scene at the lake. (Kissing them to stop them from being bullied... ...could make them want more.)
- have consensual scenes in the sea or the park.

For the bad examples; think in reverse.

  • Let Boys/Girls be more distinct from Man/Woman in regards to their dirty talk.
- Let the Girls/Boys say stuff like: 'I always liked you' - 'You are too good to me' - 'Never thought this day would come' - 'I don't deserve you' - 'I love you' - 'I always thought you were cute' - 'Let me repay you'

Stuff that makes it more obvious they're the same age/from the same school as you.

  • The option to let Robin help you with making money at 'safe' facilities like the Cafe, Docks, Farm, or Spa; - effectively doubling your income at these places.

  • A 'Cum Button' for intimate time with lovers like Robin, Kylar...
I only tested it with Robin and Kylar. - They just don't have the Stamina to keep up with the PC. Always reaching orgasm before I do. - On a cheat save I had to ramp up my Arousal to around 5700-6200 to be able to cum when they do.
That's not fair. Not at all. For normal 'combat' against rapists, animals... I can understand. ....But here? I want to cum when they do. I wanna, I Wanna, I WANNAAAAAAAAA

  • A Kylar Tease Options-Window
- If I want to pat his/her head all day, I will pat his/her head all day. Mark my words. His/Her head will be mine.

  • Friend/Dog/Wolf/Tentacle/Cat/Horse/Dolphin/Orphan... Saves/Rescues
Same as with the Students; if they like you enough/you helped them often enough/fucked the local dolphins enough to be considered a local dolphin yourself, then I think you should have a place in their heart.

  • More Black Wolf/Eden interactions such as having them escort you safely through the forest; (while you search for arrow heads/mushrooms...) - effectively erasing the chance of you getting raped by anything else.

  • Orphanage Overhaul
Again, depending on the status (Hope/Rebelliousness); -

- bathing together
- helping you out at jobs (like with Robin ^)
- stealing with you
- searching the forest with you
- have intimate time with them like with the students (if they like you enough)
- chance to visit your room at night like Robin does
- give money to you/steal money from you

The core idea of the overhauls is that a good status at school is going to help you get your stats up quicker, while a good status at the orphanage is going to help you with money.

Yes, that's right, this idea is purely professional. And not for those warm and fluffy feelings.

Yeah... I think that's all for now.

...Thanks for making this game Vrel. I like it.
This is one of the best comment's on this thread, I agree.

Only other things I can think of that'd be nice, that isn't mentioned in this comment is like,
Ok, I always play as a large, athletic character, however, despite being large, and being strong, people still over-power you in an instant, that's just, really really really annoying. How can a short skinny man over-power a tall, buff chick within a millisecond, that's just stupid. Not only that, I think there should be a more dominant, and more aggressive mood thing for the player, like, maybe instead of being pretty much forced to do whatever anyone wants to do, even if it's robin, or something, if you're dominant enough, and/or strong enough, you can/[have a chance to] do what you want, like, maybe if someone is trying to fuck your ass, you can instead push em to the ground instead, and fuck their ass instead?

Another thing is, I feel maybe more size options for every character, including the player character would be nice, breast only go up to 12, ass goes up to 8, and dick goes up to 4, I'd say, maybe increase the maximum to 20, maybe 24 for all of them?
These are just personal preferences, and just personal suggestions, but, I'd think they'd be nice personally.
[Also, can you allow herm npcs to exist, maybe, that's all, thanks]


May 7, 2019
From what I have seen of the game's code it shouldn't be hugely difficult. It's just a matter of if V will do it or not, which I really hope they will because this has been my favorite h game for quite awhile, still pimp it out to new people every now and then, and this is my only real hang-up with it! I could be wrong, of course. It just seems to me that there's always a call for gender, so letting the player choose gender irresponsive of genitals should fix it.
Well, it could be done in a way, that it could be copy, and pasted to appear in that area, I don't think it'd be super hard, but it's been years since I've done coding, and even then, it was very basic coding, so I'm likely wrong.


Sep 6, 2017
From what I have seen of the game's code it shouldn't be hugely difficult. It's just a matter of if V will do it or not, which I really hope they will because this has been my favorite h game for quite awhile, still pimp it out to new people every now and then, and this is my only real hang-up with it! I could be wrong, of course. It just seems to me that there's always a call for gender, so letting the player choose gender irresponsive of genitals should fix it.

Fire. I'll try this, thanks.
I did a little mistake wait ><. Select male in Gender. Feminine in Natural features. Then follow the rest of the steps ;)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
After finding this incredible game, - and playing it for quite a few hours, I decided to make a list of things that I think would make the game even better/fix some stuff/and add some more to existing game mechanics without completely changing/breaking them or the game itself. Please, let me know what you think about them.
Nice post! Haven't had one like this here in a while. I'd like to comment on some things and maybe clear up some of the reasoning from the games "side".

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But yeah cool stuff!
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Jul 6, 2017
ya know. I'd love to see a sissification path (or something of the sorts) MC starts in the orphanage, is able to snoop around the other rooms, finds clothes, maybe is caught by baily, and baily becomes the one who through punishment forces/helps the MC crossdress. Sending the MC on quests, buying makeup, clothes, trying to act more girly, going to school as a girl and so on.

Also since there are gym clothes and cheerleading stuff that can be bought is it safe to say that perhaps instead of the pool there will be gym class, and maybe cheerleading that the character can opt into? (Idk if this has already been asked?)
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Jan 15, 2018
ya know. I'd love to see a sissification path (or something of the sorts) MC starts in the orphanage, is able to snoop around the other rooms, finds clothes, maybe is caught by baily, and baily becomes the one who through punishment forces/helps the MC crossdress. Sending the MC on quests, buying makeup, clothes, trying to act more girly, going to school as a girl and so on.

Also since there are gym clothes and cheerleading stuff that can be bought is it safe to say that perhaps instead of the pool there will be gym class, and maybe cheerleading that the character can opt into? (Idk if this has already been asked?)
Agreed, if not Bailey then some other NPC, maybe it's a new method making money.


Nov 7, 2020
  • Stop the decrease of Promiscuity, Deviancy and Exhibitionism. It makes no sense for them to regress. It's really irritating, too.
Suggestion: Stop the decrease of Promiscuity, Deviancy and Exhibitionism. Also have the decrease of School-Grades end at 0%.
I think that's the main point of hard mode. because having lower lewd stats and performing lewd actions helps increase your control and help manage trauma, having it limited meant it limiting your lewd actions in order to regulate your trauma and control. I've played hard mode before as a save to acquire feats, and I've suffered high to max trauma and low control for several months because I maxed my lewd stats so I can't use them to regulate my control anymore and I also got myself an ear slime. I was trying not to pass out on that playthrough, because passing out means either someone blindfolding then raping me, or I'm going straight to the mental hospital and hard mode is over.

But the slaps, I do agree that that increasing delinquency doesn't make sense. For me it should be the other way around: the guy who got slapped get detention.
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New Member
Nov 7, 2019
Is there any way to enable both "Moaning" and "Demand" through the save editor? Having moan be locked behind submissiveness kinda sucks it out of the mood.


Active Member
Oct 26, 2017
l like this game and its freedom.
l can play as a cute girl, that protects her virginity at all costs, disguises her self as a boy, gets into gangbangs, has sex with tentacles, is indestructible with infinite ammo(thank you cheats) all while being an angel and a virgin. All the world is her stage. MissionCompleted.gif


Conversation Conqueror
Dec 4, 2019
l like this game and its freedom.
l can play as a cute girl, that protects her virginity at all costs, disguises her self as a boy, gets into gangbangs, has sex with tentacles, is indestructible with infinite ammo(thank you cheats) all while being an angel and a virgin. All the world is her stage. View attachment 967412
Now all we need is our kiddo
4.50 star(s) 194 Votes