Oct 12, 2018
Also very interested in the Kylar route continuing. Kylar route introduced fucking vampires. I'm 100 percent on board with this. I fucking love vampires. Vampires are the best, vampires are the coolest, if my MC can't become a vampire I'll riot, lol.
A vampire transformation would be pretty cool. It would probably end up in the divine category so you could have a vampire cat girl or something. Think the fangs could also be more powerful like when you combine Cow and Demon transformation you get stronger headbutt damage. Maybe have an interaction with Robin where you can suck their blood? Or alternatively it could be put into a third transformation category, like a mystical category. Can you imagine a Demon cow vampire? Or Angel harpy vampire?
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Oct 12, 2018
Not being able to go outside during the day would be a pretty game-breaking problem. Also, you would never be able to get near Sydney because of the cross or have access to the temple. And having Italian food would be right out.
Shieeeet, totally forgot about the sunlight thing. But i mean you have hats that give you shade against getting tanned, so you could just wear hats with shade everywhere. as for the cross, I mean... Demon characters have no problem with getting near Sydney or accessing the temple so, at worst maybe you get stress if you talk to her or something.


Active Member
Dec 5, 2021
Not being able to go outside during the day would be a pretty game-breaking problem. Also, you would never be able to get near Sydney because of the cross or have access to the temple. And having Italian food would be right out.
Nice, like in Morrowind, play like that before finding a cure, interesting by the way like one of soft bad ends :unsure:


Active Member
Dec 5, 2021
Shieeeet, totally forgot about the sunlight thing. But i mean you have hats that give you shade against getting tanned, so you could just wear hats with shade everywhere. as for the cross, I mean... Demon characters have no problem with getting near Sydney or accessing the temple so, at worst maybe you get stress if you talk to her or something.
Yeah, everything is managable with current game mechanics, if Demon thing works, I see no problems with Vampire.
Like you can even wear cross but it'll add trauma and direct sunlight will add a lot of stress/pain or smth
No hopes it'll be implemented, miserable chance someone will make mod though
Oct 12, 2018
No hopes it'll be implemented, miserable chance someone will make mod though
I mean, i don't see why it couldn't be a thing officially, I never went too far with Kylar so i had no idea about it but if what sparrow_rose said is true then there are vampires in the game, so it's not too far fetched that you could also become one. Real question is how many updates until then.
Oct 6, 2019
Robin needs to be more flashed
Playfully flashing Robin in public to provoke an embarrassed reaction would be a blast.
sugardaddy have almost nothin' except dates
That makes sense given that the PC's relationship with Avery is pretty much that of an employee and an employer. You belong to Avery while you are on the clock, but, when you are not, Avery couldn't care less about what you do or what happens to you so long as you are able to be back the next time that you are needed on-time and ready to perform. And if you make a habit of missing work for whatever reason, god help you. That is a relatable, real-world interpersonal dynamic.
placeholder characters like Doren
Doren is a tough nut narratively speaking. A big, tough Scottish bear who is genuinely shocked by all the rape and corruption in town, it would make too much narrative sense for Doren to put on the white hat and try to clean up Dodge. The only way that story gets resolved is Doren getting burried on Boot Hill, and then we would need a new teacher. So, what else can be done with Doren? The whole "slutty *ahem* totally-not-a-child trying to seduce the nice, respectable teacher" narrative has already been claimed by Mason. Maybe Doren is a bit more of a gentle giant and tries to get the PC to see a psychiatrist? Hey, I like that! Then we could have Harper telling Doren to do disturbing things to the PC ostensibly to help the PC through rape-induced sex mania. Bang your head; metal health will drive you mad!
C'mon, Robin lives in creepy dangerous orpanage without parents and still good person
Robin was first and is still the best. Making flower crowns, selling lemonaide, climbing trees, playing two-player video games on the floor with a friend--Robin is everything that a little kid is supposed to be. I suppose that has the effect of making us feel desperate to protect that beautiful anachronism to the point that we will fuck a horse for an audience at a brothel for the money to pay the rent that would otherwise force Robin to abandon the cute little lemonaide stand in favor of the brothel. We fuck horses so Robin doesn't have to stop being a cute little kid. What a character!
Kylar is a creep
Kylar is that friend that you have who has Shitty Personality Disorder and falls in psycho yandere love with everyone who is nice to her. You feel bad for her, but nothing that you can do for her will ever inspire her to stop sabbotaging herself. Ultimatelty, the whole experience of being friends with a Kylar is an exercise in frustration, and nothing short of prison will keep her away if you ever make the monumentally stupid mistake of fucking her. As with Avery, Kylar is an easily recognized real-world analogy. But, yeah, my PC fucks Kylar. Early on, those pepper spray cannisters are life-savers, and being a popular kid would just be way too easy without Kylar around.
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Active Member
Jan 10, 2019
You can't see that on a guy?! I totally can, I've met guys like that! Usually with black or blonde hair, part over the eye, almost always emo or goth, sometimes just the shy type, some were assholes and others not. I feel like I've met a couple dozen guys that can be described similarly to the quotes. Starting from about middle school and up.
Can second that.
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Active Member
May 5, 2018
Not being able to go outside during the day would be a pretty game-breaking problem. Also, you would never be able to get near Sydney because of the cross or have access to the temple. And having Italian food would be right out.
Meh, not an issue really. There are different types of vampires, even daywalkers, though I'd like to maintain the sunlight weakness. At least until I earn the daywalking ability, assuming it's an option. As already said, hats. Also, sunglasses, sunblock, parasols, and might force you to be a bit modest to cover more skin during daylight hours. Meanwhile, being out under the sun can increase things like stress, trauma, fatigue, and pain. Especially pain, it should definitely be painful for a vampire to be out under the sun. Also, considering I think vampires are living in the temple, I don't think crosses and holy places are a problem for DoL's vampires. In other words, I don't think DoL's vampires would be the soulless and cursed type. Which means we should still have a reflection. Doubt running water is an issue, but garlic apparently might be if Kylar's parents are anything to go off of. However, Kylar's parents seem to have something wrong with them, so may not be DoL's typical vampires.
I'd expect possible penalties for being out during daytime, and bonuses for nighttime. Weaker during the day, stronger at night, maybe? That would make it easier to beat off assaulters during the night. Which is pretty handy, considering a lot of issues seem to arise at night. I don't usually go out at night in DoL, too much trouble. I might have to as a vampire, though. We need to feed, right? It would be easier to do so unseen at night. After all, can't let people know we're a vampire, right? That's no bueno. We should definitely be required to maintain secrecy on that. Maybe be punished by the vampire temple if we're not being a good cautious vampire? Maybe even attract a vampire hunter? Oh, I hope we can feed during sex. That's always a good way to sneak in an unnoticed meal. Biting during sex is fairly normal anyways.


Engaged Member
Jan 5, 2019
Meh, not an issue really. There are different types of vampires, even daywalkers, though I'd like to maintain the sunlight weakness. At least until I earn the daywalking ability, assuming it's an option. As already said, hats. Also, sunglasses, sunblock, parasols, and might force you to be a bit modest to cover more skin during daylight hours. Meanwhile, being out under the sun can increase things like stress, trauma, fatigue, and pain. Especially pain, it should definitely be painful for a vampire to be out under the sun. Also, considering I think vampires are living in the temple, I don't think crosses and holy places are a problem for DoL's vampires. In other words, I don't think DoL's vampires would be the soulless and cursed type. Which means we should still have a reflection. Doubt running water is an issue, but garlic apparently might be if Kylar's parents are anything to go off of. However, Kylar's parents seem to have something wrong with them, so may not be DoL's typical vampires.
I'd expect possible penalties for being out during daytime, and bonuses for nighttime. Weaker during the day, stronger at night, maybe? That would make it easier to beat off assaulters during the night. Which is pretty handy, considering a lot of issues seem to arise at night. I don't usually go out at night in DoL, too much trouble. I might have to as a vampire, though. We need to feed, right? It would be easier to do so unseen at night. After all, can't let people know we're a vampire, right? That's no bueno. We should definitely be required to maintain secrecy on that. Maybe be punished by the vampire temple if we're not being a good cautious vampire? Maybe even attract a vampire hunter? Oh, I hope we can feed during sex. That's always a good way to sneak in an unnoticed meal. Biting during sex is fairly normal anyways.
also a reason to get big hats and more goth/ic wear
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Active Member
Dec 5, 2021
Playfully flashing Robin in public to provoke an embarrassed reaction would be a blast.

That makes sense given that the PC's relationship with Avery is pretty much that of an employee and an employer. You belong to Avery while you are on the clock, but, when you are not, Avery couldn't care less about what you do or what happens to you so long as you are able to be back the next time that you are needed on-time and ready to perform. And if you make a habit of missing work for whatever reason, god help you. That is a relatable, real-world interpersonal dynamic.

Doren is a tough nut narratively speaking. A big, tough Scottish bear who is genuinely shocked by all the rape and corruption in town, it would make too much narrative sense for Doren to put on the white hat and try to clean up Dodge. The only way that story gets resolved is Doren getting burried on Boot Hill, and then we would need a new teacher. So, what else can be done with Doren? The whole "slutty *ahem* totally-not-a-child trying to seduce the nice, respectable teacher" narrative has already been claimed by Mason. Maybe Doren is a bit more of a gentle giant and tries to get the PC to see a psychiatrist? Hey, I like that! Then we could have Harper telling Doren to do disturbing things to the PC ostensibly to help the PC through rape-induced sex mania. Bang your head; metal health will drive you mad!

Robin was first and is still the best. Making flower crowns, selling lemonaide, climbing trees, playing two-player video games on the floor with a friend--Robin is everything that a little kid is supposed to be. I suppose that has the effect of making us feel desperate to protect that beautiful anachronism to the point that we will fuck a horse for an audience at a brothel for the money to pay the rent that would otherwise force Robin to abandon the cute little lemonaide stand in favor of the brothel. We fuck horses so Robin doesn't have to stop being a cute little kid. What a character!

Kylar is that friend that you have who has Shitty Personality Disorder and falls in psycho yandere love with everyone who is nice to her. You feel bad for her, but nothing that you can do for her will ever inspire her to stop sabbotaging herself. Ultimatelty, the whole experience of being friends with a Kylar is an exercise in frustration, and nothing short of prison will keep her away if you ever make the monumentally stupid mistake of fucking her. As with Avery, Kylar is an easily recognized real-world analogy. But, yeah, my PC fucks Kylar. Early on, those pepper spray cannisters are life-savers, and being a popular kid would just be way too easy without Kylar around.
Can probably agree with almost everythin' You said.
Still there are always few my "I want it, daddy/mommy please" :KEK:

Some more interactions with Avery Will be still nice, like meeting in different location with different outcomes, nothing close to romance*

Yeah, White Knight "Robin protector" thing explained very good)
Few more interactions for Robin out of her comfort zone will be nice, cause difference between high/low confidence Robin is not much. And broken Robin is only headache.

Kylar is super fun character, I just can't play without her (make Kylar male is too much even for me, I Save that for most Hardcore world builds), your personal bodyguard and pepper spray developer and... most active and troublesome character especially for slut MC, yandere personality is a bliss. Still always keep Kylar in long run with some jealousity managment, after gaining "trait" can even tolerate some Robin/MC night fun in front of Owl :sneaky:

Doren Doren, what to do with her, classical psychiatrist plot is too overused, still every variant is better then nothing... there is even Doren Mod for DoL (still never tryed)
Oct 6, 2019
Few more interactions for Robin out of her comfort zone will be nice, cause difference between high/low confidence Robin is not much. And broken Robin is only headache.
We see a teaser of some jealousy when Robin begins to realize that you are fucking Sydney. It would be cool to get a storyline that follows that. Sweet little Robin is not going to get all stabby, but a rift between two friends like Sydney and Robin would probably get tense. Neither of them seems to be the type that would be cool with a significant other that sleeps around, even if Robin already knows that you occasionally work at the brothel. Slutty Sydney might be cool with it, though.

Oh, and then there's Alex! There's an apocalyptic relationship blow-up waiting to happen. Say, you tell Robin that the only way that you can stop doing prostitution is if you no longer have to pay rent to Bailey for both of you. Robin would hate leaving the other orphans but would agree to go for the sake of your virtue. You say that you have a safe place outside of town that you share with someone else. Bring Robin to the farm. We have no idea of how possessive Alex is of you, but it will quickly become clear to Robin that you and Alex are not just business partners. And then there is the bestiality. Soooo much bestiality. A day of doing chores with you on the farm should have Robin ready to go ballistic.
Kylar is super fun character,
Kylar has some of the best events in the game outside of school. The Halloween adventure is tits, and the Christmas adventure actually succeeds at being creepy and adorable at the same time. Yeah, despite being a massive pain in the ass, I gotta have Kylar.
Doren Doren, what to do with her, classical psychiatrist plot is too overused, still every variant is better then nothing... there is even Doren Mod for DoL (still never tryed)
Could Doren be a way to get to more Quinn content? Maybe Doren tries to go up the chain of the local authorities. Hmm, there is not a lot of opportunity to get raped in that storyline.

EDIT: Kek, I got it! Quinn is not being particularly responsive to Doren's demands, and Doren gets angry enough to tell Quinn off. With Doren about to get shitcanned, you tell Quinn that you would like to share the details of your personal story in private if that might make the mayor understand why Doren is so upset. Quinn takes you into the mayor's office, closes the door, and you both do what you knew would happen on the desk. Quinn agrees to not fire Doren and will allow Doren to council rape victims at the school if you keep coming back every week for more of the same. Access to the Mayor's office could provide all manner of opportunities and dangers (eg. secret service, guard dogs, Quinn's spouse) to a rogueish orphan. That would be just a huge addition. I don't know that there is that much room left in alpha.
Last edited:


New Member
Dec 3, 2018
I wish there were more bullying and bondage events . Like maybe Whitney ties you up and sells you for 1$ on the bathrooms, or you get tied to a a pole on the beach. Maybe they can force vibrators on your and force you to have them inserted all day. Etc , i don't like pregnancy so i won't enjoy the next update but hopefully after it we get updates like that or maybe updates that add new animations
Nov 18, 2020
Kylar is super fun character, I just can't play without her (make Kylar male is too much even for me, I Save that for most Hardcore world builds), your personal bodyguard and pepper spray developer and... most active and troublesome character especially for slut MC, yandere personality is a bliss. Still always keep Kylar in long run with some jealousity managment, after gaining "trait" can even tolerate some Robin/MC night fun in front of Owl :sneaky:
guys you got to find someone who'll love you like kylar loves the pc.
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Jun 3, 2019
Not totally against it, just there are Kylar route feels unfinished near climax and it's very connected to church/culists plot, Robin needs to be more flashed - there are mostly casual interactions without anything deeper (still Robin is not top priority also), sugardaddy have almost nothin' except dates... not even mentionin' other LI's and totally placeholder characters like Doren, I mean it's not really top priority IMO, and what You really want? Sob story about drunk father beatin' and rapin' her/him in the ass, so we feel pity of her/him and lose all effect of "Evil bitch"?
C'mon, Robin lives in creepy dangerous orpanage without parents and still good person, Kylar is creep cause
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still many players want her/him in prison while every person after that'll need psychological help especially in tender age)
Wow. You can like Whitney as they are now but your defense by saying Robin is good despite their circumstances and you also defending Kylar with their situation is pretty lame. Like damn. Kylar I feel is just a total weirdo and their background is not going to change that. Somehow I still feel bad for them though. Not gonna mess with them but not gonna get too chummy with them.

balitz Method

Active Member
Jan 30, 2018
I would love something like this. I am one of the Whitney haters.
When I first started playing and found him smoking in the park being melancholic I thought that going for the romance with him might make him open up about his problems and get to act like a human, But I read the wiki and was disappointed about that not being the case at all and him remaining a piece of shit. I don't mind sending him to the dungeon for being garbage, but a redemption route would be very nice in my opinion.
Whitney wears everything on their sleeve. In that setting victimizing others so that you aren't victimized yourself makes sense as a survival strategy and the romance itself is becoming their favorite victim - either by leaning into that role or balancing it with fighting back so that a kind of mutual respect forms. It's very appropriate that to get rid of Whitney you have to become Whitney. There are little moments where Whitney opens up -very- slightly but they never go soft because, in Whitney's mind, that would mean becoming a victim. For what it is it's very well-conceived and the character is as human as anyone else in the game.

I know why people want to humble Whitney but the game is written so that you're uncomfortably aware that all the Whitney material is in the context of two victims lashing out at each other because they can't lash out at those who deserve it.


Active Member
Dec 5, 2021
Wow. You can like Whitney as they are now but your defense by saying Robin is good despite their circumstances and you also defending Kylar with their situation is pretty lame. Like damn. Kylar I feel is just a total weirdo and their background is not going to change that. Somehow I still feel bad for them though. Not gonna mess with them but not gonna get too chummy with them.
Each character have their own role here, comparing them as similar Just not works.
Robin - become White Knight, giving her normal life to having a feel of normal-happy relationship for yourself. Low/high Confidence or trauma routes/outcomes matters not, it change not the core role.

Kylar - outcast freak dating simulation, yandere vibes, she/he Will never be healed and it' still feels mostly one-sided love even with all that good interactions from MC (MC uses/pity Kylar)

Whitney - ever wandered how to be in the role of some antagonist's slut/bitch GF shoes? We've seen them a lot in movies, they mostly die before main antagonist. So not much softer side or respect in that relationship possible.

Developer will not break the core roles, and I'd say they're written quite well.
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