
Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
I do agree we need more repetable events. I think the game is going way too much in the RNG direction. It's nice to have random events, but it starts to get tiring when most of the content is random events :/ Also, as i alreadly pointed, with a cicle of a year (that is, 365 in game days), events that only happen once a year feel very easy to miss and very short.

I do wish every update had at least one new repetable event, as small as it may be. But i don't know how realistic this is. It would take not only a lot of work, but also a lot of creativity. Still, once you have seen all it gets tyring to do the same 3-4 scenes again and again :(
Yeah we do need more non-RNG Big events/quests but i don't feel they have to be repeatable. Sure you could argue for them to happen once a cycle/year to be repeated next cycle, but who plays that far? I can see more being put in both short term ones(Halloween hoilday types) and longer ones(Science and Math type of projects) But also i like the location based ones(this new Cafe one and potentually The soup kitchen ones) and even more personal Named NPC ones(Kylar, Whitney, Leighton and Robin ones). But i feel making those ones repeatable would cheapen them.
Either way i guess we need more non-RNG baised events/Quests yeah? Maybe just the class and holiday ones could repeat but not the location or NNPC ones? Is this more along the lines of what you are thinking K9 and Kinky_One,?
Vrel has been adding them anyway just got to be patient.
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Jan 29, 2018
So how do you find the stocks and how do you get to view npc's getting defiled? I take it you gotta send a npc there like whitney or are there random npc's in the stocks for your viewing pleasure?
Jan 29, 2018
Yeah, I've seen a few have their trousers pulled down and even one their underwear pulled but nothing beyond that. Is it just horrid rng or something else?
Jan 29, 2018
Yeah, stress levels need to be right. But I figured once their pants were down, violation would follow but thus far, nadda, zilch, zippo.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
You can throw fruit and spank, if your stress is at like 50/60%.
Nothing overtly sexual, and the npcs don't seem to do anything beyond stripping and throwing things.
If you get put in the stockade, you get fucked pretty much immidiately, but you can wait for 12 hours at an npc in the stocks and nothing really happens.

Ayumi T

Sep 16, 2019
So far these are the issues I came across while playing

Night encounter with 0, the Shaggy Black Dog:
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Error during combat (i can't remember the exact encounter, it's either grabbed off the street or the bus one):
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Life-modeling while not wearing any underwear. The Emperor's Orphan's New Clothes? :unsure:
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Aug 27, 2018
I've seen an anal spit roast, but there's no like detail, it's pretty much just, you see two men doing an anal spit roast on the x


Jul 18, 2017
So far these are the issues I came across while playing

Night encounter with 0, the Shaggy Black Dog:
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Error during combat (i can't remember the exact encounter, it's either grabbed off the street or the bus one):
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Life-modeling while not wearing any underwear. The Emperor's Orphan's New Clothes? :unsure:
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that error usually happens when avery licks your pussy so
Jan 29, 2018
Would be good if the pc could actually be the violator when a npc is in the stocks just one time to let the pc be the top since no options to do so in the wild. So to speak.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
No shade, i'm just trying to work some stuff out feel free to help. BIG MASSIVE SPOILERS

So here are some of the New Cafe Content problems i've come across peeps saying and how it ties into what i feel to be a bigger problem. This will be about the Cafe content and not any bugs or other stuff like that.
So a big problem(concern?) is the time it takes to get to the new content. That at the moment has 2 steps involved that i know of so i'm going to cover those.

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Now before we get to the meat of the problem some might have with these times let me add that Vrel in a post i read about this kind of stuff said "The cafe job isn't supposed to be too quick " (and thats in context so don't @ me) which is fine. i'm guessing that Vrels intent on why they made the targets like this is so the content wouldn't be knocked over in a single sitting but chipped at over time. But this leads ultimately to the underlying problem of...

TIME SPENT VS REWARDS GIVEN: There is alot to do in this game and to get alot of the content you have to grind. But while the start of the game(the first 3 weeks or so) is more about finding out what works for the player it gets real hard real quick then slows significantly as you find your groove. And of course i'm talking about making money. Now most Jobs in the game pays next to nothing(even 12hrs at the Docks net you $120 to begin with) and having the time to do the school stuff and grind a job to make rent(and a little to spend on cloathes and a new console for someone) and follow the Event Threads can be a bit much untill.....you find the Brothel then all your money problems vanish(you can make upwards of $1500 a DAY).
So the bigger picture problem i can see is that its not very rewarding using the very limited time you have to chip at what seems like an endless task with little in the way of benifits(little pay untill you get to Chef{i don't know if this Jobs pay incresses helpped out with the upto $4000 rent thing} and with all the time spent with not much to show untill you hit the Events) when you can just take the "Quick and dirty" option of the Brothel and still have pleanty of time for digging in the trash heap( still waiting on more non cloathing items to spend on).

FIX: To be honest i don't know if this could be solved satisfactory. If you just shorten the goals then you take away thats it's suppost to last the player awhile and not get done in an "Afternoon". But it already rases its salery in the Chef phase so that already lessens the extent of the money issue. Maybe reducing the Hours you can work at the Brothel like with the club and Docks might help IDK.
Anyway i hope that covers what i beleive to be the major issue(besides all the bugs ;) ) that peeps have with this new stuff. Please comment with suggestions or anything i missed.
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Active Member
Aug 11, 2016
More tips and events as a waiter/waitress. If you open the floodgates for harrassment, increase the number of perverts eventually showing up while keeping it low key. More risk, more reward. But anything too direct and get on Sam's bad side.

More variety in bun making. Use the instruments available or bring own toys for help. Or gather some milk/cream beforehand in a sealed container, not necessarily your own. (The beach science fair "interviews" come to mind)

Maybe having a helper. Convince Sam to let an orphan help for shared pay, increasing production rate. The orphan can either be Robin after school with high love or a random one, depending on the hope/rebel stats for their own percentage of payment.

Or go Van Wilder style and use the dogs in the alley for extra creamy buns...

Brothel pay should depend on two things: customer attraction and skill. The customer can like a certain appearance, for which they will pay more, and pay even more depending on player skill. Or they won't care about appearance, only about skill. If neither, then crappy pay.

Edit: Also should make multiple tax steps depending on popularity maybe. 50/40/30 or something like that?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
The nude modeling interests me, but the cafe stuff required to get there really doesn't.

Bodily fluids mixed into food is... very not my thing.
Not to kinkshame anyone, but ew.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
This is adressing

"More tips and events as a waiter/waitress. If you open the floodgates for harrassment, increase the number of perverts eventually showing up while keeping it low key. More risk, more reward. But anything too direct and get on Sam's bad side. "

This stuff is already in there(except for the Sam thing it's bugged apparently) unless you mean MORE more i suppose uping the fequency of tips might be ok but's that still going to be RNG based to get those events and still might not break the numbers needed on the Tax before you get to the Chef content(using the school path and not the go all out path) but i think with this your saying "make it more intersting for the player" right? I think it's interesting enough just not enught to put up with the massive grind + the pay issue.

"More variety in bun making. Use the instruments available or bring own toys for help. Or gather some milk/cream beforehand in a sealed container, not necessarily your own. (The beach science fair "interviews" come to mind) Maybe having a helper. Convince Sam to let an orphan help for shared pay, increasing production rate. The orphan can either be Robin after school with high love or a random one, depending on the hope/rebel stats for their own percentage of payment
Or go Van Wilder style and use the dogs in the alley for extra creamy buns..."

Maybe? I do like being able to "bring a friend" if you can convince Sam and of course Toys when they're a thing would be good also but worried about the "freshness" of using anything collected before hand. I suppose alowing things to help with the targets would be better then reducing the targets altogeather while adding variety to the bun making grind. Good stuff mostly!

"Brothel pay should depend on two things: customer attraction and skill. The customer can like a certain appearance, for which they will pay more, and pay even more depending on player skill. Or they won't care about appearance, only about skill. If neither, then crappy pay"

The Brothel stuff already adds alot complex calculations going towards how much it pays you(i'm probably going to miss some). Just stripping for example needs: Good Dance skill, Filling the AWE meter(by removing 4 bits of cloathing) then grinding out as may tips as you can and landing a privite time with a patron before they pull you off the stage to rape you. I think wearing costumes(nun/bunnygirl/anyothers) should factor into it somehow maybe through increased tips. But again this is the small change stuff, the real money comes from the privite time with a patron. Again with the complex calculations going towards how much it pays you the base pay is around $50 going uptowards $250/encounter. And it's this part that floods you with money. A customer took me aside and talked to me for abot 30mins(in game) for $200 no sex needed.

"Edit: Also should make multiple tax steps depending on popularity maybe. 50/40/30 or something like that?"

Sorry i don't understand this part could you break it down a bit?
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