Omega Deose

Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
You need to set opera to open html files then, it should already by default.
Try the following:
Set opera as your default browser, I don't use opera so I'm not sure what you need to do but I'm guessing you look in options or setting and then look for where it says to set it as your default browser.

If your using Windows 10 > Click on Start in the lower left hand side > Click Settings > Click Apps > Click Default Apps > Click where is says Web browser > Choose Opera > Next click on Set defaults by apps > Look for Opera Click on it > Look for .html >
Click on whatever web browser is there and choose Opera

Another way to add on to the above:
Click on Start in the lower left hand side > Click Settings > Click Apps > Click Default Apps > Click where is says Web browser > Choose Opera > Next click on Choose default apps by file type > Look for .html > Click on whatever web browser is there and choose Opera

If you're using another browser replace Opera with Firefox or Google Chrome or Web browser name here.

Last but not least:
If all that doesn't work give Firefox a try and set it as your default browsers.
thx it worked
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Feb 10, 2019
How do you increase ass size?
Will add to the answer given that you can have a hi grade in swimming and still get the parasite, but chances to get it is very random, and the forest is not fun one bit to spend hours finding the elusive river and then by chance get the butt parasite. you better off by using the cheat menu.

I have to add, that I DID get the parasite not cheating, but you need to do some previous work first to get it.
1) get A grade in history to learn the shortcut to the lake in the forest, once this is done (will take you weeks in game to get A in history) once this is achieve:
2) go to bedroom and go to "settings" slide down to the tab that read something like "events trigger by allure" and set it to 0.2
3) go to forest, use the secret path to the lake and at the lake
4) remove all your cloth in the shore, yes! naked! HAHAHA! take that forest cloth grinder!
5) save your game here
6) enter the forest naked
7) in the forest select "search this area" to look for the river, if nothing happen return to the lake and repeat till you find the darn moving river that hides.
8) if you find it, HURRAY! swim, random chance to get the parasite, if nothing happen, return to lake and repeat
9) I don't advise to keep searching as Jason Voorhees may try to catch you. though because you allure is low maybe not. if he does, get dress, secret path out the forest, town, reenter forest, repeat from step 3
10) If you got the parasite SAVE YOUR GAME AGAIN

whew! you can save all this trouble by enabling in the cheat menu "urchill parasite", which i did after darn Harper removes ALL parasites in one go. fugging doctor, after all my work.

8.1) there is a soft cheat you can do after you choose to swim the river to the other side, by opening the cheat menu and not doing anything but selecting "confirm" the random events resets: safe to the other shore with not parasite, lizard attack, strong current takes you deep in the woods, urchil parasite stuck in butt (YAY!), etc. But it's still cheating ...and now mods find people abuse this cheat and punish the player by time skipping forward one hour when you do this soft cheat... still worth it to get the elusive parasite, and you can always load a save, reset the events by enter the lake and back to the forest.

hope this little guide helps!

Hope this doesn't gets lost like all my game recommendations lately

If i am allowed to ask for a little improve. and that is parasite removal. please add an option menu to ask Harper which parasite you want removed from PC, its not like Harper know what is that is troubling him/her. because, darn it! the process takes all of them in one go, even the butt parasite which is extremely hard to get. Harper should only remove one at a time and the one you want. this is all, thanks!

Parasite make your penis grow , your breast grow and your butt grown, urchile i mean, (or how they are spell, sorry English is not my main language) but if there one you will want to get remove are the penis and breast once they get to the desired size, which is wise to do as this creeps raise arousal, more if you chose super sensitive parts in start up game like I did.
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Dec 10, 2019
anyone have 2.3.2 game? I wanna play with that til the new mod comes out for 2.7

EDIT: Nvm found my backup on my usb XD
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
If i am allowed to ask for a little improve. and that is parasite removal. please add an option menu to ask Harper which parasite you want removed from PC, its not like Harper know what is that is troubling him/her. because, darn it! the process takes all of them in one go, even the butt parasite which is extremely hard to get. Harper should only remove one at a time and the one you want. this is all, thanks!
Back awhile ago,(several "up-dates" ago), I made a similar request to Vrelnir. Their comment at the time was, that it was a good idea, and they would work to add that choice of which parasites to remove, as in , Nipples, or Clit, or both, (at that time there was NO "ass parasite") .

Guess, they are/were waiting for "other" parasites to be added, before adding the options, of "removal choices" ?:oops:

Hopefully, with more requests for this "option", it will finally get done.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
so the mod dosent work anymore?
If this is the Mod your speaking of, " Not-so premium Mod " , The dev is currently working on it , to work with all the changes that were made during v.2.7 +.

Suggest you go to their Post Thread, to find out more information.

Degrees of Lewdity Not-so premium Mod [v2.0] [LoL747]
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Game Developer
Oct 3, 2017
Is it just me, or is there no actual way to get back to town from the woods?

The only way I ever get out, when "heading to town", while in the woods, is after I have been completely raped by every woodland creature and a nurse comes to bring me back to life. It literally seems like a one-way trip. Is the "head to town", just a troll option?

Oh and the less chance of being harassed, is honestly a joke, because you can't leave, so even 10% chance is 100% chance, over and over again... Add a pack of wolves, and now 10% is actually 800% chance, before a nurse comes to pull you out.

Makes no sense to take 1 step in, and need 100+ steps to get out. I could understand if it took 4x longer to get out, if you were a total idiot with no sense of direction. (No science {sense of direction}, history {knowledge of woods}, math {logic}, or strength {ability to push through thickets}) But, I went in with a gaggle of friends and even then I can't seem to get out.

Also, I seem to have a vagina when my clothing gets wet... as a guy with a penis.

No umbrella? I could understand if it blows-away at times, in certain places... or it gets stolen...

Are ALL the options needed, for actions? Why not have, one of seven "types" of actions available? Select one and it shows the options for what you can do... (Select your hand, or hands, and the appropriate hand or hands options comes up.)

Many of these stacked actions just don't make sense, apparently all being done at the same time. Scrolling each time, to get through the text-wall of repeating text and also action options, is also a big hindrance. (Since you get raped with almost every other move in the game.) Cute at first, but tedious past the first 100 rapes.

Now I am being raped between class-lessons... Well, not between one, going to another... but within the same class, between the first lesson and the last lesson. But I slap them, while being raped and I get detention!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
Is it just me, or is there no actual way to get back to town from the woods?

The only way I ever get out, when "heading to town", while in the woods, is after I have been completely raped by every woodland creature and a nurse comes to bring me back to life. It literally seems like a one-way trip. Is the "head to town", just a troll option?

Oh and the less chance of being harassed, is honestly a joke, because you can't leave, so even 10% chance is 100% chance, over and over again... Add a pack of wolves, and now 10% is actually 800% chance, before a nurse comes to pull you out.

Makes no sense to take 1 step in, and need 100+ steps to get out. I could understand if it took 4x longer to get out, if you were a total idiot with no sense of direction. (No science {sense of direction}, history {knowledge of woods}, math {logic}, or strength {ability to push through thickets}) But, I went in with a gaggle of friends and even then I can't seem to get out.

Also, I seem to have a vagina when my clothing gets wet... as a guy with a penis.

No umbrella? I could understand if it blows-away at times, in certain places... or it gets stolen...

Are ALL the options needed, for actions? Why not have, one of seven "types" of actions available? Select one and it shows the options for what you can do... (Select your hand, or hands, and the appropriate hand or hands options comes up.)

Many of these stacked actions just don't make sense, apparently all being done at the same time. Scrolling each time, to get through the text-wall of repeating text and also action options, is also a big hindrance. (Since you get raped with almost every other move in the game.) Cute at first, but tedious past the first 100 rapes.

Now I am being raped between class-lessons... Well, not between one, going to another... but within the same class, between the first lesson and the last lesson. But I slap them, while being raped and I get detention!
The woods are 20 clicks end to end and yes is extreamly painful to traverse especialy when trying to get out. If you have high History(might be B or A) then you get a shortcut from the start to the lake vice versa. Or during school days(not raining) beteen at 8pm-9pm you can travel back with the other students from the lake shore.
There is talk of an "2 hand" item system coming(with umbrellas and stuff) but who knows when.
As for the Encounter actions yeah it's pretty extensive and gets bigger with more being unlocked through stat levels, but is a grind after the first 10 times it happens. At least your choices are mostly remembered from round to round so you can just scan scroll and click next. But yeah probably could be better managed.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
There's an option in settings to vastly lower scenes triggered by allure such as rapes and such. Easymode (I'm pretty positive that option requires a restart) allows you to basically tell your rapers to leave you alone and they will without a skill check involved. Umbrellas/raincoats have been requested pretty regularly now and I doubt it's not being considered. There's also a cheats option that allows you to access some cheats and adjust things which is helpful for beginners until you can get your feet wet, just be aware that using it during a scene is not recommended as any adjustments made in the cheats menu actively advances the game a turn and can bug scenes, so do them in your room to be safe. On the streets or at school, basically anywhere where a scene can proc, the cheats menu can trigger a scene if it's queued to happen next "turn" if that makes sense. The good news is that you can pretty much adjust everything in there from named NPC stats, your own stats, clothing conditions like wear-and-tear or wetness levels, money, even pass the time in much longer intervals than a few minutes if you need to skip ahead quickly to a specific day of the week, useful for getting some events done quicker and such.

Also, I would highly recommend checking out the wiki for looking stuff up.
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Feb 25, 2018

I want to make this part disappear in the Enable image setting state.
Is it impossible at the moment?


Active Member
Nov 18, 2018
Nope (unless removing the specific image files works, but I think that just bugs the image system outright...might be worth trying), maybe (no one's asked for that that I've seen), and nope (people have asked for that, it's on the list I think).


Jul 1, 2017
I have been following this work for a long time and it never fails to impress me how far it has come. Although and yes, I've always had some doubts. I apologize in advance if they have already been answered in past posts.

It is planned to add new positions or views to the scenes H?

Is it planned to add other places to sleep other than asylum, cabin, cave of wolves or others of equal mechanics?
Places like a house you buy or rent, or a secret den like a tree house or a personal hiding place?

It is planned that there are endings or the game will be infinite and everyone decides when to end when they stop playing?

And finally, although its base is to be an HTML game, is there a possibility that sound will be implemented? Sound not in itself for the scenes (which would be pretty good) but in general. Sounds for the streets, school, park or when it rains. Or if that is too complicated, ambient music that drives not only the general moments, but, as an example, when you go to the forest and start to be hunted, does the music change or become faster or slower, to give a tone of anxiety?

In advance, thanks for your time to everyone who has taken the time to read here.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2019
I have been following this work for a long time and it never fails to impress me how far it has come. Although and yes, I've always had some doubts. I apologize in advance if they have already been answered in past posts.

It is planned to add new positions or views to the scenes H?

Is it planned to add other places to sleep other than asylum, cabin, cave of wolves or others of equal mechanics?
Places like a house you buy or rent, or a secret den like a tree house or a personal hiding place?

It is planned that there are endings or the game will be infinite and everyone decides when to end when they stop playing?

And finally, although its base is to be an HTML game, is there a possibility that sound will be implemented? Sound not in itself for the scenes (which would be pretty good) but in general. Sounds for the streets, school, park or when it rains. Or if that is too complicated, ambient music that drives not only the general moments, but, as an example, when you go to the forest and start to be hunted, does the music change or become faster or slower, to give a tone of anxiety?

In advance, thanks for your time to everyone who has taken the time to read here.
1) Probably planned.
2) Yes appartments will be added much much later when Vrel thinks the game is "ready" for it.
3) Probably not a hard ending. questlines with their own "endings/resolutions" sure but will probable go for a year or so untill content runs out.
4) Vrel has stated they would like to add music but to what extent or even if it will happen IDK.
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