Gotta give props when deserved, making this stuff is an enormous effort that often has no payback.
The other thing that springs to mind (The thread making me start a new game for the heck of it), it's nice (and great for replay) That the NPC's genders are mutable (both in the sense that they can be set to be random, and that the player has the choice to set them before hand). I see two issues with this though;
It's obvious that pre-planned scenes are harder like this, though using the combat mechanic to resolve helps get around this, pre-written bits get weird, either exclusinary to one NPC gender, or simply strangely set up. The 'obvious' fix is to make two events, one for each NPC gender (Depending on the 'gender' of that half, bust or crotch as the scene demands, as flashing scenes would 100% fall into this blanket issue). Of course this too is lots of writing work scene to scene. Depending in your opnions, you could always take the CoC solution to this issue (which is to farm out scenes of particular characters to different people).
The biggest issue to me is actually easy to fix, which is NPC names. It's super wierd when Eve spawns as male, or Mason female just because of the linguisticly gendered nature of a lot of those names. I'd alternate names in cases of those to be more male or female sounding (Eve becomes Adam, Mason becomes Madison, etc), or to spend a lot of time finding gender neutral names. This could of course be US culture issues, not sure since language / nationality has a lot of differences in gender naming coventions and the like, so maybe I'm just biased in this one.