As one of the quiet Whitney fans who enjoy the abuse, I thought I should speak up in his/her favor. I'm not sure if Whitney's my favorite love interest, but I definitely hope for more content featuring them, if only because school takes up a significant amount of our in-game time, so it's probably the best place to have more stuff added, IMO. Personally I'd probably enjoy a massive expansion of Leighton stuff more, with the principal forcing us into all sorts of depravity, but that'd almost certainly run afoul of you non-subby types who - for some bizarre reason I'll never be able to comprehend - want to have, ugh, agency and choice in what lewd stuff happens to you.
Actually, that hits on my main problem with Whitney's stuff - that you need to have high levels of lewd stats to pursue a proper romance with them. I wanna be a wholesome, pure, innocent cinnamon bun who gets forced into perverse stuff, whereas Whitney's current content requires me to be an increasingly enthusiastic participant. This isn't really bad, but it doesn't quite scratch my particular kink itches.
That's true of most of the love interests, actually - Eden and Kylar share the problem that they both end up genuinely caring about my character, even if it's in a messed up and possessive way, and thus can't be as cruel as I'd prefer. Avery is kind, courteous, and even romantic as long as I do what they tell me to, and even pays me! Blech! I don't want a partner who considers me valuable! Robin and Sydney are both cool in their own way, but in the former's case I want them to be corrupted along side me, and in the latter's case I don't wanna be the one doing the corrupting. The animals are great, but their content is also kinda necessarily limited. I haven't actually done much with Alex, because from everything I've read the farm is basically just an enormous, endless black hole of time and money.
The ultimate irony of DoL's love interests is that the game is probably the closest a game can get to perfectly hitting on my particular, subby kinks, but every major, developed character I can have complex interactions with has just enough redeeming qualities or gives just enough agency to me in the relationship that I genuinely prefer the company of the randomly-generated rapists, because at least they're willing to take what they want from me regardless of my preferences/choices. TLDR: thank you for a fantastic game, devs, but gimme unapologetically and uncompromisingly scummy Ugly Bastard romantic partner!