Update: For those who wanted this remake, RStar8 said I could go ahead and do the remake since he is very new to both renpy and porting. (So am i technically
) I started on it yesterday, though I am doing it different than my Elena's Life remake... since the orig did not have speech images or any individual talking images and stayed mostly to widescreen renders, and talking without anything but RPGM background. It did already have a lot of black screen talking as well, so when the orig talked while the rpgm screen was showing I went with black screen when short dialog and doing screen captures for long periods (I did use one for the city image for when she is transitioning between places.)... I can go back later and put background images in for these instances if it seems to pull people out of the moment seeing that RPGM background...
I have the first 4 days done but am going to wait to release the first version until I get much more done, and decide fully on the background issue.
Any thoughts upon this remake are welcome. How many days are there in the full? hmmm
OH I'm also ditching the whole mood thing so no limitations other than the choices made in that respect. no "I'm not in the mood to do that" crap
the intelligence restrictions should play out fine with a structured pathing, as orig you could totally miss out on going to library if not paying attention...