Hi guys, this MF made a new game called MILF trouble? I looked at my SS subscription history Eromersive page gone and changed to MILF Trouble page, I just checked the art style is really similar lmao
the game looks quality wise really like his previous game just way more bland and mainstream with a typical harem story… yeah, no. Even he would have treated most of us better i would still dislike the direction. We already have enough games like that.
the game looks quality wise really like his previous game just way more bland and mainstream with a typical harem story… yeah, no. Even he would have treated most of us better i would still dislike the direction. We already have enough games like that.
I've been around since the games first released but i'll admit i don't visit the threads that often as others unless the game is updated or its one i'm bummed out got canceled so i must have missed those post