Alright, v.04.1 has arrived!
I have spent the last week playing through this over and over and have fixed an enormous amount of things that were reported, every note I got was addressed and while this is a much, much smoother playing experience am sure there are still bugs in some form. If you play v.04.1 and find one, shout it out in the bug-report channel on the discord (or just yell about it here, someone's bound to get it to me eventually). I wasn't able to figure out the android version, but for those of you that want to play on your phones the Compressed version works well on Joiplay, and I've pinned a short guide on how to do so in the OP.
I'll be gone after tomorrow for ~ a week before diving in to Sabrina and v.05, but I want to thank anyone that's played so far and enjoyed the game - especially Count Morado, you fucking saint of the seven seas, I don't know how you find the time/drive to answer everyones questions on here but I appreciate you so much for doing so.
Alright, that's enough from me, happy gaming, I'll catch y'all later. (I'll be streaming the first half of new scene art for Sofia's History class tonight at 5PM PST, and the rest of it tomorrow at 10AM PST)