I tested the game... Since the game is on RPG Maker MZ, i cannot open it on Windows 8.1 or last versions with out having a headcheack... First because a stupid error to load graphics on the game.exe application, that means you need a Windows 10 or superior (and no, my graphics cards are in the last update so is not that the real problem here), i imagined could be the OpenGL since that stupid RPG Maker uses WebGL as default language, but again no... I used a program to simulate Open Gl/DirectX to run it and the same error occours... So, i try to run the "index" HTML file, and works, but that shit is to slow that i can't even pass the intro! Can't you find a plugin that allows the game how more fast or at least it work on olders PCs, or try make the game on RPG Maker MV or VXAce...?