RPGM - Demon Deals [v0.06a Public] [Breadman Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    DB Cooper

    The static art here is decent and the animations are slightly below average. I'm not bothered by the RPGM engine either. What tanks the rating for me is the dialogue. It's not even poorly written, there is just way too much of it.

    What inspired this review was playing through the big titty goth girl story. Spoilers to follow:
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    I damn near threw my computer out the window. If I wanted to listen to a girl talk about her feelings until she was too tired to fuck, I would just get a real girlfriend. I am playing this game for smut, give me the smut.

    I want to give this game a 1 for wasting so much of my time, but realistically I like other things about the game enough that it would be a 5 for me if they reined in the overwrought dialogue, so I will put it at a 2. You can add the 3 stars I am leaving off if you're into slow burn games.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art? Yep! Nice animations? Yep! Huge tits? Yep! Rpgm is what it is, I don't mind it. The story is whatever but interesting enough, the characters stand out more than the narration. The biggest downside is the slow update interval, but quality takes time I guess.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Nobody Cares

    This is the sort of game I WISH I could make.

    The premise is interesting and the writing is excellent. Instead of ignoring reality, the author carefully uses plot, characters and worldbuilding to keep the player involved in this absurd yet solid story.

    The art is also very cartoony, exagerrated in all the right ways. The illustrations are all well drawn and beautifully animated. There also is a lot of them, quality and quantity seldom come together yet here they are.

    The updates may be few and far between, but each one brought a lot of new content so far. Enough for hours of happy fapping. This is how it's done, folks.

    As much as I try, and believe me I tried, I truly can't find anything I dislike about this game. I strongly advice everyone to play this and toss a coin to the developers. They deserve it!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    As a new player, 0.5 felt pretty good time to jump in the hype train. Nice amount of content and places to explore. I like the art and the story has a good mix of cheesy porn and supernaturalism. Female characters look good and there is pretty much something for everyones taste. The problem is that many characters only have one h-animation or just teasing. I know that the game is still in development but I rather take more complete storylines and less characters than vice-versa. All in all it’s a very promising game that will hopefully get better by every new patch.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The highest quality h game that there is, with the most transparent and informative dev that there is. The only issue someone could have is it being in RPGM. I suppose the only other issue is a little too much ambition in the release schedule, but that's hardly a bad thing, and I'll gladly wait.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Cool game. Great art, quest based, sandbox style. Loads of fun and really well written.

    A great example of how to apply "porn logic" into a game with giant boobs, giant MC dick and corruption with feelings. VERY VERY well written.

    Navigation is a breeze, fast skip is there, hide panel, a replay room, and can revisit old scenes at will.

    Beautiful art, a little over the top, but its a fun porn romp.

    Highly recommend and hope the dev continues, love to see how it all plays out, plus there has been so much at .5 I have no idea where it is going to go. I mean really, at .5 done so much, and so many major plot points..no idea where it will go next.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    very impressive game. after a long time, im hooked. god damn those animations. lovely character design, where there is big boobies, there is hope for great content and the designers deliver! raunchy corruption and fun dialogues make it engaging. excellent work guys. this will be one of my all time favorites.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Honeslty, I've got nothing bad to say about this game. At the point of this review (0.5) there's a bunch of scenes (which just get better the more u play). The characters are hot; the guide is easy to follow; there isn't a lot of grind required. Lovely game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Demon Deals is probably the best incest based rpgm game. Art, animation and sound of this is totally awesome. The thing that catches me about this game is the games really emphasize on small things and take it to next lvl which is rare to see in most of rpgm games. Most importantly the story of this game is also interesting. If someone looking for mom-son based rpgm game then this is the game.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3134271

    Demon Deals is a harem game that covers a lot of familiar ground. It's an RPGMaker game starring an unassuming everyman who, through magical means, acquires a comically large penis and must seduce and breed 30 women, including his family members, or his soul is forfeight.

    If you're into the festishes on display here, you really cannot do better than Demon Deals (there are several games that hit the exact same marks as DD as well). Where it stands heads and toes above its kin is its presentation. The western cartoony art style, while extremely exaggerated, is incredibly expressive. The fundamentals of cartooning (timing/squash and stretch, etc) are in full swing. There are minor nitpicks you could make about small things (sometimes hands or feet are a little wonky), but it's not really worth bringing up.

    Another trait that sets DD apart from its contemporaries is the amount of effort that goes into the worldbuilding, characters, and the conceit of the fetishes. Like, an unprecedented level of effort has gone into covering every reason why the protagonist would be in a situation to seduce his own family. In other games featuring this stuff, you just go with the flow and suspend your disbelief. But here, each little detail ties into making the contrivance feel organic.

    For instance (minor spoilers ahead), you end up cuckholding your dad. How? Well, you move into a new place, and your parents are helping you unpack. Turns out your sleepwalking medicine went missing, and your parents go back home to look. During this whole debacle, you enter into a contract with a succubus who demands you breed women in exchange for anatomical enhancements.

    A quick inspection around your new place reveals your dumbass dad packed your phone in a box full of textbooks. You borrow a phone to call your mom. She yells at your dad and offers to stay at your place until your medicine can be replaced, to keep an eye on you. Turns out you need to be physically exhausted to not sleepwalk. It's suggested not only exercise, but masturbation, but it turns out you can't orgasm unless it's with a female companion. Your mom doesn't know that, and you tell her that 1) you dont have internet, so no porn 2) you don't know any girls around. So now the pressure is on. In a short time, it establishes the stakes, an external conflict to getting laid, the fact your mom isn't satisfied with your loser father, and why you'd be shacked up with your mom in the first place with next to no options besides pursuing the fetishes this game is delivering on. Efficient and to the point.

    So, the conceits are in another class, as is the writing, characterisation, and art. It avoids a lot of go-to tropes and cliches (the sister isn't a bitch and the mom isn't a slut who's about to jump on the protagonists dick with the smallest push). Just seeing the sheer amount of effort here is worth it.

    But, it has downsides too. There's a few bugs, sure, but there's also a bit of the grindy factor in certain parts. Getting through a school day is grindy and cannot be averted until you finish it, so you'll be going through repetitive stuff over and over. The combat is an attempt at Action RPG stuff, but the engine is not really built for that, and it's awkward to play and not very fun. Sometimes the interface is clunky and non responsive. You can exit every menu with keyboard strokes but not the map for some reason. The pacing in parts could be better. That, and due to the sheer amount of work the dev puts into it, following this game during production can make it feel like a slowburn.

    But these are all minor criticisms. If you're into what Demon Deals has to offer, you will have a blast. Throw the author some bucks over on patreon, to keep em supported. I don't want this game to die.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly a well thought out and lovingly made game.

    The story paces itself just right. The progression between MC and Leslie (Mom) is just WOW.

    The animation and artwork is done very well. There is a variety of shapes and sizes but all lean to the buxom side.

    The gameplay works well (use the map, it saves a ton of time!)

    Finally, and this really sets it apart from many other solid games - the devs are responsive on Discord and its clear that they put a lot of love into their work.

    This is truly one of the best out there. Breadman and team, i wish you the best (and $10 a month!) for DD, you guys have a gem.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Good art and sexy ladies. The sprites for major characters are all custom made. Writing is passable. Has a game maker map meaning it's pointlessly huge and you know most of it will never be used or have one building used. At least this game has a map.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great writing, great art, little to no bugs, 10/10. This is one of the better games out there. Looking forward to following the updates. The fam is my favorite but the side character are pretty well fleshed out.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    So glad this game is kept being updated! Great setting, characters, art, scenes (with sounds). Just amazing if you love this kind of game of course, curvy, sexy ladies and an MC who isn't a dick (why oh why every time?). This game is in my top 5 of anticipated updates easily! My only slighty critique would be some of the bugs, but it's a rpgm game after all so I guess that's part of the package, lots of moving parts I guess
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Godlike, a unique jewel that i wish could find a proper rival. Breadman and the team are amazing! and they really try to focus in a way where only the profesionalism and a good creator-supporter enviroment stays as a golden rule. Keep on track and best of the best to the team and you, my reader.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastic game filled with freedom to explore and interact with the world as you see fit. I absolutely adore the art style and the exaggerated proportions from the MC. There is plenty of hours worth of exploration and content, and I only wish there was more! Incredible work, I can't wait for the next update :)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Top notch game. The MC and the women have very sexy proportions. There's a good variety of body types and costumes, but no boring unsexy ones. I love the cartoony big lip bimbo style.
    This is a great example of "show don't tell". Scenes have unique art, including MC staring at sexy women, women noticing MC's dong, details like reactions, eye gaze, even penis twitching, etc. It doesn't overexplain in text. And I like the suggestive buildup scenes, not only instant sex.
    Also very nice cumshot animations!
    I think RPGM adds a lot of immersion over just VN. Some of the quests also require interacting with things on the map.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game, so far nice art, nice story and scenes
    Let's see how it depolved and how the critical parts of the game evolved, is easy to start a game but finish it, it's the complex part, when the game keeps updating i will update my opinion
    Buen juego hasta ahora, buen arte, buena historia y buenas escenas
    Vamos a ver como evoluciona y como las partes vitales del juego evolucionan, es facil empezar un juego pero terminarlo es lo complejo, cuando se actualice seguire actualizando mi opinion
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really great, probably my favorite porn game out right now and for a long time. The story’s fine, the whole “getting a huge cock for the sole purpose of corrupting all the women around you from a demon/devil” plot point seems a little overused at this point, but I don’t mind it and it’s literally in the name of the game so like what did I expect. So the MC moves into a new house to be closer to his school but he has issues with sleepwalking and his medication for it’s missing so his sexy thicc Mom adamantly decides to stay with him so she can take care and watch over him basically. He has a classic stereotypical distant father that is absent most of the time, but he serves his purpose narratively and I prefer his dad to be this way over a fleshed out character as I like the dads in my incest games to have a minimal presence, unless they’re getting cucked. The catalyst for the incestuous events I thought was kinda random. So one day, the ever concerned Mom, who happens to be an administrator for a hospital down the street, tells MC that ejaculating is a good way to prevent his sleep walking episodes. I thought it was kind of abrupt and came out of nowhere, but only because the family dynamic and dialogue was realistic up until this point. But I can forgive this minor gripe because I’m not necessarily looking for a literary shakespearean masterpiece in my internet porn games, plus the art is freaking good .

    Speaking of the art, like I said, it’s freaking good . In some reviews, a few people say the cartoony art style detracts from the game, but I disagree, heavily. I LOVE the art and would not change it one bit. Their body proportions are PERFECT! Especially the Mom . And pardon the strange and hyperbolic choice of words but the animation for the cum shots are, like, beautiful from an artistic standpoint.

    Anyway, so Mom tells MC In a round about way that he should jerk off more to prevent his sleep walking episodes but the devil he made the deal with that gave him his huge cock made it so that he can’t reach climax by himself, another person has to help him. So of course his mother helps him! What good caring porn mom wouldn’t? As simple and, you could say, unoriginal as the plot is I still really like it. I want my Mommies to be a caring and nurturing maternal figure, and this type of setting highlights those qualities most excellently.

    In classic RPGM Porn Game fashion, the game will throw you into a sandbox mode after the initial introduction. In other RPGM games, this would be the point where I would find the task system to be boring, grindy, and arbitrary, probably in an effortless attempt to fluff gameplay content. And I would click off, never to play it again. This game’s non-porn gameplay segment is simpler and more out of the way than most. You do house chores which take like 3 irl seconds while your Mom is at work and she gives you an allowance for it every morning after during breakfast. Straight forward and to the point. It also immerses you more in the world and solidifies the idea that this busty buxom MILF is actually your MOM dude!!

    In other games there would be so many prerequisites for the H scenes, you gotta do this, and that, gotta talk to him, and her, gotta buy some wine for your mom with money that you don’t have cus the money generation system is so unintuitively boring and tedious that you don’t even do it. But not this game! All you have to do are your chores and hang out with your hot MILF of a Mom! So after the inital “So, yeah son, you should jerk off and cum more to prevent sleep walking “ part. The pacing of the story finds itself again. At the time of this review there are only about four or five H scenes with dear old Mom but the build up for them is so good that it elevates them. Which is saying a lot because a handjob is currently the furthest we’ve gotten with her, but the “more realistic than other games” pacing of the story makes it pay off. In other games, handjobs would be like a gateway or cliffhanger to actual sex. In this game they are hot enough to be actual main sex scenes. Which is awesome, because when they actually do have sex in the future it’s going to be the best fucking thing ever.

    There are other girls in this game but most of them are not fleshed out, many only have 1 interaction sequence with the MC, but they all adequately serve their purpose of fleshing out the world and making is seem like an actual lived in city. MC also has a sister If I didn’t mention. There is a third overarching subplot besides the devil deal/ sleepwalking ejaculation therapy that is actually quite interesting. Earlier in the story we meet a MILF with the biggest ass evar!1! and her hot daughter. Said giant ass MILF sees our giant cock and wants to fuck, but she’s late for something and has to leave. We get back to Mom who is distraught and says that we have an emergency family get together with an estranged relative (her sister), surprise, surprise, the MILF with the huge ass is our Aunt! I thought this was quite a fun twist and was eager to see where it would lead to but both Aunt and Cousin only have 1 scene so far. I have encountered one bug so far that made the overworld in some of my saves all purple or blacked out, however reloading the save appears to fix it.

    However, despite the minor bugs and most women besides the Mom having scarce content, I’d say this game is a net postive. Mostly because the art style and the pacing of the mother son relationship is that good. Especially the pacing of the mother son relationship. This is probably the first and only RPGM where I actually don’t mind the non porn segments of the game AKA the grind system. I’m really not that interested in non-familial side characters in my Incest porn games so the lack of content for them in the current iteration of the game does not bother me at all. Actually if I could have it my way, I’d have the dev focus 100% on the Mother/Son aspect of the game, everyone else be damned! Including the sister!

    I give this game a 9.5/10. 10 when they start fuckin’.
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Doctor Shark

    Review v0.04.1

    The preview images look great and the other reviews made this sound like a fun corruption game but I just couldn't get into it because the first few days are so tedious. It's one of those games with a huge RPG Maker map (thankfully there's fast travel) but everything is closed or empty so all you can do is skip time until evening in order to advance the plot. Then you do that again the next day and that was enough for me.

    I'd like to give it another try in the future. Maybe it does get much better if you stick with it.