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Thanks so much for a wonderful game. Just ran through 0.6.3 and aside from 3 acceptions in a Judy scene that I was unable to re-create, no issues. "Ignore" worked fine & there was no CTD or anything.
Truly a masterpiece of Indy development. Reminds me of some of the better Jap VN's in thoroughness.
My only true regret is that I will have to shelve this title for a while so I don't get obsessed and wind up running through the game at every update, thereby cheapening the experience each time. I will truly have a difficult time taking a 6 month or so hiatus, but I've chased a few games like a fan-boy and it just made me tired of the plot for the additional scene or 3 that usually comes with the average Patreon project.
I noticed you were looking for forums etc.. a few pages back. I have 1 or 2 that haven't been mentioned.
Mind-control based game forum (if I'm guessing the plot right, then I think there's a to-be-seen drug component)
There is also
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that is pretty much dominated by Pytfall by Xela & Dark TI. Dunno if this would be worth pursuing though.
Thanks again for a well written, well thought out game. The Mi-Do plot is interesting to me since just before I got to Korea, they outlawed selling daughters into the sex trade. I think the 2nd year I was there, they started importing Filipinas for that on 1 year contracts, but there were still plenty of korean girls working off papa's debt (not a stretch to go from sex slave to wife with no rights). Carli plot interests me as well, since I've actually had a romantic relationship with a "working girl". Such a breath of fresh air in this incest-crazed genre. Well, at least the loli craze seems to have calmed down, I'm sure Patreon has more to do with that than anything else.