How much frustration in your statements, but I enjoy your opinion because it apparently hit the target. It hurt another who releases the game version 000000.1 and is waiting for support from patreon and does not like him any criticism distracting these sponsors
What are you even saying?
What hit what target? And what hurt who?
Geez, figure out what you're trying to say before writing it maybe? How am I supposed to respond to stuff that's incomprehensible? Spell it out for me, because I don't speak whatever language you've invented.
And no, there's no frustration on my part, thank you for misreading that. It's amusement. You heard of smiley faces? They look like this:

Now read the post above and see if you can spot it.
And you still failed to explain any of your actions. I wonder why?
What exactly are you hoping to achieve? What's the point in all of this?
What great grand cause are you fighting your zealous little crusade for, mhm?
I just went through your posting history.
Odd, that. Every single post is a complaint, an accusation, an attempt to insult people, etc.
13 Posts in total.
You started with trash talk in "Motherlove" and kept trolling in that thread for 5 posts in March 26 to August 15. No other comments anywhere else.
Then you went to Depraved Life (this thread) and your first post, again, is trash talk.
Then you went to Milf City and for 4 posts kept writing nothing but stuff like "I didn't even play it" "I tell you, this game is dead" and other comments.
Then you went to Dual Family, threw insults at the developer there.
Then you went to Behind The Walls and trash talked that product.
And then you came back here and did nothing but trash talk for the last 4 posts.
So...which alt account are you? Kermit79's?
Because not even one single post in the entire history of your presence here on F95 has been anything but insults, trash talk, complaints and negativity. You were registered over 2 years ago, even before I made my account here, and you got 13 posts filled with nothing but hateful, spiteful comments directed against other people of the community and especially against devs.
Guess we found ourselves proof that this is troll infested territory.
Guess what?
I just went through Kermit79's history.
Guess where most of his posts can be found?
never believe this!
Most of his posts are in the
same threads as yours! Even though he only has less than 40, almost all his posts are in the
same threads, as if by some miracle!
Isn't that
odd. What a
miraculous coincidence?
He posted most of his posts in "Milf City".
Sounds familar? The same thread you were in.
He posted in Behind the walls. Nothing but insults again. The same thread you posted in.
He posted in Motherlove. Can you guess who also posted there?
Pretty much every single thread that you have one of your comments also one in which Kermit79 has one of his posts.
What an incredibly
unusual coincidence.
Just a few dozen comments on his part and just a bit more than a dozen on your end. And somehow, they keep popping up in the
same places.
You got caught.
(Lol, even your recent activity profile is matching. And you keep somehow finding and liking each others comments. God damn is it obvious)