is this the full version, no bugs?
It is the Official Release. You can tell it by the version containing the suffix 'a'. The version with suffix 'b' ( Public Release ) and/or 'c' are additional releases that will address bugs that are found in the previous release, and/or add community made language translation. BETA build is not a release, so that one doesn't count, it is officially does not exists

Can't say that there is no bugs at all, depends on your previous choices

. I play the 'canon' path, where I unlocks all the quests ( all the contents ) and there is no bugs ( game breaking, missing assets, continuity/consitency error, or broken feature ).
However, on another playthrough where I locked out the 'optional' factions ( Mutants and Raiders ), there are at least 3 bugs, the quest marker ! didn't disappear from the Common Rooms icon, there is no End of Contents marker at the top right corner of the mansion 'view' and the discussion about the overpass settlement that should not be there ( details
here ). These bugs are 'low' priority since they aren't game breaking and most likely not found because there aren't many that play the 'non-canon' path.