
New Member
Jun 24, 2022
Probably the (will be introduced in the next updates) brother of Omar... xD /s

No, jokes aside, I like where the game goes and how the characters are done. It's really one of a few.
Jun 16, 2022
You're free to determine the level of blood "kinship" in the main family according to your tastes. Once you have started the game, you can reach the menu and edit the relationships from a dedicated feature. A couple specific relationships trigger dedicated dialogue options. (I don't remember which ones specifically, and it's mostly cosmetic, no dedicated plotlines, just for the dialogues to make sense).

In any way that matters, Zahra and Zaton are the parents of both girls, who consider themselves siblings of one another.
Whether by blood or for having raised them does not change the emotional and familial connections and roles.
They are the ones who have raised them.
I mean, you could go with the whole roomies thing but... Why?

Other than that, it is for now hard coded that Rabiah and Zahra are actual sisters (although we do not specify if by blood or, again, by having been raised by the same parents), Nadia is Rabiah's actual daughter, and she had her before she met/married Omar, with another undefined man.
What is established today is still subject to revision as the game development proceeds, should we deem it necessary (we try not to write ourselves in a corner though, so...).
Until it's finished, it remains a work in progress.

That said, you are free to fill the gaps with your imagination until we determine otherwise canonically.. if we decide to define things at all. Sometimes it's nice to leave things unanswered and open to interpretation.

I personally, as a player before being a Dev, appreciated the similar physical traits between Zahra and the girls, I see some resemblance between her and her sister Rabiah, and also between Rabiah and her daughter, so you can imagine how I have defined the relationships in my main playthrough. Then again, the web is full of pictures of dogs and dog owners that look alike and are obviously not related
Makes sense. I will have to one day go back and explore the beginning to pick up on that oversight by me. Either way, like you said, Ain and Shani are both my daughters either way, and I love them all the same. Also, I didn't know Omar wasn't the father of Nadia. Thanks for pointing that out as well. Lastly, the similarities between Zahra and the girls don't bother me, I just found the fact more so cool going off of my preconceived notion about Zaton/Zahra's relations to Ain/Shani. This comment was extremely informative. Thanks again for the insight.
Jun 16, 2022
Then that is the end of the current patch. I don't have the game installed at the moment to look things over, but the quests should say something along the lines of: "There's no more content within this update." I believe all but one says that. If you have visited Zahra's sister, met Kyra/Asha once again at the highway settlement, came across the Stalker hideout with Shani, and lastly had that late night sex scene with Ain, that's all of update 10. Especially, if you refuse to help the mutants (I won't spoil that storyline). If there's something I miss, please correct me.
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Oct 9, 2019
I believe i am soft-locked, i did the highway settlement quest and since then there is nothing new to do, i can't sleep at the mutants, nothing at rabiah and in the house i think i did everything there is to do and repeated all possible options. i also skipped a lot of days but idk.


Feb 1, 2020
I just came to post my thoughts & see the conversation started by GoldenEyeDrake, lol.

Anyway. I think the family definition in this game has potential beyong the whole patron dodge thing. Given the whole Temple mothers system & other dialogue, it can be made so that the official system is that all children are taken by the temple when born & then people can adopt them based on suitability, like a singer adopting a sweet sounding kid.

As this system became more & more established, the definition of 'daughter' went through subtle changes & became more like apprentice/servant/student/ward/slave/heir/wife/lover/concubine & less "blood-related offspring". So the sexual interactions with 'daughters' became common & accepted, not incestuous, leading to the current situation. (Age limit before adoption protects young children)
(For ppl interested in incest, MC used his position to get his own daughters back when adopting.)

Imo this would make a more interesting setting than just having the MC openly have incest without raising any eyebrows because officially they are "roommates"

Having social norms & monikers twisted in a dystopian setting makes it have more depth. Like you can see the slow descent from modern civilization to dystopia through this mutation of a common social relation & how it was currently perceived as...
ZetanDS thoughts? Sorry in advance for bothering you. :p
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Active Member
Oct 21, 2020
Remembrance We have gone for an in between solution by not declaring things to be either one way or the other, which allows for both paths to coexist. In practice it already is how you propose it to be.

in other words, the model you propose, which we can find, with some differences, in ancient Sparta or in the Zulu under Shaka Zulu, is what inspired the whole Children of Zeta business, which does follow roughly your idea... the Vessels procreate with the purpose of breeding soldiers and workers both for the central authorities (the Palace, The Temple and the Army), and for those who cannot procreate themselves (elder couples, queer couples, single men and women and so on)...Children are recruited/assigned according to their inclination and/or the needs of the city.
Next to this, couples who can procreate and do so are free to either hand over their children to the Temple or to keep them and raise them themselves.
As a player, you are free to decide which way you would prefer things to have gone in the case of Zaton and Zahra.

If in your head-canon all children are passed through the Temple system and are Children of Zeta, that's fine and will probably not be contradicted explicitly in the lore. Potentially the argument can be made that children handed over to the Temple, can be, on request, reassigned to their natural birth parents. We will also not explicitly state that all children go through this process, allowing the player to make up their minds about it.
In other words, it's up to your preference. If incest skeeves you out, then go for the "they are Children of Zeta" route, if not, keep it as is....either way, Ain and Shani regard Zaton and Zahra as their parents, which kind of renders the whole "let's not make it actual blood incest" point a little moot.

As to why incest has become acceptable in this society... it has mostly to do with scarcity of alternatives, with how the few people who started to rebuild and who eventually built Zeta were forced into that or going extinct... we are handwaving the whole incest=genetic defects issue by (at least in my mind) having moved past that particular issue through advancements in medicine and genetic therapy well before the whole End of Days scenario came to be.
In other words, humanity had cured cancer, aids and whatnot else before the End of Days and, incidentally, brought humanity to an evolution point where also inbreeding would not be source of medical issues.... that, at least, is how I personally rationalise the handwave of this particular plothole. (it, combined with several centuries of survival of the fittest, also explains how come most people you see on screen have athletic builds).


Lezz kiss for peace!
Feb 7, 2018

Hey again! We have started integrating the new scenes in the game (coding/music/etc.) while the remaining parts are rendering. More than 40 animations have been rendered so far (both NSFW and story ones) and I am actually considering to get a third rendering PC to get all the pre-posed scenes rendered quicker if that remains a bottleneck in the future.

I think we're getting closer to the release, and the current plan is for the Beta to be out in the first week of November. Maybe it can come out sooner, around Halloween, but it's a bit unlikely still.

Oh, and yes, I said last week I was considering an additional scene. And we think it's about time Zahra has a nightly talk with the MC about everything that's happened.... in a sexy dress.

Render progress:
Ivy's scene: 100%
Shani's mission pt.2: 90%
Kitty's scene: 90%
Kateryna's scene: 90%
Zahra's sleepover: 90%
Zahra's scene: 20%

d1e (Zahra's introduction): 50%
(More to follow...)


Feb 1, 2020
Remembrance We have gone for an in between solution by not declaring things to be either one way or the other, which allows for both paths to coexist. In practice it already is how you propose it to be.

in other words, the model you propose, which we can find, with some differences, in ancient Sparta or in the Zulu under Shaka Zulu, is what inspired the whole Children of Zeta business, which does follow roughly your idea... the Vessels procreate with the purpose of breeding soldiers and workers both for the central authorities (the Palace, The Temple and the Army), and for those who cannot procreate themselves (elder couples, queer couples, single men and women and so on)...Children are recruited/assigned according to their inclination and/or the needs of the city.
Next to this, couples who can procreate and do so are free to either hand over their children to the Temple or to keep them and raise them themselves.
As a player, you are free to decide which way you would prefer things to have gone in the case of Zaton and Zahra.

If in your head-canon all children are passed through the Temple system and are Children of Zeta, that's fine and will probably not be contradicted explicitly in the lore. Potentially the argument can be made that children handed over to the Temple, can be, on request, reassigned to their natural birth parents. We will also not explicitly state that all children go through this process, allowing the player to make up their minds about it.
In other words, it's up to your preference. If incest skeeves you out, then go for the "they are Children of Zeta" route, if not, keep it as is....either way, Ain and Shani regard Zaton and Zahra as their parents, which kind of renders the whole "let's not make it actual blood incest" point a little moot.

As to why incest has become acceptable in this society... it has mostly to do with scarcity of alternatives, with how the few people who started to rebuild and who eventually built Zeta were forced into that or going extinct... we are handwaving the whole incest=genetic defects issue by (at least in my mind) having moved past that particular issue through advancements in medicine and genetic therapy well before the whole End of Days scenario came to be.
In other words, humanity had cured cancer, aids and whatnot else before the End of Days and, incidentally, brought humanity to an evolution point where also inbreeding would not be source of medical issues.... that, at least, is how I personally rationalise the handwave of this particular plothole. (it, combined with several centuries of survival of the fittest, also explains how come most people you see on screen have athletic builds).
It's not about incest. The main point was how the term & relation of daughter was turned on it's head (from blood related offspring to a more purely social concept.)

Also, social mutation makes much more sense than inbreeding not being a issue (as long as humans have dna, genetic pool will always matter, especially if you don't have access to gene editing tech)

Also, in a city there won't be scarecity of alternatives, especially if you can just kidnap people to fill out your gene pool.
And if there were really problems with availablity of mates, there are much more drastic systems than preserving the family unit & encouraging incest.

Sorry, I'm not trying to tear down your back story, it just doesn't make as much sense.
If you really want blood related incest itself to be accepted, maybe go with the whole unscientific handwaving as you said.
But if you only care about the MC & this daughters being related, my system makes more sense over all with no need for handwaving basic genetics.

Social development (restructuring) in extreme situations is very interesting & often a very important part of dystopia.

It can be open ended, I just like world building/ world setting & hence made a theory about how the situation could come out. Logically it fits the best I think.

Also, sure children can be willingly handed over, but in a dystopia, harsher rules make more sense, rather than trying to preserve the family unit & the love between parent & child.
The system is there to match based on suitability, not to pander to soft parents wanting their children with them.
That's how I'd imagine a dystopia anyway, rules & systems uncaring about compassion or moral outrage.

Anyway, if you like incest, I'd think breaking the law to get to his daughters back would be more romantic ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

Personally I don't care about incest one waybor another. Thinking up a logically sound system & how it evolved from the modern social structure, without any unscientific hanwaving, is more interesting imo :giggle:
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